Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Interview Preparation : Top 10 Interview Questions with Answers

If you are looking to appear for an interview, then given below are top 10 interview questions that can help you prepare for the interview. Behind every interview question there is a concern or another question. So give your answer proper & point to point.

1. Tell me something about yourself?
This is the opening question of every interview.It seems like an easy interview question, but be careful while you answer it. Do not run into an answer for the sake of saying it. Keep the answer to a length that will last for a minute or two maximum. Try to cover the four topics – education, early years, work experience and recent career experience.

2. Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job?
Keep your answers to this question as positive as possible. Do not dwell on how much you hate your current boss. The interviewer wants to hire a team player to the position, not a negative and vindictive hater.

3. Why should I hire you?
The easy answer is that you are the best person for the job. And don’t be afraid to say so. But then back it up with what specifically differentiates you. Never compare yourself with other candidates. Comparisons can certainly work against you.

4. What is your greatest strength?
A number of answers are good, just try and stay positive and as cool as possible. A few good examples: your problem solving skills, leadership skills or positive attitude.

5. What is your greatest weakness?
Do not say you have none - this will lead to further problems. You should always select a weakness that you have been actively working to overcome. Always talk about a true weakness and also tell them how you are trying to overcome it.

6. How long would you stay with us? 
I would love to work with you as long as we both feel that I am contributing, achieving and growing enough.

7. What do you know about our company?
Do enough research before going for the Interview! Spend some time reading or researching for the company. Tell them about the current status of the company.

8. Why have you applied for this particular job?A: The employer is looking for evidence that the job suits you, fits in with your general aptitudes, coincides with your long-term goals and involves doing things you enjoy.  Make sure you have a good understanding of the role and the organization, and describe the attributes of the organization that interest you most. 

9. What is more important to you money or work?
Money is always important, but work is more important. You cannot give a better answer than this one.

10. Where Do You Want to Be Five Years From Now?
Suffice it to say, do not answer this question with, “Retired.” Keep your answers positive and simple, with just a tinge of ambition. Think along the lines of a “motivated” versus “rat race” mentality.

All The Best4 Ur Interview!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Check these typical interview HR questions with sample answer that will guide you to choose your answer. There questions are tragated more towards freshers but are equally useful for experience candidates also.

1. Tell me about yourself:

This is really more of a request than a question. But these few words can put you on the spot in a way no question can. Many quickly lose control of the interview during the most critical time- the first five minutes. Consider your response to this question as a commercial that sells your autobiography. Provide an answer that includes, what you are getting a degree in, your major, a few highlights from your resume such as projects or classes that relate to the position you are interviewing for, any work experience, leadership experience, and finally include why you are interested in this particular employer. Take, for example, the following response, which emphasizes computers.
Since I was a teenager, I enjoyed working with computers. It was my hobby, my passion, and my way of learning. Like most kids I enjoyed computer games. When my parents gave me a computer as a reward for making honor roll my sophomore year, I mastered DOS, Windows, and WordPerfect within six months. I then went on to teach myself programming basics. By the time I graduated from high school, I knew I wanted to study programming. From that point on, everything fell into place. My life revolved around computing. By my junior year at Syracuse, I decided I wanted to work for a major software manufacturer. That is why I had an internship last summer at FastTrack Software. I have also completed several great projects including…[list a few here]…I am involved on campus in several organizations such as Beta Beta Fraternity and intramural sports teams. I am interested in working for COMPANY NAME so I can be at the forefront of breaking trends and new technology. When my collegeroommate told me about his start in your department, I was persistent in asking him for details until he helped me get a referral, which brought me here today. I feel like this position is a great fit between my accomplishments and strengths and what you are looking for. I am prepared to answer any questions you may have about my education and experience.
This response sets a nice tone for starting the interview. The interviewee is able to say a lot within 60 seconds by staying focused
2. We're considering two other candidates for this position. Why should we hire you rather than someone else?
Do not be distracted by the mention of two other candidates, you don't know anything about them and they could be fictitious. Focus on what strengths you bring to the table. These should be consistent with the four things most employers are looking for in candidates during the job interview: competence, professionalism, enthusiasm, and likeability. Be prepared to summarize in 60 seconds why you are the best candidate for the job. Also, let the employer know you want the job and you will enjoy working with them.
3. Why do you want to work in this industry?
Tell a story about how you first became interested in this type of work. Point out any similarities between the job you're interviewing for and your current or most recent job.
"I've always wanted to work in an industry that makes tools. One of my hobbies is home-improvement projects, so I've collected a number of saws manufactured by your company. I could be an accountant anywhere, but I'd rather work for a company whose products I trust."

4. Why should I hire you?
Don't repeat your resume or employment history. Offer one or two examples to explain why you're talking to this particular company. What's the most compelling example you can give to prove your interest?.
"My uncle had a company that was a small-scale manufacturer in the industry, and although he later sold the business, I worked there for five summers doing all sorts of odd jobs. For that reason I believe I know this business from the ground up, and you can be assured that I know what I'd be getting into as a plant manager here."
5. Tell me about a time you didn't perform to your capabilities.
This question forces the candidate to describe a negative situation. Do so in the context of an early career mistake based on inexperience; then demonstrate the better judgment you now have as a result of that learning experience.
"The first time I had to give a presentation to our board, I failed to anticipate some of their questions. I was unprepared for anything other than what I wanted to report. Now my director and I brainstorm all the what-ifs in advance."
6. Tell me about an effective manager, supervisor, or other person in a leading role you've known.
Talk about a supervisor's management style and interpersonal skills. Focus on the positive-how the person worked rather than what type of work he or she did. How was the person able to accomplish so much and get your support?
"The best professor I ever had always reviewed the most important points from our last class before he moved on to new material. He also watched our faces carefully and repeated information whenever he saw a blank stare. Sometimes he would just ask for feedback by saying, 'What are you having difficulty with?'" He never assumed too much or made us feel dumb for not grasping a concept quickly."
7. What's your greatest achievement to date?
Be sure that the achievement you describe here is relevant to the job you're interviewing for. Also, be careful that your answer doesn't sound as if the best is behind you.
"I'm proud of the fact that I graduated on time with a solid GPA while I played varsity basketball for four years. A lot of women on my team either took a reduced course load or let their grades suffer. I believe the reason I got through it all was sheer determination; I never even let myself visualize anything but finishing on time and with good grades. So I firmly believe, as a professional counselor, in the importance of a positive outlook."
8. Give an example of a time when you were asked to accomplish a task but weren't given enough information. How did you resolve this problem?
Although this example may seem trivial, the candidate demonstrates maturity and an ability to approach work conceptually. The interviewer will want to know that you understand that just getting the job done isn't enough.
"At my last internship, my supervisor, an account executive, asked me to assemble five hundred press kits for a mailing. I wasn't sure in what order the pages and press releases should go, but my supervisor had already left for a client meeting. Afraid of putting the information together in the wrong order, I managed to track down her cell phone number and called her in her car. She explained the order of the materials over the phone, and in the end I managed to prevent a mistake that would have cost hours of work and a delay in the mailing-not to mention a few headaches."

9. What is your biggest weakness?
This is a great example of what is known as a negative question. Negative questions are a favorite among interviewers, because they're effective for uncovering problems or weaknesses. The key to answering negative questions is to give them a positive spin. Whatever you do, don't answer this question with a copout like "I can't think of any," or even worse, "I don't really have any major weaknesses." This kind of a response is likely to eliminate you from contention.
"I admit to being a bit of a perfectionist. I take a great deal of pride in my work and am committed to producing the highest-quality work I can. Sometimes if I'm not careful, thought, I can go a bit overboard. I've learned that it's not always possible or even practical to try and perfect your work-sometimes you have to decide what's important and ignore the rest in order to be productive. It's a question of tradeoffs. I also pay a lot of attention to pacing my work, so that I don't get too caught up in perfecting every last detail."
10. Why weren't your grades better.
The recruiter is probably trying to judge here how well the candidate handles adversity. It's important not to get defensive or to place blame. Instead, try to put a positive spin on the question-for example, by concentrating on what you learned and the extra effort you put in, rather than on the grades you received.
"School was a wonderful experience for me. I really enjoyed learning new ideas, I studied consistently, and I was attentive in class. But I never believed in cramming before the night of an exam just to get a higher grade or staying up all night to finish a term paper. I really believe I learned just as much as many students who went for the grades."
11. Why didn't you participate more in extracurricular activities?
The interviewer may be worried that if you don't have many outside interests, you may eventually suffer from burnout. Employers like candidates who are well rounded and have interests outside of work. If you didn't participate in formal extracurricular activities in college, you still may want to talk about some of your interests, such as reading or exercising, that you may have a passion for running even if you weren't on the college track team.
"I wanted to give as much effort as possible to my studies. I came from a high school in a very small town, where I received a lot of A's, but this didn't prepare me well for college. So I studied hard. I have, however, found time to explore the city and make new friends, and I do socialize formally on the weekends."
And Finally Good Luck


Fewer than half the people who go on a job interview will bother to send the manager a note thanking them for their time and consideration.
  • What is the big deal? 
    Since most people won’t bother to send one, it could give you an edge, especially if there’s real competition between you and another applicant. Remember, businesses are formal. Manners are important. Managers look for these things.
  • What goes on the thank-you note? 
    Keep it brief. Thank the manager for meeting with you. Repeat that you do want the job. Offer a trial period. Say that you’d like to call in a week or so to see if they’ve made a decision. 
    Write the note as soon as you get home from the interview. You want to get it into the manager’s hands before he forgets who you are.
  • Suppose I do not want the job? 
    If you decide that you don’t want the job, be professional and send the manager a note. 
    Thank her for her time. Say that you’ve decided to seek employment elsewhere and ask that she remove your name form consideration. You can bet most managers don’t get too many notes like that.
  • Any “secret strategies” that’ll really impress the manager 
    Yeah, here’s something hardly any of your competitors will do.  During the interview, the manager explained some of the problems or issues that have to do with the job you want. 
    Think about those problems. Then, send the manager a short letter explaining your ideas. 
    Be sure to mention that these are only ideas. Admit that you don’t know enough about the inner workings of the department to be certain, but that you’d certainly enjoy taking a crack at solving those problems. If your suggestions are good, the manager just might call you in for a follow-up interview. Mail this “idea letter” a few days after your thank-you note, but before you follow-up on the telephone. 
  • Do I really have to call and see if they’ve made a decision?
    You bet. It tells the manger that you want this job so bad, you’re willing to call. It also shows persistence. It shows that you’re not shy or lazy and that you’re the kind of person who gets things done-even when they’re not very pleasant.
  • What should I say when I call? 
    Use the attached calling script. Practice with a friend to smooth out the awkward spots before you make the real call.
  • Oh, what’s all that about a follow-up interview? 
    When managers interview people for an important position, they sometimes ask the strongest candidates to come back for a second interview before they make any job offers. If you’re ever invited back to a second interview, it means that you have something that really interests them. When they call to invite you to a follow-up interview, be sure to ask about the agenda. Unlike your first interview, which was general, this interview will be specific. They might want to see how you interact with the team or hear your thoughts on an issue. So, ask what they plan to talk about. If you know what they want, you can go in prepared-and walk out with the job.

Calling Script

Call the manager and introduce yourself:
“Good morning, Ms. Manager. This is Sudhir Mangla. I wanted to call and thank you for meeting with me last week about your Software Developer position.”
Ask if the manager has made a decision:
“I’m very interested in that position and I thought I might follow-up to see if you’ve made a decision.”
If you got the job: 
“Yes. No way. Awesome. Incredible. This is fantastic. I can’t believe it. Yikes! Hey Ma….” 
“When would you like me to start?”
“What time should I report?”
“Where should I report?”
“Who should I report?”
“Should I bring anything with me?”
If the manager hasn’t yet made a decision: 
“Am I still a candidate for consideration?”
“Oh, I really want this job. Would you consider giving me a trial period to prove myself?”
“Would it be okay if I call back on Friday?”
If you didn’t get the job: 
“Gee, I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I’d like to thank you for your time and consideration. I learned a lot about myself, the job, and your company during our conversation.”
“If the person you have chosen for this job becomes unavailable, please call me. I’d be pleased to come in for another interview.”


The concept of a “college interview” can be nerve-racking for students and parents alike.  Although the interview experience varies from school to school, in general these conversations provide the admissions office with a chance to get to know a student.  Interviews also give students the opportunity to ask their questions and to get an insider’s perspective on a particular college community.
Here are some tips for effective and less stressful interviews:

Before the Interview

  • Feel free to ask the university about the expected dress code.  Even if you are told to dress “casual,” dress appropriately and, if in doubt about your outfit, dress on the conservative side.
  • Find out where to meet your interviewer.
  • Arrive 5-10 minutes ahead of your scheduled interview time.
  • A great way to feel more confident during the interview is to have a few questions prepared ahead of time; feel free to write these questions down and bring them with you into the interview.

During the Interview

  • Know yourself!  If you are an academic explorer who is undecided about a particular major, be ready to discuss favorite courses, teachers, and other areas of academic interest.  It is also fair game to talk about your extracurricular involvements (clubs, sports, part-time work, family responsibilities) and your other interests (favorite books, movies, other hobbies, travel experiences).  Just remember—it is easy to talk about what you know and love!
  • Remain positive, energetic, and conversational throughout the interview.  The interview begins when you are first greeted by your interviewer … not when you sit down to talk.
  • If asked, be able to articulate why this particular institution might be a good match for you.  Consider what you want in a university; size, location, specific academic programs, faculty-student relationships, research opportunities, study abroad options, and the campus community all are important factors.

After the Interview

  • Follow up with and e-mail or handwritten note, thanking the interviewer for his or her time.  Mention what you enjoyed about your visit and the school.


  • One-word or yes/no responses.
  • Slang or profanity
  • Chewing gum
  • Stretching the truth.  It is always good to be honest about the things that you do.  You come across best when you discuss topics with which you are familiar and about which you are passionate.
Just remember to be friendly, talk about what you enjoy, and learn as much as you can about the institution.


Telephone screening interviews are becoming more commonplace as companies seek to cut hiring costs and streamline the selection process.
Phone interviewing is unique. You can't count on visual stimuli such as good looks or power suits, eye contact or body language, to aid your presentation. Neither can you rely on visual signals to interpret the interviewer's response. In this context, faceless conversation takes on an added dimension of importance. Both strengths and weaknesses, as conveyed by voice, are magnified through the phone. Your voice personifies everything about you.
Before the Telephonic Interview :
If you're currently employed, arrange for a phone interview in the evening rather than during the workday. Confidentiality and discretion may be at risk if you interview during working hours; you never know who might barge into your office unannounced or overhear something by accident. In the privacy of your home, you can be more at ease and in control of your surroundings. You should always make sure you will not be interrupted.
Before the actual interview, it will help to know the topics to be covered, objectives to attain and the basic information regarding the position to be discussed.
It's also advisable to prepare for possible scenarios that might unfold. Hypothesize a bit; suppose the interviewer asks questions that make you feel uncomfortable.  Answer these and any questions as briefly and directly as possible without being negative. Offer a positive "mini story" about yourself and your accomplishments.
The worst case scenario would be that the interviewer would not call at the agreed time. In this case do not call the interviewer, call your recruiter so that he/she can investigate the situation and get back to you with another interview date and time.

Some questions the employer might ask:

  • Why do you want to leave your present company?
    Answer as truthfully as possible without being negative about your current company. 
    If it's for a better opportunity, state this and why.
  • What can you bring to us that we don't have now?
    Answer affirmatively, such as you know you can increase sales or production.
  • If we hired you, where do you see yourself in five years?
    Again, answer positively.  Be straightforward, not clever. I hope my performance will reflect at least one step up by that time.
    • How many positions have you held?
      State the number that is on your resume or data sheet.
    • What do you know about our company?
      Do your research and mention at least two or three positive things that you've learned.
    • Why do you think you would fit into our company?
      Based on what I have learned about your company so far, it sounds like it would be a very comfortable and profitable transition.
    Keep the following tools handy to aid you in gathering information and facts:
    • A copy of the version of the resume sent to the interviewer.
    • A note pad and pen.
    • Five or six carefully worded questions you'll want to ask.
    • Company literature with pertinent information highlighted.
    • A calendar.
    • A watch or clock.

    Phone Personality:

    The telephone screening interview is a make-or-break proposition, your one chance to convince the interviewer that you are worth serious consideration.
    Voice reflects personality. A well-modulated, controlled voice communicates authority and heightens the verbal impact you want to make. The quality, pitch and tempo of your speech convey a certain attitude, energy level and enthusiasm. Enthusiasm and excitement are the biggest selling points a candidate can use when talking on the phone.
    Talk directly into the mouthpiece.  Hold the receiver approximately three inches from the mouth, not below your chin or above your nose. Speak in a relaxed, conversational style, as you would talk to someone in person.
    Avoid grasping the phone in a vise-like grip. This will add a note of stress, and your voice will communicate that uneasiness.Getting up and moving around introduces an element of action, which instills a relaxed, conversational manner and reduces fatigue.
    Pay attention to the interviewer’s voice patterns.  Does he/she speak slowly or rapidly? Try to match the cadence so that the conversation flows smoothly.  The average person speaks at a rate of 160 words per minute. Adjust your speaking rate, voice volume and phrasing to be more in rhythm with the interviewer.
    Be a conversationalist.  Listen carefully to get the big picture and to avoid saying something that indicates any momentary mental distraction. Allow the interviewer to complete questions. Do not finish his/her sentences or blurt out answers prematurely.
    Handle any trick questions in stride.  The interviewer may throw in several to test your alertness or mental keenness. Showing verbal adeptness is a sign of how quickly you can "think on your feet." Be cautious: the interviewer may say something that puzzles you or that you firmly disagree with. Show enough respect to voice your thoughts in a professional manner. A defensive posture or argumentative tone is the surest way to alienate the interviewer and eliminate your candidacy.

    A Final Concern:

    The interviewer may ask you what salary range you're expecting, but don't introduce this subject yourself. It's best to mention that at this point you are not altogether certain what the job is really worth. Example: "I would feel more comfortable discussing a salary figure after meeting the key people I would be working with and knowing more about the position." If the interviewer continues to pressure you for a figure, specifically ask, "What salary range are you working within?" Chances are 50/50 that he/she will tell you.
    Respond by indicating that your desired salary is in that range (if that is correct). If the dollars are a little low, don't despair or defend what you feel you are worth. Tell the interviewer you’d like to discuss this with your MRI recruiter before committing yourself.
    As the conversation winds down, become less talkative and give more thought to what you say. Your final words will generally have greater impact and be remembered longer. Careful word choice and voice inflections will under-score the significance of your remarks.


For many job seekers, the interview is the single most stressful part of the job search process. Any number of things can go wrong, and a big part of being successful is avoiding simple mistakes. Here is list of most common mistakes job seekers make and how to avoid them.
  1. Failure to research the company Recruiters say that they expect candidates to spend at least one hour doing research on their web sites and reading about their companies via other web sites. Do your homework before the interview; know what the company does, and who their competitors are.
  2. Being unclear on which job you are interviewing for Become familiar with the job description so you can explain how your experiences, talents, strengths, and abilities will connect with company needs. Highlight how you're suited to that particular job.
  3. Not Marketing yourself Define yourself. What makes you different from other job candidates? Know your major strengths and accomplishments as they relate to the job you are applying for and the company.
  4. Asking silly questions Have at least three or four intelligent questions to ask the recruiter. It's OK (it actually leaves a positive impression with the recruiter) to have them written down in advance and to reference them at the appropriate time. Interviews are an exchange of information, and arriving without questions shows that you did not prepare for the whole interview.
  5. Dressing inappropriately for the interview Professional attire and attention to detail still count. You can never be too professional. Remember that everything-your appearance, your tone of voice, your conduct-contribute to the impression (positive or negative) that you make. Be presentable. Wear a pressed suit and shirt and polished shoes.
  6. Trying to wing the interview Practice! Get a list of general interview questions, a friend, a tape recorder, and a mirror and conduct an interview rehearsal. Practice until your delivery feels comfortable, not canned.
  1. Not being yourself Be yourself and be honest! Don't pretend to understand a question or train of thought if you don't. If you don't know an answer, say so. Relax and be yourself. Remember you're interviewing the company, too.
  2. Listening poorly Focus on the question that is being asked and don't try to anticipate the next one. It's OK to pause and collect your thoughts before answering a question.
  3. Offering too little detail When answering case questions or technical questions or solving technical problems, take the time to "talk through" your thought processes. Recruiters are interested in seeing how your mind works and how it attacks a problem.
  4. Lacking enthusiasm Maintain eye contact, greet the interviewer with a smile and a firm handshake (not too weak, not too strong), and show common courtesy. Don't be afraid to display your passion for the job/industry and to show confidence.
  5. Do not arrive late for the interview.
  6. Do not indicate you are late because the directions you were given were not good.
  7. Do not slouch in your seat.
  8. Do not maintain eye contact with the wall instead of the interviewer.
  9. Do not answer most questions with simple "yes" and "no" answers.
  10. Do not badmouth your current or former employer.
  11. Do not ask "How am I doing? Are you going to hire me?"
  12. When asked "Do you have any questions?", do not reply "No."


Here is our List of Tips for Scoring well in Technical Interviews
1.) Knowledge of programming is very important. Sometimes at your interview you will be given a programming “quiz” where you will have to answer a short test on a language such as Java, for example:
  • “What is the most basic element of a java program?” i.e. a class
  • “What do RMI / JDBC / RPC stand for? What are they used for?”
  • “Explain what an interface is in Java, and what it is used for.”
Revision of Computer Programming I and II modules would be perfect material to prepare for this.
2.) You could also be asked to do a problem solving exercise where you’ll be given a problem and you have to write out a solution on a whiteboard or on paper and show the interview panel your answer. The key to doing this successfully is not to panic and to make sure the panel know your logic behind how you come to your solution.
Another recommendation would be for students to practice their problem solving skills even in pseudo code as the other key part of an interview could consist of a problem which required a solution to be drawn out on a white board. This sounds like quite a daunting prospect but as long as you talk the interviewers through what you are thinking and do not rush it all will be good.
3.) It is important that you appear outgoing and friendly and stress team-working skills and give a history of group projects completed at Queen's.
4.) You might also be asked general questions such as:
  • “How do you cope with difficult workloads?”
  • “Name a difficult situation you've experienced and how you cope with it.”
  • “How do you resolve a difference of opinion with a superior?”
5.) Browse throw some of the site listing Technical interview Question and answers..
6.) Testing questions:
You have a whiteboard, and are given a question along the lines of

"You have a method that checks if a triangle is scalene. It takes as parameters three integers representing the sizes of the sides. What inputs would you use as tests for this method?"
So you've to write down what inputs you would try to determine if the method worked 100% correctly, and for each state what output you would expect. So you have to put in sizes that are valid, sizes where the triangle is equilateral, sizes where it can not be a triangle (e.g. 5000, 1, 1), negative integers.
7.) Programming Questions:
You could be given a matrix (2d array) of letters, and had to write on the whiteboard, as close to java as possible, a method that would search through that matrix for a given word.
e.g.    Search for DOG in the following
So you are writing a method like findWord (char[][] letterMatrix, String 
wordToFind) { ...
Another question might be to write a method that checked if a word was a palindrome.
8.) If you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t try and bluff your way through it because you’ll be caught out in the end. Admit that you don’t know or that you haven’t covered it yet in your course, it’s alright to not know the answer to everything.
9.) At the end of your interview it helps to ask questions and to seem genuinely interested in working at the company. Of course, don’t act interested if you’re not actually interested! There’s no point trying to get a place in a job you won’t enjoy and somebody else would have benefited from. Research the company beforehand and have a list of questions you would like answered.
    • What languages they used?
    • What IDE's they used?
    • What sort of work I should be expecting?
    • What the social life was like at the company?
    All the Best to all you guys there. We hope these tips will help you in Interview.