Showing posts with label Vitamins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitamins. Show all posts

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Vitamin K

Vitamin - K
Functions of Vitamin K

Essential for formation of normal amounts of prothrombin and blood coagulation.

Deficiency - Effects
Diminished blood clotting time.Increased incidence of hemorrhages.


Fish, Wheat and Oats. 

Vitamin E

Vitamin - E

Functions of Vitamin E

Protects tissues, cell membranes and Vitamin A against peroxidation. Helps strengthen red blood cells.

Deficiency - Effects

Decreased red blood cell resistance to rupture.


Germinating Wheat.    

Vitamin D

Vitamin - D

Functions of Vitamin D

Requlates absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestinal tract. Affords antiachitic activity.

Deficiency - Effects

Interferes with utilisation of calcium and phosphorus in bone and teeth formation. Development of bone disease, rickets and caries.


Butter, Milk, Ghee, Cod liver oil, Yolk of Eggs and also in Sunrays.    

Vitamin C

Vitamin - C

Functions of Vitamin C

Needed for form the cementing substance, collagen, in various tissues. Assists in woundhealing and bone fractures.

Deficiency - Effects

Lowered resistance to infections.Susceptibility to dental cavities, pyotthea and bleeding gums. Delayed wound healing. Specific treatment for Scurvy.


Fresh vegetables, Lemon, Orange, Tomatoes, Cabbage , Turnip and Lettuce (Beetroot).   


Vitamin B

Vitamin - B2

Vitamin - B2

Functions of Vitamin B2

Needed in formation of certain enzymes and in cellular oxidation. Prevents inflammation of oral mucous membranes and the tongue.

Deficiency - Effects

Impaired growth, lassitude and weakness. Causes cheillosis or glossittis.  May result in Photophobia and cataracts.


Peas, Beans and Cereals.     

Vitamin - A

Vitamin - A

 Functions of Vitamin A

Essential for normal growth and development. For normal function of epithelical cells and normal development of teeth and bones.Prevent Night Blendness.

Deficiency - Effects

Retarded growth.Reduced resistance to infection. Abnormal function of gastrointestinal, and respiratory tracts due to altered epithelial membranes. Interferes with production of "night purple"


Milk, Egg yolk, Ghee, Butter, Carrots, Tomatoes, Leafy and Yellow vegetables, Cod liver oil and Fresh fruits. Peas, Beans and Cereals.