Showing posts with label Famous Therapie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Famous Therapie. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Do not think of a green giraffe - now, what did you just think of ? And by the way, I did tell you not to think of that ...
And do you usually think about what you want in your life (health and fitness, a successful career, loving relationships, financial security), or do you think about it in terms of what you don't want, (not wanting to be sick any more, the problems at work, not wanting to be in abusive relationships, not being broke all the time) ? And what did you just think of ?
You see, we get what we think about. And we think faster than we realise. And there are more cells in the human body than there are stars in five galaxies. And every cell is affected by what we think.
Makes you think, doesn't it ?
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?
NLP teaches you HOW you do what you do: HOW you take in information from the world around you, WHAT you do with that information inside your head, and HOW what you do results in states such as happiness or depression, a body that is healthy or dis-eased and behaviour that supports you in getting what you think about (which is not necessarily what you think you want).

The Neuro part of NLP refers to our neurological system and the way we use our 5 senses to translate our experience into thought processes, both conscious and unconscious. It highlights the way in which everything is part of the same whole - literally, as we think, as we speak, so we feel and we act.
Linguistic refers to how we both create and reveal to ourselves and others our unique model of the world, the way we think about it and the way we experience it. Our language speaks volumes, including sayings such as "stabbed in the back" or "one for sorrow, two for joy".
Programming refers to the processes and strategies - the specific steps we go through - to achieve the affects we get. There is sequence of thoughts and behaviours that results in our experience.

A complicated name for a simple process ?
The founders of the system were John Grinder, a linguist, and Richard Bandler, a mathematician and computer programmer who became a student of psychology. Together, at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the early 1970s, they were studying how the mind works. And when they put all the key elements of their expertise and experience together and asked themselves "What shall we call this body of work ?", the answer they came up with was Neuro Linguistic Programming.

How does it work ?
As human beings we live in a 5 sensory world. We take in all information through our 5 senses. Now, if we took in everything that comes to us at the rate of 3 million bits of information per second, we'd fry our circuits. So to deal with it - to make the pieces of information into small enough chunks to deal with - we filter the information.

Some of the filters are our perceptions of time and space, energy and matter; the language we use and our understanding of words and meanings; our memories; the unique ways we go about making decisions; the patterns we look for when selecting information; our values and beliefs and our overall attitude.
And we delete, distort and generalise information according to our unique filters.
Once we have passed incoming information through all these filters, we take what has got through and we make an internal representation of it. This internal representation is in the form of a sensory perception: a picture with sounds, feelings, tastes and smells.
The next thing that happens (instantaneously) is that we react to the internal representation and enter a corresponding state. What is a state ? Well, being happy is a state; so is depression. Being "fired up" is a state, so is tiredness or lethargy. Many people are familiar with the expression "It's a state of mind" but what's really interesting about the state is what happens next (and again, it happens instantaneously).
Firstly, it is the state that leads us to choose corresponding behaviour. Secondly, the internal representation and the resulting state have an instant reflection in our physiology. The "fight or flight" syndrome is the best known example of this. There's the caveman walking along the path and out jumps a sabre-tooth tiger. The caveman's body immediately reacts: the arousal system kicks-in, there's a surge of adrenalin into the system, the breathing rate goes up and more oxygen enters the lungs, the heart pumps the blood stronger and faster through the system and simultaneously the blood drains away from the extremities, not only so that it can be used more effectively internally but so that if the caveman decides to fight, he won't bleed so much should he be cut.
In a nutshell then, we have a process which starts with information and ends with behaviour and physical manifestation.
NLP both stems from and is an enormous and well-documented body of work. It draws from and incorporates work from the disciplines of semantics, linguistics, gestalt therapy, family therapy, behaviourism, hypnosis and quantum physics.
Studying NLP is like starting a journey - a journey into consciousness. It looks not for right or wrong choices, but for the reason (positive intention) for the choice. It looks for the patterns and draws into conversation the parts involved in creating our experience. It reveals that "the map is not the territory", our memories and woes are perceptions and we can take up a position meta to them so that we can get the learning and let go of the emotion.
The NLP journey is about increasing awareness ... increasing awareness of the information that is available to us and the realisation that we can choose how we deal with that information. We begin to see that that different choices will get different results. As our awareness increases, so we become more resourceful. By realising that we have more resources available to us than we thought, and by using more of our innate capability, we gain greater flexibility. And so we grow.
In the end, NLP is about results. By understanding the processes that we all use, we can find out exactly what it is that successful people do - and do it ourselves. And if, like most of us, there is old baggage getting in the way, let's clean it up and let it go. How do you know when you've let go of a negative emotion ? Because you can feel the difference. You can feel the difference not just in your body but in your energy levels and you can think about old events without any "heat" on the memories.
So if you know anyone who says they're "stuck" or "helpless" or they "can't" change - introduce them to NLP: the art and science of excellence, a powerful and practical approach to personal change, the new technology of achievement.
Why and for whom is NLP useful ?
 When your effectiveness depends on your ability to communicate
 When you have to get your point across to a variety of people
 When you need to be able to trigger motivation in yourself and others
 Take the pain out of implementing organisation and personal change
 Inculcate a spirit of curiosity and joy of learning
 Shorten the sales cycle and guarantee customer satisfaction
 Increase self-knowledge and self-esteem
 Improve relationships
 Take control of your own emotions
 Set goals that are really meaningful and achieve them

What do you work with ?

 Attitude - develop curiosity, flexibility and love of learning
 Relationship skills - how to get on better with anyone
 Questioning and influencing - how to gather high quality information and influence others with words
 Thinking skills - how to run your own brain
 States of Excellence - how to manage your feelings
 Beliefs - how to change them
 Purpose - what is really important to you in life
 Change Techniques - probably the most powerful and rapid change technique around
 Wisdom - to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate work - the ecology of change (if it ain't broke, don't fix it!).


MeditationMeditation means contemplation or thoughtful consideration. There are as many approaches to meditation as there are people, but the general goal agreed upon is to train the Heart-Mind to observe and then to let go of attachments in order simply to be mindful.
Meditation is an umbrella word which encompasses a multitude of techniques aimed at achieving a state of enlightenment or ecstasy or both. But despite the variety of approaches, almost every form of meditation tries to fall into one of two basic categories.
The first, on which most Christian, Sufi and yoga meditation techniques are based, is heightened concentration. The practitioner gives their undivided attention to a single idea or perception, seeking the total absorption which leads to understanding. If successful, a trance-like state ensues in which external awareness dims and the effects of competing stimuli die away. Experts believe this to be the oldest form of meditation and its advanced practice can lead to ecstatic states. The second, traditionally credited to the Buddha for its development, involves the passive examination of the changing content of individual awareness, taking care neither to select the content nor to cling to any aspect of it once another aspect arises. The aim of this type of meditation is obviously increased awareness, but it also creates a very effective channel through which previously unconscious contents may present themselves to the conscious mind. Dictionary of Mind, Body and Spirit (Campbell & Brennan)

Different masters, schools, and individuals recommend different techniques for learning to focus the mind. Some suggest being aware of one's breath rising and falling and sometimes counting the breath, maintaining mindfulness of only this activity: breathing. For others, it is recommended to listen to the sound of silence. Some masters use the ancient tradition of Kung-ans, figuring out a riddle which seems to have an obvious answer but which has a deeper level of meaning requiring great understanding and concentration to discover. What ever the method, after one begins to quiet the mind and heart, one can begin to AWAKEN to the emptiness and impermanence of all phenomena, including the products of one's ego, thoughts and feelings.
Most Masters teach that one's life should become a meditation .The mindfulness one acquires through practice of sitting meditation needs to be carried out during all of life: when talking, one is talking mindfully, when studying, studying with concentration, when resting, resting fully
Some people find it impossible to start meditating on their own and welcome joining a group where they can seek advice and practise suggested techniques. Whether you choose to meditate on your own or in a group, the procedure will be similar. Details may vary, but the basic rules are common. The key to meditation probably lies in managing to concentrate on just one thing at a time instead of on a welter of things as we normally tend to do. Reducing the flow of information and sensations we are trying to accept reduces the mental responses we have to make. This respite from any thought also diminishes stress.
Research shows that breathing, brain activity, blood pressure, and heart and pulse rate are all affected my meditation. The calm and rested feeling it produces should not only ease disorders of the moment, but also improve your ability to cope physically and mentally with forthcoming activities or future problems.

Metamorphosis Therapy

Metamorphosis Therapy
MetamorphosisThe origins of Metamorphosis
Regarded as more than an energy healing procedure, Metamorphosis is a way of life. This gentle self-healing art was developed by Robert St. John in the late 1950s. There were 3 approaches to healing that St. John was working with in the 1950s that led him to create his own approach to healing: Naturopathic medicine, the Bates Eyes System and Reflexology. With the Bates Eyes System he observed that the attitude of mind was reflected in one's eyesight. These attitudes are reflected in our personalities, emotions, physical bodies and mental attitudes. They come in with us at conception and influence how we come into life and then how we deal with it.
When St. John came across Reflexology, he felt he was getting closer to his intention of finding a means of erasing or changing these primary attitudes of mind. He also appreciated that Reflexology recognised that the body is self healing. He borrowed the idea of reflex points but used them as symbols for a period of time rather than for the physical body. He felt that reflex points acted as symbols and the level at which they worked depended on the level of intention behind them.
How does Metamorphosis work ?
Metamorphosis shifts one's understanding of illness, disease and emotional disturbance away from the physical body and towards the underlying stress patterns that permeate physical, mental and emotional levels. Incorporating the principle of stimulating the reflex points found in the feet, hands and head, St. John's Metamorphosis therapy relies on the powerful inner source of healing available to every form of life.

Blocks in the flow of consciousness express themselves in conditions of imbalance in the body and mind resulting in illness and psychological dis-ease. Blocks also keep us from being fully in the moment, where parts of the psyche are forever trapped in times linked with the experience of unhealed pain. Metamorphosis does not treat symptoms but works deeply to reach the heart of the issue and calls on each person's innate healing power to right imbalances on every level. In this regard the therapy challenges existing healing paradigms and yet provides an extremely self empowering, practical system of healing that is available to every person, from medical professional to lay person.

Disturbances of the feet are one area that gives us an idea of the underlying tensions. St. John felt that shoes are not the cause of feet abnormalities but rather the precipitator. When shoes rub on tissue with underlying tension the result is often a physical reaction. If one did not have disturbance, one would not get bunions, blisters, calluses, or other irregularities on their feet regardless of their shoes.
One of the primary principles of Metamorphosis is healing from the Inside Out. If we treat things from the inside out we focus on the underlying pattern causing the array of symptoms we all experience. This means that change is permanent. It also means that we heal and change our lives with little effort. The only effort involved is the hands-on aspect of Metamorphosis, which is simple in its approach and easy to incorporate into any lifestyle.
The benefits of working from the inside out are:
1. Simplicity
2. Responsibility and credit for healing
3. Little effort
4. Can be done on self at the time of disturbance rather than wait for a scheduled appointment.
5. Changes are permanent.

When can Metamorphosis be used ?
Typically we treat behaviour problems with modification techniques or medication. If we go from the inside out, there is little effort and no dependency. Addressing the imbalance rather than the symptom means we no longer have to continually struggle with the symptom.

If one struggles with addictions we don't try to stop the behaviour. Addictions can be to food, sex, relationships, alcohol, cigarettes, any substance usage that creates disharmony in our lives. It never works to take one's coping mechanisms away because they are needed and they are usually replaced with another one. If we change from the inside out, we come into balance within and we no longer need the object of the addiction. Going from the inside out makes this a permanent change without effort.
Understanding that behaviour problems in children are due to an underlying stress means that we don't need to teach children behaviour modification methods or medicate them for hyperactivity or ADD. Most importantly we take the focus off what is 'wrong with them'. Trying to make someone be 'other' or 'better' than they are adds to their tension.
Mental illness is an imbalance as well. Often an extreme reaction of retreat under stress in utero or in life. As one comes into balance, functioning becomes optimal at all levels.
Mental tension creates muscular tension. That is why in some cases massage does not alleviate chronic muscle tension for long. Addressing the symptom means we become dependent on our form of relief. Addressing the pattern means that we will cease to have the discomfort.
If one is ill, we don't try to cure the illness. With Metamorphosis we don't see it as an illness but rather a pattern expressing itself physically. As one comes into balance they cease to create illness.
In relation to pregnancy and childbirth. The idea here is that the resistance in the baby to coming forward into life creates a more difficult labour. Metamorphosis addresses both the tension in the baby and in the mother, during pregnancy and labour, resulting in a quicker and less painful birth.
Metamorphosis is not a miracle cure, it takes courage and commitment to address our patterns.

Martial Arts

Martial Arts
Martial ArtsJeet Kune Do Concepts
(The fighting art of the legendary Bruce Lee)
Bruce Lee revolutionized the way martial arts was trained by seeking out that which was functional at a time where almost all martial artists and instructors were practicing techniques that were never truly attempted under real life situations. The result of his study and practice is Jeet Kune Do, which can be translated to mean "the way of the intercepting fist."Jeet Kune Do is a non-competitive martial art, that is practiced for competence and realism in high-pressure situations. The aim of JKD is to be able to be proficient in all ranges, with or without weapons, against one or multiple opponents, in a variety of environments. To do so it draws from a variety of styles by absorbing what is useful and rejecting what is useless.
The Jeet Kune Do Concept is a total concept of self-improvement. The idea is for the individual to take responsibility and develop himself/herself towards their unlimited potential. By training in the martial arts, we have a guideline for training in any other area of our life, from business to relationships. The concepts learned in your training should be transposed into your whole life experience.
The goal of Jeet Kune Do is to develop complete martial artists. A complete martial artist is one who strives to become a great person, a great fighter, a great technician and a great teacher.

Some guidelines for the JKD practitioner:
 Always look for the truth!
 The highest aspiration is to develop love, compassion and humility toward all beings.
 We can all change and improve
 We can't fail unless we quit striving toward our goal. You are the only one who can say 'I quit'
 We must always have a positive attitude and expect the best outcome from any situation.
 Always optimistic and thankful.
 No limits; using no way as way, having no limitations as limitation.
 The individual is more important than any style. This develops self-empowering attitude.
 We must keep our ego in check. What we know about ourselves is more important than what someone else may think or say about us.
The secret to proficiency is consistent, correct practice over a long period of time.
We must be polite and friendly to all people from a position of strength until we are forced to act.
Our martial goal is to be functional in each range of combat, with or without weapons, against one or more armed or unarmed assailants, in a variety of environments.
 "Jeet Kune Do training and discipline toward the ultimate reality in combat.



"Indian Head Massage is guaranteed to lift you out of the hustle and bustle of everyday stress." Harpers & Queen
"Indian Head Massage under the expert hands of Narendra Mehta is an experience not to be missed." The Entertainer
Indian Head Massage is based on the ancient Ayurvedic Healing System. It has been practised in India for over a thousand years, originally by women who used the technique to keep their long hair thick, healthy and in beautiful condition.
Champissage (Indian Head Massage) is a wonderfully relaxing therapy. The massage does not require the need to undress or use oils. So, it can be received without embarrassment, in the office or in fact anywhere there is a chair.
It provides relief from tension headaches, eyestrain, aches and pains in the neck and shoulder areas and many other stress related symptoms. It is excellent for sleep related disorders; helps to promote hair growth; soothes; comforts and rebalances your energy flow to give you a deep sense of peace, calm and tranquility. The head, neck and shoulders - all energy centres where tension is most likely to accumulate - are gently, firmly and rhythmically massaged until the pressure begins simply to melt away. This de-stressing massage, received before an important meeting, interview or exam, would leave you feeling relaxed yet alert, able to produce your best work without feeling tense or tired.

The unique touch of Zero Balancing brings a clearer flow through the body, helping to release held tension from both the body and mind, thereby inducing a deep state of relaxation. Its effect is to significantly improve physical and mental function as well as promoting feelings of well-being and optimism in the receiver.

Zero Balancing is especially effective in dealing with stress (including the normal day-to-day pressures of modern life), physical pain or injury, long term recurring patterns in the body, emotional trauma and ultimately as a powerful tool for the maintenance of well being and the prevention of "dis-ease".

Zero Balancing integrates Western scientific knowledge of body structure with an Oriental understanding of energy and healing. The client lies on their back fully clothed. The practitioner focuses on evaluating and balancing key joints in the body using specific finger pressure and held stretches. The effect is to take the client's body into places of refreshing relaxation thereby inducing a profound experience of well being and integration.

"Previously, I would have had a massage or gone to a chiropracter, but I've found this is more effective and less aggressive... As I can feel where the problem areas are during the treatment, if I need to I can keep working on them. Afterwards I can feel how aligned I am." Katrina Foley, ballerina, 1999.

"What lasted hours - and, less dramatically days - was a feeling of incredible well-being. I felt centered, grounded and profoundly relaxed." Wendy Bristow, Cosmopolitan, 1996.
THAI MASSAGE is rejuvenating and fun to receive. Clients wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing: no oils are used. Combining elements of yoga, shiatsu and acupressure, this ancient form of hands-on healing works on the meridians. Using the hands, forearms , elbows, knees and feet the practitioner works on the body using rocking, compression, pressing and stretching techniques. The deep holding and breathing create internal cleansing, detoxification and strengthening.
Thai Massage increases the range of motion in the body, loosens tight muscles and diminishes pain, and reduces swellings. It is very effective in psychosomatic and psychological illnesses.
Thai Massage is effective when dealing with chronic fatigue and related syndromes, stress related infertility and impotence, low life force. It is also very good for releasing trauma. It clears karmic blockages, stagnation and promotes healing. It is very relaxing and rehabilitating, promotes a meditative state of mind, encourages concentration and clear intention, perception and intuition.
Yogic Massage integrates and harmonises body and mind, releasing anxiety and tension. Treatment helps you to release stress, shifting physical, mental and emotional conditions. Relaxing muscles, relieving aches and pains, and calming the mind, letting you feel nourished, revitalised and relaxed. You will receive what you need, be more in control and make better decisions in your life. Yogic Massage enables you to take better care of yourself again.
Many symptoms, acute or longstanding, can greatly benefit from YOGIC MASSAGE. To name a few: food sensitivities, allergies, jetlag, backache, neck and shoulder tension, headaches, tiredness, restlessness, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, raised blood pressure, and M.S.
You'll appreciate that longstanding conditions may require regular treatment to release the accumulated patterns.
Brigette provides support and deep healing for injuries, trauma and surgery (before and after). She also works with expectant mothers through pregnancy and after childbirth. During this special time, women and their partners need to adjust and prepare for a different way of living: releasing aches, pains and anxieties, strengthening body and mind. Giving essential understanding, confidence and calm in dealing with the natural processes and changes, and for connecting more deeply with the baby and preparing for birth.
Sessions are deeply intuitive and skilled, giving you what you need.
If you practice Yoga or other forms of exercise you may experience restrictions or blockages from time to time. In individual sessions the body is aligned giving greater freedom and flexibility, allowing for greater flow of energy. Limitations are released, deepening your understanding of your body and joy of freer movement.
The Gyrotonics Expansion System (GXS) is a unique system of equipment that incorporates movement principles from yoga, dance, gymnastics, swimming and tai chi. Its uniqueness comes from the fact that it involves stretching and strengthening together with minimal effort while it increases the range of motion and develops coordination.
Exercises synchronised with yoga breathing help develop body flexibility, joint articulation, stamina, balance and increased blood circulation.
The rippling, undulating, spiraling motions encouraged throughout the GXS workout help to release blockages and pent up emotions. These are stored in the body as tight muscles, still joints and generally frozen mobility or articulation. The pelvic floor is the root and seat of all our emotions. Once this is gently awoken and stimulated, the corresponding emotional stress is eased out of the physical body.
Esalen Massage from California's famous Esalen Institute, is slow and deep and incorporates many different techniques rolled into one. These are tailored to the client's needs.
The therapy integrates a blending of Swedish massage with Shiatsu, rolfing, cranio-sacral balancing, feldenkrais, polarity, lymphatic drainage, face massage, reflexology and the Trager approach.
Throughout the whole session of one or two hours, the client follows an intensive breathing programme which greatly accelerates healing changes within the body tissues to reach an ideal state. Esalen massage takes away tension built up over years to bring life and youth into the tissues of the face and body; loosens tight contracted muscles which may be habitually tensed up; and stimulates the blood and lymph to remove toxic metabolic waste that accumulates in tight congested tissues.
Holistic Massage restores the whole body to a balanced state, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Using the ancient massage techniques of effleurage, petrissage, kneading, cupping, hacking and tapotement, all the systems of the body are treated:
 blood and lymph flow are stimulated
 accumulated toxins are eliminated
 stiff, tense muscles and joints are soothed and relaxed
 blood circulation is improved
 skin is toned
 assists in the breaking down of fat
 nerves are calmed and soothed
 stress and anxiety are relieved
 a sense of well-being is found


WHAT IS SPORTS MASSAGE (as opposed to simply massage) ?
Many people try to define sports massage as being "deeper" than other massages. However, this answer may beg yet more questions: sports massage may work deeper into the tissues but this is not always appropriate. Thus it can also involve gentle rubbing, or even no rubbing at all. In fact, there are times when rubbing may be harmful and in this instance, stretching may be more beneficial.
Sports massage is for active people to stay active, to keep the body in working order, and to aid rehabilitation following injury.
A Swedish massage has a rhythm and flow to it that is always unique. The basic techniques of kneading, rolling, compression, vibration, passive and active range of motion can be used in myriad ways by varying the pressure, timing, pace and order of use, to facilitate a wide variety of effects.
It can provide anything from soothing relaxation, or invigoration, to deeper therapy for specific physical problems It would be correct to say that one of the results is always a relaxed state of alertness and a luxuriously energised feeling.
Many of the benefits attributed to receiving a Swedish massage can be physiologically connected to the assistance given to the circulation; enhancing oxygen and fuel supply to tissues and removing any toxins that are hanging around taking up more than their fair share of the space!
If you have any doubts about your suitability for massage, just a quick phone call to NatureWorks or to the doctor should enable you to clarify your needs. Massage can be a part of regular maintenance for your body whether you are active or lead a more sedentary life, and it always provides an opportunity to check out your daily activities for an hour and check in with yourself in a safe and comfortable environment.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Manual Lymphatic DrainageWHAT IS MLD ?
Dr Emil Vodder created MLD in the early 1930s in France. MLD is a specialised form of massage that stimulates the movement of fluids in the tissues. The gentle rhythmic techniques enhance the flow of lymph through the one-way drainage pathways within the body, the lymphatic system. MLD drains excess fluid from the tissues and has a detoxifying effect by removing accumulated toxins and waste products. MLD is safe, effective and a gentle approach to cleansing the body's tissues. A healthy lymphatic system is the fundamental source of good health.
MLD is deeply relaxing, decongestive, pain relieving, and enhances the regeneration of tissue. This means that MLD can be used in a preventative or remedial way.
MLD helps you to rebalance during, or after, stressful periods.

MLD enhances the body's ability to heal itself, and it is successfully used to promote the healing of fractures, torn ligaments, sprains, burns, leg ulcers and scars (including stretch marks).
MLD is the ultimate treatment for fluid congestion, i.e.swollen ankles and tired puffy eyes. It is an important component of lymphoedema treatment and conditions arising from venemous insufficiency.
Other conditions that respond well to MLD are sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, acne, carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulders and fibromyalgia (a more extensive list is available - please ask) The first visit includes a consultation and each session lasts approximately one hour. Individualised self-treatment techniques and exercises are prescribed as appropriate.

Manipulative Therapy

Manipulative Therapy
Manipulative TherapyThis has grown out of the tradition of remedial massage and bonesetting. Whilst utilizing techniques which resemble osteopathic manipulative therapy and chiropractic, manipulative therapists regard their work as being aimed at the physical normalization of joint and muscle dysfunction, with the objective of improving mechanical function. No attempt is made to relate the methods to broader aspects of body function or ill health; indeed such ideas are actively discouraged by the leaders of this profession, which sees itself as a system subsidiary to medicine, in contrast to osteopathy which sees itself as an alternative.
Most of the work of these therapists involves massage, with manipulation only being used when considered absolutely necessary. There are no full time training facilities for such practitioners who are, as a rule, physiotherapists or masseurs drawn to these methods. Some are skillful and competent, but their narrow view as to the value and application of manipulation, together with their limited approach to bodily dysfunction, distinguishes them from the osteopathic practitioner.

There are still some 'bonesetters' about, especially in remote rural areas. These are, frequently, gifted healers carrying on an unwritten tradition of learned and acquired skills which go back into prehistory.

In England, there was for many centuries a tradition of bonesetters. Many of these undoubtedly skilled practitioners had no formal medical training. In the early eighteenth century a Mrs Mapp achieved a great following and was consulted by many doctors.
In 1867 Sir James Paget, an eminent physician, warned his fellow doctors: 'Few of you are likely to practice without having a bonesetter for a rival; and if he can cure a case which you have failed to cure, his fortune will be made and yours marred.'
The fame of Herbert Barker, an unqualified bonesetter, was so great that he was eventually knighted for his services. He was hounded by orthodox medicine and all contact between Barker and doctors was forbidden on pain of expulsion from the profession; this, despite his continual stream of successful cases. In his old age Barker demonstrated his techniques to a group of orthopaedic surgeons in London, a final admission of his genius.
Manipulation, as practiced by bonesetters, was a relatively simple matter of pushing or pulling restricted joints, to achieve ease of movement. Sometimes great force was used and frequently damage was caused by excessive violence. The difference between such methods and their total lack of any coherent or systematic use differentiates them from osteopathy.
Massage has a long history, but not until the nineteenth century was a systematic approach developed by P. H. Ling in Sweden. A school of medical gymnastics was founded, and this promoted the use of 'scientific' massage. Many variations exist. Some methods are remedial, being aimed at the restoration of function lost during surgery or because of enforced bed-rest (accidents, strokes etc.), or through advancing age. Other methods are used to encourage function in birth injuries or disease-damaged (polio) patients. Massage techniques are also used in gaining general relaxation and circulatory improvements.

Osteopaths utilize specialized soft-tissue techniques which bear a superficial resemblance to massage. Both deal with the soft tissues. The osteopath is either preparing the area for subsequent manipulation or dealing reflexly with problems distant from the area being treated. The U.K. trained osteopath might use a system developed in England known as neuro-muscular technique. In the U.S.A a similar deep soft tissue method was developed by the late Ida Rolf. Both these method have some similarities with the specialized German method of connective tissue massage (Bindesgewebsmassage) which uses deep finger and thumb strokes to achieve local and reflex effects Rolfing aims at releasing deep tissue contractions and thus encouraging postural and structural reintegration, and psychological 'release' from emotions which are tied into muscular stress patterns. Neuro-muscular technique, rolfing and connective tissue massage are all specialized soft tissue methods, bearing little in common with what is normally, thought of as massage.

Magnetic Therapy and Pseudoscience

Magnetic Therapy and Pseudoscience
Magnetic TherapyAt least one manufacturer of magnetic pads (Magnaflex/BioflexTM) asserts that the effect of charge separation can be increased by alternating north and south magnetic poles. Alternating magnetic poles are most commonly seen in refrigerator magnets. By alternating the magnetic poles, an increased magnetic gradient is created, which increases the ability of the magnets to stick to the refrigerator. Paradoxically, alternating poles decrease the magnetic field strength of the magnet because the fields tend to cancel each other out as they extend from the magnet. Thus, while alternating poles would exert opposite forces on ions flowing through thes magnetic field, the decrease in magnetic field strength would lessen any potential influence of the magnetic field on the target ions. Nor does there appear to be any consensus in the industry as to the ideal design for the pads. In fact, a competing manufacturer asserts that, "Leading scientists agree that unipolar magnets are superior to bi-polar,"35 although neither the scientists nor the supporting research are identified.
Further proprietary design information regarding at least one commercial source of magnetic pads (BioflexTM pads) would also appear to be irrelevant regarding biologic effects. Promotional information for the pads indicates that the "concentric circle" arrangement of the pads increases the likelihood that the magnetic field would be applied perpendicular to flowing blood, thereby maximizing the Hall effects. In fact, because blood vessels run randomly throughout the three dimensions of any tissue, there can be no "preferred" arrangement of the magnetic field that would favor its perpendicular orientation to the flow of blood.
Studies on Static Magnetic Fields and Blood Flow

A number of studies have investigated the effects of static magnetic fields on blood flow. Studies commissioned by the makers of one type of magnetic pad showed that exposure of a highly concentrated saline solution in a glass capillary tube increased the flow of the solution. This study has been often cited by manufacturers of static magnetic devices as evidence that magnetic field therapy can potentially affect the circulation of blood. Although the mechanism for the increase in saline flow is not apparent, it certainly could not have been related to any dilatory effect on the walls of the glass capillary tube. The investigator who performed the study concluded that the results of the experiments performed using highly concentrated saline in a glass tube should not be extrapolated to effects that would be expected with flowing blood.36
A second study evaluated the effects of the pads in the distal limbs of horses using nuclear scintigraphy, a technique that is useful in identifying areas of blood vessel dilation and inflammation. That study concluded that, "Scintigraphy was performed in the vascular, soft tissue, and bone phase using a cross over trial to demonstrate increased blood flow and metabolic activity as a result of the local application of a permanent magnetic pad on the equine metacarpus. A highly significant increase was evident in the three phases."37 The results of this study have been used repeatedly to suggest that magnetic pads promote blood circulation to the areas under the pads.
This study, which is apparently the only one to state that a static magnetic field affects blood circulation, is open to criticism. The experimental model, which compared the results of scans on one "treated" limb vs. the non-treated limb is inherently inaccurate, as one forelimb cannot be used as a control for the other in scintigraphic studies (each limb should be used as its own control). Furthermore, the design of the study was flawed, as a bandage and magnetic pad were applied to one limb while a bandage only was applied to the other. A more appropriate control would have been a bandage and a demagnetized pad. The radioisotope chosen for the study was not appropriate to determine blood circulation accurately. Finally, the study measured absolute scintigraphic counts, when the use of relative perfusion ratios would have been more appropriate.38
Numerous other studies have failed to show any effect of magnetic fields on blood circulation. For instance, no effect of dental magnets on the circulation of blood in the cheek could be demonstrated.39 Scintigraphic evaluation of blood flow in mice exposed to two strengths of pulsating electromagnetic field force failed to demonstrate any circulatory effects.40 A study on the circulatory effects of a magnetic foil was unable to show any effect in the skin of human forearms41 and application of a magnetic foil to healing wounds in rats showed no significant effects.42 A study in horses showed that application of a magnetic pad over the tendon region for 24 hours showed no evidence of temperature increase in treated limbs vs. placebo controlled limbs, using thermographic measurements as an indirect assessment of blood circulation to the area.43
As a more practical matter, if a magnet caused local increases in circulation, one would expect the area under the magnet to feel warm or become red as a result. Such an effect is not reported when magnets are held in the hand. Furthermore, one would expect any circulatory effects produced by very weak magnetic fields to be magnified in stronger magnetic fields. However, no circulatory effects have ever been reported in magnetic resonance imaging machines, in which the magnetic forces generated are two to four orders of magnitude greater than those produced by therapeutic magnetic pads. In studies of humans exposed to magnetic fields up to 1 Tesla (10,000 Gauss) there was no evidence of alterations in local blood flow at the skin of the thumb or at the forearm.44 Even a 10 Tesla magnetic field is predicted to change the vascular pressure in a model of human vasculature by less than 0.2%, and experimental results of the effects of strong magnetic fields on concentrated saline solutions are in general agreement with these predictions.45
Based on the available scientific data, one must conclude that if there is an effect of static magnetic fields on blood circulation, there is no known biological mechanism by which that effect is generated. One may also postulate that the boots, blankets, and bandages in which the magnets are sewn have some sort of a thermal effect that is independent of the magnetic field (and could be duplicated with any form of bandaging).
Magnetic Fields and Pain Relief
Both static and pulsating electromagnetic field therapy have also been promoted as being beneficial for the relief of pain. As with other proposed effects, there is no known mechanism of action by which application of a magnetic field produces biological effects. If they are effective in the relief of pain, it is unlikely that the effect is related to a reduction in nerve conductivity; the field required to produce a 10% reduction in nerve conductivity is roughly 24 Tesla.46
Studies evaluating the effects of pulsating electromagnetic fields in the relief of pain have shown conflicting results. Pulsating electromagnetic field therapy has reportedly provided pain relief in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the human knee and cervical spine,47,48 in the treatment of persistent neck pain,49 and in the treatment of women with chronic refractory pelvic pain.50 However, electromagnetic therapy showed no benefit in the relief of pain due to shoulder arthritis51, and a 1994 summary of published trials of non-medicinal and noninvasive therapies for hip and knee osteoarthritis concluded that there were insufficient data available to draw any conclusions on the efficacy of the therapy.52 Paradoxically, another study in humans showed that magnetic treatment actually induced hyperalgesia in a tooth pain model.53
Pads that apply a static magnetic field are also promoted as having pain-relieving effects. Poorly controlled studies from the Japanese literature suggest that static magnetic devices were highly effective in alleviating subjective symptoms such as neck, shoulder, and other muscular pain.54,55 One controlled, double-blind pilot study suggested that magnetic pads were effective in the relief of myofascial or arthritic-like pain in postpolio syndrome,56 although every patient in the study, whether being treated with a placebo or a magnet, showed relief from pain. However, other studies have concluded that a magnetic foil offered no advantage over plain insoles in the treatment of pain of the human heel57 and that a magnetic necklace had no effect on neck and shoulder pain.58 It has also been suggested that there is a strong placebo effect at work in the perception of pain relief offered by static Magnetic devices.59
Clinical Use of Magnetic Fields in Veterinary Medicine
Magnetic and electromagnetic devices appear not to be used on small animals. However, the devices are widely advertised in magazines targeted at horse owners. Pulsating electromagnetic field therapy is typically applied to horses with boots or blankets. Some of the variables of the magnetic field generated (such as the amplitude and frequency of the signal) can be controlled using this form of magnetic therapy. However, changes in these variables appear to affect different tissues in different ways, and those ways are not well defined, making selection of ideal field strength of the therapy problematic.
The other way to apply a magnetic field to a horse is by attaching a magnetic pad. This form of therapy generates a continuous, static magnetic influence on the targeted tissue; however, the magnetic field cannot be modulated. The principle advantage of this form of magnetic therapy is that it is relatively inexpensive (compared to the cost of the machines) and easy to apply; the disadvantage is that as yet there is no scientific evidence of an effect.
The absence of a plausible scientific theory for a mechanism of action should never override reliable strong clinical evidence of an effect. For example, the mechanism of aspirin was not known for many years, although the drug was clinically effective. However, there appear to be no published scientific studies available that demonstrate that any form of magnetic field therapy is valuable in the treatment of disease conditions of the horse.
Daily electromagnetic therapy did increase the concentration of blood vessels in surgically created defects of equine superficial digital flexor tendon, but the maturation of the repair tissue and the transformation of collagen type (two essential components in the healing process of tendon) actually were delayed by the treatment in tendon samples collected at 8 to 12 weeks after surgery.60 No benefit could be demonstrated in the healing of freshly created bone injuries treated with pulsating electromagnetic field therapy when compared to untreated control limbs, 61 although another study did suggest an increase in bone activity under pulsating electromagnetic field treatment when holes were drilled in horse cannon bones.62 Topical treatment with a pulsed electromagnetic field showed little effect on metabolism of normal horse bone in another study.63 Unfortunately, the principle application of pulsating electromagnetic field therapy in people, for delayed and non-union fractures, is of little apparent use in horses.
Magnetic Therapy and Pseudoscience
In spite of hundreds of years of investigation, there still appears to be no place for magnetic therapy in scientific medicine. While legitimate investigations are taking place, many aspects of magnetic therapy carry hallmarks of pseudoscience. For example:
 Vague, unsupported claims of effectiveness. One device advertises that "leading scientists agree that unipolar magnets are superior to bipolar." The "leading scientists" are not identified. The company also claims to have "tens of thousands of very satisfied users."

 Misuse of defined scientific terminology. The discovery of a "unipolar" magnet (see above) or magnetic monopole would lead its discoverer to an almost immediate Nobel prize, as magnetic monopoles have not been shown to exist. One company advertises its "Tectonic" magnets (tectonics is a geologic term referring to the study of the earth's structural features.)

 Mischaracterization of medicine. One company warns about the side effects of taking "too many pills" and states that, "Using magnets means you are not putting anything into your stomach that might cause upset or damage." Another company describes their magnets as "natural as nature" and "wholistic" [sic]. While magnets may not have any side effects, they may not have any effects, either.

 Inaccurate claims. One company states that studies at various universities have "proven" that static magnets increase blood flow. This appears to be contrary to fact.

 Predicted phenomena remain slippery. As experimental and theoretical work progresses, more and more sound evidence for the related phenomena should appear.64 So far, such evidence remains elusive in the field of magnetic therapy.

 No deepening evidence. In spite of hundreds of years of experience and investigation, the "state of the art" in magnetic therapy appears to have increased little since the days of Franz Mesmer.

Whenever an injury to tissue occurs, the goal of any medical therapy is to help allow healing of that injury so that, to the extent that it can be done, the injured tissue is returned to full normal function as quickly as possible. The quality of tissue repair and the speed with which that repair can be accomplished are the two major variables in the healing of any injury. Any medical therapy that could be demonstrated to affect either variable (or better yet, both of them) would be extremely valuable to the medical field.
However, assessing whether or not a particular medical therapy is effective in those regards is somewhat problematic. The old adage, "Time heals all wounds," is largely true. Many diseases are self-limiting and the body is able to heal itself with no intervention whatsoever. For example, according to one source, approximately 70 per cent of all acute infectious disease conditions of the horse are adequately dealt with by the host's defenses.65 That suggests that whichever method of treatment is selected, 7 out of 10 times, the problem will get better. If healing occurs while a device touted to promote healing is applied to an injured or infected area, that device often receives the credit.
Explanations that magnetic fields "increase circulation," "reduce inflammation," or "speed recovery from injuries" are simplistic and are not supported by the weight of experimental evidence. The effects of magnetic fields on body tissues are complex and appear to vary from tissue to tissue and from different intensities and duration of the magnetic field applied. The nature of the magnetic devices make them amenable to randomized, controlled, double-blind studies that are, for the most part, lacking. Although the therapies appear to be harmless, that does not also mean that they are useful.

The EMF Balancing Technique

Just as the physical body is an intricate collection of systems like the vascular system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the lymphatic system etc., which although separate and specific in their function, are never the less connected in some way and are all complementary, so too is the energy body a collection of energy systems. Most of us are familiar with at least one of the two better known energy systems that traditional healers have worked with for centuries - the meridians and the chakras.
What is the Universal Calibration Lattice?
The UCL is another such single energy system in the energy body. It extends from the central core of the human body to an area approximately two feet around the body in an oval shape. Like all the other systems of the physical and energy bodies it is highly complex, but basically consists of columns of light and energy front, back and centre, all interconnected through the chakra system but not as part of it, by more fibres of light and energy in the shape of figure eight loops.

Where did this information come from?
The UCL energy system information started being channelled to Peggy Phoenix Dubro, an American, in 1988, by an entity that she would later realise was part of the Kryon entourage.

What is EMF ?
EMF is an abbreviation of electromagnetic field; this is the energy field that surrounds all living things. It can be seen under certain conditions and even photographed, it can be felt and it can be measured.

What is The EMF Balancing Technique?
The EMF Balancing Technique is a healing technique that was developed by Peggy and her light partner, Ahnya. The EMF Balancing Technique clears, mends and increases the light fibres throughout the UCL, enabling a more accurate and efficient flow of information throughout the entire being. This results in increased energy sensitivity and awareness of self, and increased confidence, leading to accelerated personal growth as one becomes increasingly more aware of the limitlessness of self and begins to accept the wisdom, energy and power that one is, and is plugged into. As one begins to accept this connection that we all have to the Universal Energy Source one can begin to understand and accept and allow it to rise in one's self - unconditional love, because that is what Universal energy is.

With each EMF session one's energy field becomes clearer, cleaner and stronger and therefore able to carry more and more energy or information, making our energy to matter ratio higher and higher and so we become more "enlightened".
How does The EMF Balancing Technique work?
The UCL around each persons body is unique to that person. His or her calibration or vibrational frequency is determined by the energy that is able to pass between the Cosmic Lattice and this UCL - Peggy says that the UCL is like an electrical transformer transferring energy from one circuit to another. An EMF Balancing session is like being re-wired by an electrician - old wires are replaced with new, modern, more efficient ones and extra wires are added to carry a more powerful energy load - "rewiring for the new energy". The Cosmic Lattice has been "upgraded and rewired" in order to make more energy and information available to us and so our energy system has to be "upgraded and rewired" so that we are able to receive and hold more energy and information.

Unlike other energy systems and healing techniques the UCL and the EMF Balancing Technique focus less on healing as such and more on the enormous potential for personal and spiritual growth that is now available to us. This usually automatically leads to eventual physical healing and sometimes even spontaneous healing, but this is not the primary goal, just a wonderful bonus.
The movements of the EMF Balancing Technique are graceful and easy to learn; the energy is self regulating and self directing. You simply follow the patterns, working with different parts of the lattice in each of the four phases. This facilitates the connection to the cosmic Lattice, and in this exchange the real work is done.
Here is what Physicist and EMF Teacher David Lapierre has to say about the Physics of EMF
What we are beginning to understand about this new energy anatomy is that we are working with more than just "general" electromagnetic fields.
We are affecting very specific electromagnetic "orbital" patterns. What may prove very interesting is that these "orbital" ring patterns are what define the polarity characteristics of the biology. Aligning the orbital rings will impact on normalizing the body's own electromagnetic system that responds as visible polarity patterning.
The Universal Calibration Lattice is integrated to this energy system of orbital rings. We affect the characteristics and alignment of the (UC)Lattice by the Human to Human interaction. The (UC)Lattice responds through a process we define as "resonant tuning". When the Practitioner presents their hands to the client an extraordinary amount of vibrational information is made available to the UCL and associated energy systems. Vibrational information can be considered as patterning instructions to the resonant structures.
The UCL responds to the field effects of the hands whether the hands are moving or stationary. These "Fields" can, and are modified by conscious intent. The actual geometric and electromagnetic dimensions of the UCL are altered until "resonance" occurs in the structure. The adjustments necessary for resonance are unique for each individual.
Tuning is self-regulating for everyone. Everyone has within them the perfection within the fields to assist this process in affecting another Human being. This is our gift.
When the individual underlying substructures of the UCL i.e. the templates, are tuned, they become activated. In a sense we can say that we evolve into an energy system of enhanced capability. The energy anatomy becomes a coherent integrated system. The underlying biology is affected. Moreover the "tuned UCL" now offers a greater facility of "resonating" with outside energies and information, namely those of the Earth and the Cosmic Lattice.
When the Practitioner presents their "hands" to the client, an extraordinary amount of vibrational information is made available to the UCL and associated energy systems. Vibrational information can be considered as patterning instructions to the resonant structures.
The whole process of "balancing" is one of becoming integrated within your whole energy being. With the internal architecture in alignment through your personal interface (UCL), you can connect more efficiently to the Earth energy and information system, as well as to that of the Cosmic Lattice. Our own energy systems are plugged into these. As a most significant consequence you can then access and tap into your tools of empowerment, self-enablement, and co-creation. You unfold into your higher potential self.