Word | Definition |
tabacosis | tobacco poisoning |
tabanid | blood-sucking insect; gad-fly |
tabaret | striped watered silk and satin fabric |
tabatière | snuff-box |
tabby | plain-woven silk taffeta fabric |
tabefaction | wasting away; emaciation |
tabellary | auditor; carrier of letters |
tabellion | scrivener |
tabernacle | ornamental container for storing Communion bread and wine |
tabernacular | of, like or pertaining to a tabernacle |
tabescent | wasting; shrivelling |
tabific | wasting; consumptive; producing tabes |
tabinet | silk and wool watered fabric |
tablature | mental image or picture; plate-like surface or object |
tablier | apron; part of dress resembling an apron |
tabloidese | language typical of tabloid journalism |
tabor | light medieval drum buckled onto the player's chest |
tabouret | low stool; embroidery frame |
tacenda | things not to be mentioned |
tacent | silent |
tach | link |
tacheometer | instrument for rapidly measuring survey points on a map |
tachism | painting by smearing or splattering |
tachistoscope | instrument for rapidly showing images on a screen to test perception |
tachograph | instrument for recording speed of rotation |
tachometer | instrument for measuring speed of rotation |
tachygraphy | shorthand |
tachymetry | measurement of speed |
tachyphrasia | abnormally rapid or voluble speech |
tachyscope | early cinematograph |
taction | contact; touch |
tactometer | instrument measuring sense of touch |
tactual | of, like or pertaining to or derived from the sense of touch |
taenia | band; tapeworm; fillet |
taeniacide | killing of tapeworms |
taeniate | like a ribbon or tapeworm |
taenioid | of a ribbon-like shape |
taffeta | thin glossy silk |
taffrail | rail round the stern of a ship |
tagmeme | analysis of arrangement of spoken elements |
tain | tin foil used as backing for mirror; thin tin plate |
talalgia | pain in heel or ankle |
talar | ankle-length robe |
talaric | of, like or pertaining to or reaching the ankles |
taligrade | walking on the outer side of the foot |
talionic | retributive; like for like |
taliped | one with a club-foot |
tallage | feudal tax of a lord on tenants; any tax or toll |
talliate | to impose a tax |
talpa | mole or similar mark on the body |
talus | rock detritus or debris at the base of a slope |
tambour | sloping buttress or fortification |
tamin | thin glazed worsted |
tamis | thin wool |
tampion | protective plug placed in mouth of gun or cannon |
tanacles | pincer-like instruments of torture |
tandem | two-seated carriage with horses harnessed in series |
tangoreceptor | sensory receptor responding to touch |
tanistry | succession by previously elected relative |
tanquam | a person fit for college education |
tantalus | locked case used to hold wine bottles |
tanti | worthwhile |
tantième | share of profits or royalties |
tantivy | at full gallop; headlong |
taperer | one who bears a taper during a religious procession |
taphephobia | fear of being buried alive |
taphrogenesis | vertical movement of the earth's crust |
tapinosis | use of degrading or diminutive diction regarding a topic |
tapotement | use of light taps in massage |
tappit | crested |
tarantas | four-wheeled carriage mounted on poles |
tarantella | fast violent Italian folk dance |
tarantism | irresistible urge to dance |
tarassis | hysteria suffered by a man |
tardigrade | slow-paced |
tardiloquous | slow in speech |
tarlatan | thin sheer stiff cotton |
tarradiddle | lie; falsehood; nonsense; fib |
tarriance | act of tarrying or delaying; procrastination |
tarrish | of the quality or consistency of tar |
tartarology | beliefs about hell or the underworld |
taseometer | instrument for measuring stress in a structure |
tasimeter | instrument for measuring changes in pressure |
tasse | one of a series of armour plates that go around the hips like a skirt |
tastevin | wine taster |
tatonnement | experimentation; trial and error |
tatou | armadillo |
tatterdemalion | tattered; ragged; scarecrow-like |
taupe | brownish-grey |
taurean | of, like or pertaining to a bull |
tauricide | killing or killer of a bull |
tauricornous | having horns like a bull's |
tauriform | having the form of a bull |
taurine | of, like or pertaining to bulls |
taurine | bull-like; of a bull |
tauromachy | bullfighting |
tauromorphous | bull-shaped |
tautochronous | lasting the same amount of time |
tautological | repetition of an idea implied in a statement |
tautomerism | possession of more than one structure by a substance |
tautonym | taxonomic name in which genus and species are the same |
tautophony | repetition of the same sound |
taw | to prepare skins by soaking, salting, stretching and paring |
taws | thong used for punishment |
taxaceous | of, like or pertaining to yew trees |
taxeme | a basic unit of systems of classification |
taximeter | instrument for measuring fee for hired vehicle |
taxis | movement of a whole organism |
tazza | cup with saucer-shaped bowl on a pedestal |
teasel | brush with hooked bits used in napping cloth |
technocracy | government by technical experts |
technography | description of arts and crafts |
technolithic | of, like or pertaining to stone tools |
technomania | craze for technology |
technonomy | laws of industrial arts |
technophile | one who is fond of technology |
technophobia | fear of technology |
technopole | place where high-technology industries located |
tecnology | teaching of children |
tectiform | shaped like a roof |
tectonic | of, like or pertaining to building; structural |
tectonics | science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms |
tectorial | covering |
tectosphere | part of the earth that moves during plate tectonic activity |
tectrix | small feather of a bird's wing |
ted | to spread grass for drying |
tediferous | bearing a torch |
teen | injury; grief |
teg | a sheep in its second year; the fleece of such a sheep |
tegestology | study and collecting of beer mats |
tegmen | covering or shell |
tegmental | of, like or pertaining to coverings or outer shells |
tegminal | covering; protecting |
tegula | tile |
tegular | of, like or overlapping like tiles or slates |
tegulated | composed of plates overlapping like tiles |
tegument | natural covering of an animal or plant body |
teichopsia | visual blurring and colours associated with migraines |
teichoscopy | observation from the perspective of a wall |
teinoscope | prism telescope |
teknonymy | the naming of the parent from the child |
telaesthesia | perception of events or objects not actually present or near |
telamon | a column carved in the shape of a human male |
telarian | creature that spins a web |
telary | web-spinning |
telautograph | telegraph that reproduces writing done with a pen or pencil |
telega | four-wheeled springless wagon |
telegnosis | knowledge of events taking place far away; clairvoyance |
telegony | influence of previous mate on offspring of current one |
telematics | transmission of computerized data over long distances |
telemeter | instrument for measuring strain or distance from observer |
telenergy | application of spirit energy at a distance |
teleology | study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose |
teleonomy | characteristic of being governed by an overall purpose |
teleorganic | vital |
telergy | physical force at work in telepathy |
teleseism | tremor due to a very distant earthquake |
telesis | making use of natural or social processes for a goal |
telespectroscope | instrument for analysing radiation omitted by distant bodies |
telestereoscope | instrument for viewing distant objects stereoscopically |
telesthesia | abnormal impression of objects beyond the senses |
telestic | of, like or pertaining to the mysteries |
telestich | poem where final letters of each line spell a word |
teletactor | instrument that allows deaf people to feel sound vibrations |
telic | expressing purpose; purposive; signifying intention |
tellograph | signalling apparatus like a semaphore system |
tellural | of, like or pertaining to the earth |
tellurian | terrestrial |
tellurometer | instrument using microwaves to measure distance |
telmatology | study of swamps |
telodynamic | of, like or pertaining to transmission of power to a distance |
telos | aim; purpose; ultimate end |
teloteropathy | telepathy between living persons |
telpherage | system of cargo conveyance using electric motor and cable |
telson | last segment of a crustacean |
temenos | place dedicated to a god; sacred precinct |
temerarious | rashly or presumptuously daring |
tempera | painting using white of egg instead of oil |
temperative | having a moderating influence |
tempestive | timely; seasonable |
temporal | indicating time when |
temporaneous | lasting only a short while |
tempore | in the time of |
temporise | to delay; to procrastinate |
temulence | intoxication |
tenaculum | pincers |
tenaille | outwork in main ditch of a fortification |
tendentious | designed to advance a cause |
tenderometer | instrument for measuring tenderness of fruits and vegetables |
tenebrific | producing darkness |
tenebrose | dark; gloomy |
tenendum | clause in a deed defining land tenure |
tenne | heraldic designation for orange-brown colour |
tenon | projecting part of joint for inserting into mortise |
tensimeter | instrument for measuring vapour pressure |
tensiometer | instrument for measuring tension |
tentamen | experiment; attempt |
tentation | experiment by trial and error |
tentiginous | lust-provoking |
tentigo | priapism; morbid lasciviousness |
tenue | bearing; carriage; manner of dress |
tepefaction | making or becoming tepid |
tephra | ash and debris ejected by volcano |
tephrochronology | dating of volcanic eruptions by studying layers of ash |
tephromancy | divination by ashes |
tephrosis | incineration |
tepor | state of being tepid or lukewarm |
teramorphous | of abnormal or monstrous form |
teratism | monster, malformed person or animal |
teratogenic | producing monsters or abnormal growth |
teratoid | monstrous |
teratology | study of monsters, freaks, abnormal growths or malformations |
terce | prayer service held at 9 a.m. |
tercel | male hawk |
tercet | group of three rhyming lines |
terdiurnal | three times per day |
terebrate | to bore into; to pierce |
terete | smooth and cylindrical or tapering |
tergal | of, like or pertaining to the back |
tergiversation | equivocation |
termagant | an overbearing or nagging woman |
terminative | indicating motion up to or time until |
terminism | doctrine that there is a time limit for repentance |
ternary | in threes; having three components; having three as a base |
terotechnology | use of various skills to extend life of equipment |
terpsichorean | of, like or pertaining to dancing |
terraceous | earthen |
terracotta | reddish-brown |
terramara | kind of earthy fertiliser |
terraneous | of, like or pertaining to the earth |
terraqueous | amphibious; consisting of land and water |
terrazzo | flooring of chips of marble |
terrella | magnetic model of the earth |
terremotive | seismic |
terrene | of the earth; earthly; worldly; mundane |
terreplein | top of a rampart where guns are mounted |
terret | swivel-ring; ring for fastening chain to |
terricolous | living in or on the soil |
terrier | register or roll of rents from an estate |
terrigenous | produced on land; produced by the land |
terriginous | earth-born; derived from the land |
terrine | earthenware jar or dish |
terry | piled fabric consisting of uncut loops |
tersive | cleansing; detersive |
terzain | stanza of three lines |
tesla | unit of magnetic flux density equal to one weber per square meter |
tessaraglot | speaking four languages |
tessellate | to form into or adorn with mosaic |
tessellation | fitting together exactly; leaving no spaces |
tessera | small token or ticket; block of stone used in mosaic; password |
tesseract | figure of a cube within a cube |
tesserarian | of, like or pertaining to dice games |
tesseratomy | division into four parts |
testaceous | of or having a hard shell; brick-red |
testamur | certificate of having passed an examination |
tester | piece of armour for the head; headgear for a horse |
tester | canopy over a bed, pulpit or altar |
testicond | having the testes concealed within the body |
testudinal | of, like or pertaining to tortoises or tortoise-shell |
testudo | wheeled shelter used for protection from above attacks |
tetanigenous | causing tetanus |
tetchy | irritable |
tetrachotomous | divided into fours |
tetrachromatic | concerning theory that there are four primary colours |
tetradarchy | government by four people; tetrarchy |
tetragrammaton | sacred word or acronym of four letters |
tetrakishexahedron | cube with pyramid erected on each face |
tetralemma | quandary with four alternatives |
tetramerous | having four parts |
tetramorph | artistic representation of the four evangelists in one figure |
tetrapod | quadruped |
tetrapolis | group of four cities |
tetrapteran | having four wings |
tetraptych | hinged painting in four parts |
tetrarchy | government by four people |
teuthology | study of cephalopods |
Teutomania | obsession with Teutonic or German things |
tewel | a chimney; the rectum or anus of a horse |
textology | study of the production of texts |
textorial | of, like or pertaining to weaving |
textrine | of, like or pertaining to weaving |
textuary | a person having extensive biblical knowledge |
thalassian | marine; type of sea turtle |
thalassiarchy | sovereignty of the seas; thalassocracy |
thalassic | marine; of seas; of inland seas |
thalassocracy | sovereignty of the seas |
thalassography | science of the sea |
thalassometer | instrument for measuring tides |
thalassophilous | living in or fond of the sea |
thalassophobia | fear of the sea |
thalassotherapy | medical treatment using baths in sea water |
thalerophagous | feeding on fresh vegetable matter |
thalposis | sensation of warmth |
thalweg | middle of navigable waterway used as boundary line |
thanatism | belief that the soul dies with the body |
thanatognomonic | indicating or characteristic of death |
thanatography | narrative of a death |
thanatoid | apparently dead; deathly; deadly |
thanatology | study of death and its customs |
thanatomania | belief that one has been affected by death magic, and resulting illness |
thanatophobia | fear of death |
thanatopsis | view of or reflection upon death |
thanatosis | gangrene; necrosis; state imitating death |
thanatousia | funeral rites |
thaumatogeny | doctrine of the miraculous origin of life |
thaumatography | description of natural wonders |
thaumatolatry | worship of miracles or wonders |
thaumatology | study of miracles |
thaumatrope | gadged showing persistence of visual impressions using spinning disk |
thaumaturgy | performing of miracles |
theandric | divine and human at the same time |
theanthropic | simultaneously human and divine |
theanthroposophy | system of belief concerning Christ as god and man |
thearchy | rule by a god or gods; body of divine rulers |
theatrocracy | goverment by gathered assemblies of citizens |
theatromania | craze for going to plays |
theca | sheath; capsule |
thecate | having a sheath |
theftuous | thievish |
thegosis | tooth-grinding in order to sharpen teeth |
theiform | of the form of tea |
theism | belief in the existence of God without special revelation |
thelematic | of, like or pertaining to will or volition; voluntary |
thelemic | allowing people to do as they wish |
thelemite | libertine |
thelitis | inflammation of the nipple |
thelytoky | parthenogenetic production of females only |
theocentrism | belief that God is central fact of existence |
theocracy | government by priests or by religious law |
theocrasy | mixture of religions; fitting other religions into own |
theodicy | defense of goodness in view of the existence of evil |
theodidact | student of God; one who is taught by God |
theodolite | surveying instrument for measuring angles |
theody | hymn in praise of God |
theogamy | marriage of gods |
theogonic | accounting for the origin or presence of gods |
theolepsy | seizure or possession by a god |
theologaster | petty or shallow theologian |
theologoumenon | theological statement as opposed to divine one |
theomachy | war amongst or against the gods |
theomancy | divination by means of oracles |
theomania | belief that one is a god |
theomastix | punisher of mortals sent by God; such a punishment |
theometry | measurement or estimation of God |
theomicrist | one who belittles God |
theonomy | government or rule by God |
theopantism | belief that God is the only reality |
theopathy | emotional experience brought on by religious belief |
theophagy | sacramental consumption of a god |
theophany | manifestation or appearance of a god to people |
theophilanthropism | love of both God and humanity |
theophile | one who loves or is loved by God |
theophobia | fear of God |
theophorous | having the name of a god; derived from a god's name |
theopneustic | divinely inspired |
theopsychism | belief that the soul is of a divine nature |
theorbo | double-necked lute |
theosophy | immediate divine illumination or wisdom |
theotechny | use of the gods as primary moving force in a poem or play |
theotherapy | faith healing |
theotokos | title given to the Virgin Mary as bearer of God |
therblig | unit of work for quantifying industrial operations |
thereinto | into that or it |
thereoid | bestial; savage |
thereology | therapeutics |
thereon | thereupon |
therewith | thereupon; forthwith |
therewithal | besides |
theriac | antidote to venomous bites |
theriacal | of, like or pertaining to antidotes |
therianthropic | combining human and animal forms |
theriatrics | veterinary medicine |
theriodic | malignant |
theriogenology | study of animals' reproductive systems |
theriolatry | animal-worship |
theriomorph | animal form in art |
theriomorphosis | transformation into a beast |
therm | unit of quantity of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units |
thermaesthesia | sensitivity to heat or cold |
thermantidote | apparatus for cooling air |
thermic | of, like or pertaining to heat |
thermogenesis | production of heat |
thermograph | instrument for recording changes in temperature |
thermokinematics | study of motion of heat |
thermolabile | easily decomposed by heat |
thermology | study of heat |
thermolysis | decomposition caused by heat |
thermometrograph | instrument for recording changes in temperature |
thermonous | of, like or pertaining to stimulation by heat |
thermophilous | preferring or thriving in high temperatures |
thermopile | instrument measuring minute changes in temperature |
thermoplagia | sunstroke |
thermoscope | instrument indicating change in temperature |
thermotaxis | movement influenced or controlled by heat |
thermotropism | growth of organism influenced by heat |
theroid | of, like or pertaining to a beast or wild animal |
therology | study of wild mammals |
thersitical | scurrilous; violent in manner of speech |
thesial | of, like or pertaining to a thesis |
thesmothete | law-giver |
thetic | positively asserting; bearing the thesis; prescribed |
theurgy | magic or miracles by the agency of good spirits |
thewe | pillory for women that keeps the legs together |
thiasus | group of worshippers gathered to dance in praise of gods |
thigmotaxis | movement of plant towards or away from an object |
thigmotropism | turning of an object in response to touch |
thionic | of, like or pertaining to or containing sulphur |
thirdborough | petty constable of a township |
thirdendeal | old liquid measure of three pints; one-third of anything |
thither | to that place |
thixotropy | temporary reduction in viscosity when shaken or stirred |
thlipsis | constriction; compression |
thnetopsychism | belief that the soul dies with the body, to be reborn on day of judgement |
thole | to endure; to suffer |
thole | pin in the side of a boat to keep oar in place |
tholobate | circular substructure on which a dome rests |
tholoid | dome-shaped lava extrusion plugging the vent of a volcano |
tholus | round building; dome; cupola |
thooid | like a wolf |
thoracoscope | instrument for viewing the thorax and chest wall |
thoughtography | supposed technique for transferring mental images onto photographs |
thrasonic | boastful; bragging |
thremmatology | science of breeding domestic animals and plants |
threnetic | mournful |
threnodic | mournful |
threnody | ode or song of lamentation; lament; dirge |
threpsology | science of nutrition |
threptic | of, like or pertaining to the rearing of young |
thrioboly | divination using pebbles |
thro | through |
throat-pit | depression between collarbones where they meet the breastbone |
thrombus | blood clot |
thronal | of, like or pertaining to a throne |
thropple | throat or windpipe of an animal |
throstle | machine for drawing, twisting and winding fibres |
throttlebottom | harmless incompetent holding public office |
thrum | loose thread or fringe of a garment or cloth |
thumomancy | divination by means of one's own soul |
thurible | censer |
thurifer | altar boy who bears censer |
thuriferous | incense-bearing |
thurl | cow's hip-joint |
thyestean | cannibalistic |
thymiatechny | use of perfumes for medicinal purposes |
thymiaterion | ancient Greek censer |
thymogenic | due to emotion |
thymoleptic | psychologically energizing |
thymopathy | mental disorder |
thyrsus | staff wreathed with ivy |
tiara | three-tiered crown worn by or carried in front of the pope |
tibicinate | to play on a pipe |
tichorrhine | woolly rhinoceros |
tick | cover of a mattress or pillow |
ticking | strong linen or cotton fabric used for mattress and pillow cases |
tidology | study of tides |
tiffany | transparent silk-like gauzy fabric |
tigerism | swagger |
tigrine | of, like or pertaining to tigers |
tilbury | light open two-wheeled carriage |
tiller | handle or lever for turning a ship's rudder |
tilleul | pale yellowish-green |
tilth | agricultural work |
tiltmeter | instrument for measuring tilting of earth's surface |
timarchy | government by the propertied class; timocracy |
timbal | kettle drum |
timberhead | top end of ship's timber used above the gunwale |
timbrology | study of postage stamps |
timbromania | craze for stamp collecting |
timbrophily | love or fondness for stamps; stamp-collecting |
timbrous | resonant; sonorous |
timenoguy | rope stretched from place to place in a ship |
timeous | in good time; seasonable |
timocracy | government by the propertied class |
timoneer | helmsman |
timwhisky | light carriage for one or two people, pulled by one or two horses |
tinchel | circle of men who encircle a deer |
tinction | act of dyeing |
tinctorial | of, like or pertaining to dyeing; giving colour |
tinctumutation | change of colour |
tincture | a heraldic colour or metal |
tingent | adding colour; having the ability to tinge |
tinnient | ringing; resonant |
tinnitus | ringing sound in the head |
tintinnabulate | to ring; to tinkle |
tintinnabulum | percussion instrument of many bells in succession |
tippet | long black scarf worn by Anglican clergy |
tiqueur | one who suffers from tics |
tirailleur | skirmisher; sharpshooter |
tirasse | pedal-coupler in an organ |
tiretaine | wool cloth mixed with cotton or linen |
tiro | recruit; novice; beginner |
tirocinium | early training; first experience; group of recruits |
tiromancy | divination using cheese |
tisane | infusion of herbs or flowers |
tisicky | wheezy; asthmatic |
titaniferous | bearing titanium |
titanism | spirit of revolt or defiance against social conventions |
titanomachy | war of the Titans against the gods |
titian | red-gold or reddish-brown |
titivate | dress up; spruce up |
titrimetry | measuring by titration |
tittup | to prance mincingly; to walk in an affected manner |
titubate | to stagger; to stumble |
titulus | inscription on or over something |
tmema | segment or section |
tmesis | separation of word into parts by an intervening word |
toadstone | stone thought to grow inside a toad and have magic powers |
tobaccophile | one who loves tobacco |
tocodynamometer | instrument for measuring uterine contractions during childbirth |
tocology | obstetrics; midwifery |
tocophobia | fear of pregnancy or childbirth |
tocsin | alarm bell; sounding of an alarm bell |
tod | old unit of weight of wool equal to 28 pounds |
toft | a small hill |
tog | unit of measurement for insulation properties of fabric |
togated | wearing a toga; dignified |
toile | plain or simple twilled fabric |
toison | lamb's wool |
tolerationism | doctrine of toleration of religious differences |
tolsester | duty of ale due to one's lord for the privilege of brewing |
tolutation | act of pacing or ambling |
tolypeutine | of, like or pertaining to armadillos |
toman | myriad; ten thousand |
tombac | cheap gold-coloured alloy of zinc and copper |
tombic | holding that the Egyptian pyramids were intended as tombs |
tombola | lottery in which each entrant must win a prize |
tomentose | bearing thickly matted hair or fur |
tomiparous | of organic matter, multiplying by division |
tomium | cutting edge of a bird's bill |
tomograph | instrument for viewing section of an object using X-rays |
tomography | scan to obtain detailed image of solid structure |
tomomania | irrational predilection for performing surgery |
ton | unit of cooling power equal to 12,000 BTU per hour |
tonant | thundering |
tondo | circular painting or relief carving |
tonetic | of, like or pertaining to tonal pronunciation or languages |
tonetics | study of pronunciation |
tonga | light two-wheeled carriage |
tonish | modish; fashionable |
tonitrophobia | fear of thunder |
tonitruone | musical instrument that imitates sound of thunder |
tonitruous | thundering |
tonlet | set of overlapping strips on armour skirt |
tonneau | rear extension of body of car |
tonometer | instrument measuring pitch of musical tones |
tonsorial | of, like or pertaining to a barber or a barber's work |
tonsure | shaving of small area on the crown of head of a priest or monk |
tontine | annuity scheme where benefits increase as members die |
tonus | normal elasticity of healthy muscle at rest |
topaesthesia | determining place by sense of touch |
toparch | ruler of a district |
topaz | dark yellow |
topgallant | mast or sail above the topmast and below the royal mast |
tophaceous | gritty |
topiary | clipping of trees into imitative or fantastic shapes |
toplofty | high and mighty; haughty |
topmast | ship's mast above the lower mast |
topology | study of places and their natural features |
topomancy | divination using landforms |
toponomastic | of, like or pertaining to place names |
toponym | place name derived from geographical feature |
toponymics | study of place-names |
topophilia | great love or affection for a particular place |
topophobia | stage fright; fear of performing; fear of certain places |
topophone | instrument to determine direction and distance of a fog-horn |
topotype | specimen collected in the same locality as an original |
topsail | ship's sail above the lowermost sail |
toran | arched gateway or garland of flowers |
torchier | floor lamp with bowl for reflecting light upwards |
torchon | duster or dishcloth; coarse lace or paper |
torcula | wine press |
torcular | tourniquet |
tordion | Renaissance dance similar to but slower than a galliard |
tore | surface described by rotation of conic section about a line |
toreumatography | description of ancient metal sculpture |
toreutics | study of artistic work in metal |
toreutics | artistic work in metal by chasing and embossing |
torfaceous | growing in mosses or bogs |
tormentum | ancient siege engine |
tornote | having blunt extremities |
toroid | shaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring |
torose | swelling; bulging; knobby; muscular |
torpedinous | numbing; having the quality of a torpedo |
torpefy | to make numb or torpid; to paralyze |
torpescence | becoming numb or torpid |
torpid | numb; lethargic; having lost the power to act |
torpillage | electric shock therapy |
torpor | numbness; inactivity; dullness |
torporific | causing dullness or numbness |
torquated | wearing a collar or chain; formed like a torque |
torr | unit of pressure equal to 1/760 of standard atmospheric pressure |
torrefy | to scorch or parch; to dry or roast with heat |
torrentine | of, like or pertaining to a torrent; having the character of a torrent |
torsade | ornament on a hat like a twisted cord; any twisted cord |
torsel | plate in a brick wall to support the end of a beam |
torsibility | capability of being twisted |
torsiograph | instrument for recording torsional vibrations on an object |
torsive | twisted spirally |
torticollis | stiff neck |
tortile | wreathed; twisted; coiled |
tortious | committing a wrongful deed |
torulose | with small swellings at intervals |
torus | rounded swelling; lowest moulding of a column |
torvity | grimness; fierceness |
torvous | stern |
tosticated | fuddled; perplexed |
tot | bone or other object retrieved from garbage pile |
totemism | belief that a group has a special kinship with an object or animal |
tother | the other |
totient | number of numbers less than and prime to a given number |
totipotent | capable of differentiation |
totitive | number less than and prime to another |
tourbillon | swirl; vortex; whirlwind |
tournure | contour; characteristic turn of line; grace or poise |
tovarish | comrade |
tow | bundle of untwisted natural fibres |
toxicogenic | producing or produced by poisons |
toxicomania | morbid craving for poisons |
toxicophagous | eating poison |
toxicophobia | fear of poisoning |
toxiferous | producing or bearing poison |
toxiphagous | poison-eating |
toxiphobia | fear of poison or being poisoned |
toxophilite | lover of archery; an archer; of, like or pertaining to archery |
toxophily | love of archery; archery; study of archery |
toze | to tease out; card; comb; draw out; elicit |
trabeate | built of horizontal beams rather than arches |
trabecula | small bar or rod |
trabeculated | transversely barred |
tracasserie | turmoil |
trachelate | having a neck |
trachyphonia | roughness of voice |
tractate | treatise; tract |
tractile | ductile; able to be drawn out |
traditive | traditional |
traduce | to defame; to slander |
traductive | transmitted |
tragedian | writer or actor of tragedy |
tragelaph | mythical crossbreed of a goat and stag |
tragomaschalia | smelly armpits |
tragus | prominent bump in front of opening of the ear |
trahison | treachery; treason |
traject | crossing; ferry; transference |
tralatition | metaphor |
tralatitious | traditional; transmitted; handed on; metaphorical |
tralineate | to deviate |
tramble | to wash tin-ore by agitation in a trough |
trammel | device used to hold pots and pans over a fire |
trammel | net used to catch fish or birds |
trammel | to hamper or restrain |
trammel | tool used for drawing ellipses |
tramontane | beyond the mountains; foreign; uncivilized |
tranation | act of swimming over or across |
trancey | creating a trance-like effect; hypnotic |
tranche | slice or block of money or shares |
tranchet | Neolithic flint chisel |
tranect | ferry |
trangam | showy or worthless article |
transcalent | pervious to or allowing the passage of heat |
transcendentalism | theory that emphasizes that which transcends perception |
transenna | screen enclosing a shrine |
transept | part of a church off to one side of main structure |
transfluent | flowing across |
tranship | to transfer from one ship to another |
transhumant | passing from winter to summer pastures |
transilient | leaping or passing across |
transire | ship's customs warrant for clearing goods |
translative | indicating process of change or movement through |
translunary | beyond the moon; spiritual |
transmarine | across or beyond the sea |
transmigrationism | belief that soul passes into other body at death |
transmissometer | instrument for measuring transmission of light through a fluid |
transom | transverse timbers attached to ship's sternpost |
transom | structure dividing a window horizontally; horizontal bar |
transpicuous | transparent; easily seen through or understood |
transpontine | from the other side of the river; melodramatic |
transubstantiation | miraculous changing of bread and wine into body and blood of Christ |
transude | to ooze out; to exude through the pores |
transumption | transcription; transference; translation |
transuranic | denoting heavy radioactive artificial chemical elements |
transverberate | to pierce |
transvolation | flying higher than normal |
trap | light one-horse carriage with springs |
trapezium | quadrilateral having only one pair of parallel sides |
trapunto | kind of quilting in which only the design is padded |
traulism | stammering |
traumatology | study of wounds and their effects |
traumatropism | alteration in direction of growth of a plant due to a wound |
trautonium | electronic musical instrument like a theramin |
trave | crossbeam or space between crossbeams |
travelator | moving footpath for pedestrians |
treacle | dark; syrupy molasses |
trebuchet | medieval siege engine for launching stones |
trechometer | instrument for determining distance travelled; odometer |
treenail | long wooden pin used to fix planks of ship to the timbers |
trefoil | three-lobed architectural ornament |
tregetour | juggler; trickster; deceiver |
treillage | trellis-work; a trellis |
trellis | structure of cross-barred or lattice-work |
trema | an orifice; a dieresis |
tremallose | gelatinous |
tremendum | feeling of overwhelming awe associated with religious experience |
tremissis | late Roman and early Byzantine gold coin |
tremogram | irregularity in a person's handwriting |
tremograph | instrument for recording involuntary muscular motion |
tremolist | one who employs tremolo |
tremolo | vibrating effect of certain musical instruments or the singing voice |
tremulous | trembling; quivering |
trenchant | incisive; terse; vigorous |
trencher | edible plate and platter made of bread |
trendle | flat rounded baker's vessel |
trental | commemoratory service held thirty days after burial |
trepan | obsolete instrument for cutting open the skull |
trepanation | cutting open the skull |
tresayle | great-great grandfather |
tressilate | to quiver |
tressure | narrow band around a heraldic shield |
trews | close-fitting trousers with tartan pattern |
triage | selection for patients most likely to survive |
trialism | doctrine that humans have three separate essences (body, soul, spirit) |
triarchy | government by three people |
triatic | rope joining adjacent mastheads |
tribade | female homosexual; lesbian |
tribadism | lesbian intercourse in the missionary position |
tribble | horizontal frame with wires for drying paper |
tribology | study of friction and wear between surfaces |
triboluminescence | emission of light caused by friction |
tribometer | instrument measuring friction |
tribuloid | yielding prickly fruit |
tribunitial | of, like or pertaining to a tribune |
tributorian | of, like or pertaining to tribute or payment |
trice | to haul in and lash secure a sail with a small rope |
tricephalous | having three heads |
trichoclasis | brittleness of hair |
trichogenous | producing hair |
trichoic | having or exhibiting three colours |
trichoid | hair-like |
trichology | study of hair and its disorders |
trichoschisis | splitting of hair |
trichosis | arrangement, distribution or disorder of hair |
trichotillomania | neurosis where patient pulls out own hair |
trichotomy | division into three parts or categories |
tricoaster | combination of three-speed gear and coaster brake on a cycle |
tricolette | silk or rayon knitted fabric |
tricorn | three-horned; three-cornered |
tricot | plain knitted silk or woollen fabric |
tricotee | lively old dance |
tricotine | double-twilled worsted fabric |
tridominium | threefold rule |
triduan | lasting three days |
triduum | period of three days of prayer preceding Roman Catholic feasts |
trierarchy | obligation of fitting out ships |
trieteric | occurring in alternate years |
trifarious | facing three ways |
triforium | gallery or arcade over an aisle; gallery over nave and choir |
trifurcate | to divide into three forks |
trig | stone placed under a wheel to keep it from rolling |
trigamy | state of being married to three spouses |
triglyph | architectural ornament of tablet bearing two V-shaped channels |
trigonal | having three angles |
trigonometer | instrument for solving triangles |
trigraph | combination of three letters for one sound |
trihoral | happening every three hours |
trilaminar | having three layers |
trilemma | quandary having three choices |
trilith | stone monument of two upright and one transverse slab |
trimacular | having three spots or marks |
trimerous | having the parts in threes |
trin | triplet |
trinacriform | three-pronged |
trindle | thin piece of wood which holds book spine while trimmed |
tringoid | of, like or pertaining to sandpipers |
trinoctial | lasting three nights |
trionym | name consisting of three words |
triphibious | taking place on land, in water and in air |
triphthong | three vowel sounds pronounced as one |
triplopia | triple vision |
trippet | part of machine which strikes another part regularly |
tripsis | pulverization; shampooing; massage |
triptote | used in three cases only |
triptych | hinged painting with three panels |
tripudiate | to dance for joy; to exult; to stamp |
triquetra | triangular-shaped object |
trireme | ancient ship with three banks of oars |
triskaidekaphobia | fear of the number thirteen |
triskelion | figure of three radiating curves or legs |
trismus | lockjaw |
tristachyous | three-spiked |
tristichous | having or in three rows |
tristiloquy | mournful manner of speech |
tristisonous | mournful-sounding |
trisulcate | having three ridges or forks |
tritanopia | inability to distinguish the colour blue |
tritarchy | government by three people; triarchy |
tritavia | four-greats grandmother |
tritavus | four-greats grandfather |
tritheism | belief that the members of the Trinity are separate gods |
tritheocracy | government by three gods |
tritical | trite; common |
triticeous | wheat-like |
triticism | trite remark |
triturate | to rub or grind into a fine powder |
triumphalism | belief in the superiority of one particular religious creed |
triune | trinity; three in one |
trivet | tripod for a pot; metal plate to raise food from heat |
trivirgate | having three linear marks |
troat | to bellow like a roaring buck |
trochal | wheel-like; circular |
trocheameter | instrument counting wheel's revolutions |
trochiferous | bearing a wheel or wheel-like organ |
trochiform | shaped like a spinning-top |
trochilic | of, like or pertaining to rotatory motion |
trochilidine | of, like or pertaining to hummingbirds |
trochiline | of, like or pertaining to hummingbirds |
trochiscus | medicated tablet or lozenge |
trochlear | like a pulley |
trochoid | curve traced by a fixed point in plane of a circle |
trochomancy | divination by studying wheel tracks |
troglodytic | cave-dwelling |
troglodytine | of, like or pertaining to wrens |
troika | carriage drawn by three horses |
troilism | sexual activity between three people |
trommel | revolving sieve for cleaning or sizing minerals |
tromometer | instrument for measuring slight earthquake shocks |
tronc | collection of gratuities to be divided out later |
trophallaxis | mutual exchange of nutriment in symbiosis |
trophism | nutrition |
trophobiosis | exchange of nutriment in symbiotic relationship |
trophology | study of nutrition |
trophotropism | direction of growth by nutritional factors |
tropic | like a keel |
tropism | a tendency to react to stimuli in a specific manner |
tropological | characterized by tropes or figures of speech |
tropology | figurative language; moral interpretation of the Bible |
tropometer | instrument measuring rotation |
tropophilous | flourishing in seasonal extremes of climate |
tropophyte | plant adapted to alterations of moisture and drought |
trottoir | pavement |
trousseau | clothes collected by a bride for her marriage |
trouvaille | a fortunate find |
trover | legal action brought to recover goods from wrongful owner |
trucage | faking of works of art |
trucidation | slaughter |
truckle | to submit; to cringe |
truculent | belligerent; cruel; pugnacious; defiant; aggressive |
trullization | act of plastering with a trowel |
trumeau | piece of wall or pillar between two openings |
truncheon | broken spear; broken or cut piece |
trunnion | a pin or pivot on which something can be rotated |
trutinate | to weigh using a balance; to evaluate mentally |
truttaceous | of, like or pertaining to trout |
tryma | nut-like fruit |
trypanocide | killing of trypanosomes |
trysail | ship's sail bent to a gaff and hoisted on a lower mast |
tsiganology | study of gypsies |
tsiology | treatise on tea |
tuant | of writing, keen or trenchant |
tuberiferous | bearing tubers |
tuberiform | shaped like a lump or protuberance |
tuberous | having tubers; knobbed |
tubicinate | to blow a trumpet |
tubicolous | inhabiting a tube |
tubicornous | hollow-horned |
tubifacient | constructing a tube |
tubiform | shaped like a tube |
tubulate | to form into a tube; to provide with a tube |
tubulure | tubular opening |
tuck | part of ship where ends of lower planks meet under the stern |
tucket | flourish on a trumpet |
tufa | rock made of fine volcanic detritus |
tufthunter | toady |
tuille | armour plate hanging below the tasses |
tuism | theory that individuals have a second or other self |
tuism | apostrophe; reference to or regard to a second person |
tuitive | giving instruction; acquired by instruction |
tulchan | calf's skin set beside a cow to make her give milk freely |
tulipomania | obsession with tulips |
tulle | sheer and delicate thin silk |
tumbrel | old instrument of punishment like a pillory |
tumefacient | causing swelling |
tumefy | to swell |
tumescent | tending to swell |
tumid | inflated; falsely sublime; bombastic |
tumorigenic | producing tumours |
tum-tum | dog-cart |
tumular | consisting of a mound or tumulus |
tumultuary | chaotic; haphazard |
tumulus | barrow-mound; mound of earth over a grave |
tund | to beat; to thump |
tunicate | covered with layers |
tunicle | short ecclesiastical vestment worn by bishop or subdeacon |
tup | ram; pile-driver; striking face of steam hammer or jackhammer |
turbary | right to take peat from another's ground |
turbidimeter | instrument for measuring turbidity of liquids |
turbinate | shaped like a top or inverted cone |
turdiform | like a thrush |
turdine | of, like or pertaining to thrushes |
turdine | of, like or pertaining to thrushes |
turgent | swollen |
turgescence | act or process of swelling; swollenness |
turgid | swollen; inflated |
turgometer | instrument for measuring turgidity |
turncock | valve for regulating water flow |
turnery | art of turning in a lathe |
turnspit | person who turns a roasting spit |
turnverein | athletic club |
turophile | cheese lover |
turquoise | blue-green |
turrical | of, like or pertaining to a tower or turret; like a turret |
turriferous | bearing towers |
turriform | shaped like a tower |
turtleback | structure over ship's bows or stern |
tussah | brownish silk fabric |
tussicular | of, like or pertaining to coughs |
tussock | a compact tuft of grass or sedge |
tutelary | having the guardianship of a thing |
tutiorism | doctrine that one should take the safer moral course |
tutulus | conical Roman headdress |
twain | two |
twee | affectedly dainty; sentimentally sweet |
twiforked | bifurcate |
twingle | to wriggle; to twist |
twink | to blink; to twinkle |
twinter | two-year-old domestic animal |
twire | to peep; to leer |
twixt | between |
twizzle | to swirl; to spin |
two-step | ballroom dance with two main steps |
twyer | nozzle for a blast of air |
tychism | theory that accepts role of pure chance |
tye | inclined trough for washing ore |
tyloma | callus |
tympaniform | drum-like; shaped like a drum |
tympanum | space within an arch; arched recess at entrance of cathedral |
tympany | swelling with pride or with pregnancy |
typhlograph | instrument to help the blind write clearly |
typhlology | study of blindness and the blind |
typhlophile | one who is kind to the blind |
typhogenic | causing fever |
typhomania | delirious state resulting from typhus fever |
typhonic | having the character of a whirlwind or tornado |
typographia | matter pertaining to printing or printers |
typography | art of printing or using type |
typology | study of types of things |
typomania | craze for printing one's lucubrations |
typothetae | master printers collectively |
typtology | theory concerning rappings by spirits or ghosts |
tyrannicide | killing or killer of a tyrant |
tyriasis | elephantiasis |
tyroid | resembling cheese; cheesy |
tyroma | cheese-like matter |
tyromancy | divination using cheese |