Jainism was born within India approximately the similar period as Buddhism. Mahavir established Jainism in about 500 BC. Like Buddha, Mahavira belonged to warrior caste. Jainism was taught with Tirthankaras also called Jina. Mahavira was called as Jina. Jina means the big winner and the name of religion was derived from this name. Jains believe on all thing of life. The Jains includes tress, stand, stones and all other thing.
Mahavira is very ascetic and believes in non-violence. Jain people ate vegetarians. The Jain symbol consists of three dots, a digit of the Moon, the Om or Swastika, the palm of a hand by the wheel inset and outline figure encompasses every symbol.
There are 2 Jain philosophies - Digamber and Shvetember. Shvetembers monks wear white clothes and it is only for women. The Digamber monks do not wear any clothes like Mahavira, and they do not walk outside of their temple. The Digambers only include men.
Introduction of Jainsim
Jainism is one of the oldest religions in existing India. Jainism is a quite distinct, independent and original system from other method of Indian philosophy. Jainism is a religion of only human origin. Jainism is practiced and preached with one has attained self-control, omniscience, perfect knowledge and with his personal efforts and has been liberated as of the bonds for globally existence, the cycle for births and deaths. The idea of god as protector, destroyer and creator of the world doesn't exist into Jainism. The concept of god's also reincarnation as a person to obliterate the demons isn't accepted into Jainism.
Founder of Jainism
Approximately 2600 years before Lord Vardhaman or Mahavir into 599 to 527 B.C., the 24th and the final Tirthankara of this period restored the Jain philosophy preached with his precursor Lord Parshva 950 to 850 B.C. in India. The current Jain scriptures reflect just his teachings.
Mahavir was a prince and his childhood name was Vardhaman. Mahavir had several worldly comforts, services and pleasures on his command. But on the age of 30th, Mahavir left his royal household and family gave up his universally possessions and became a monk in the search of a solution to eliminate sorrow, suffer and paining as of life.
Mahavir spent his 12th and half years into deep meditation and silence to overcome his attachments, feelings and desires. Mahavir very carefully prevented annoying or harming other living beings including birds, plants, insects and animals. Mahavir also went for long period without food. Through this time, his religious power completely developed and on the end Mahavir understands total bliss, perfect power, perfect perception and perfect knowledge. Mahavir's realization is known as the ideal enlightenment or keval-jnana.
Mahavir spent his next 30 years traveling at bare foot around India and preaching to the people the real truth he realized. The objective of his teaching is the cycle of birth, misery, death, pain, life and attains the permanent blissful state of one 's self. Mahavir is also known as nirvana, absolute, liberation, moksha or freedom.
When Mahavir was 72 years old, he attained nirvana. Mahavir's purified soul left the body and attained complete liberation. Mahavir became the pure consciousness, a siddha, a liberated soul, living forever into a state for complete bliss. At the nirvana night, people celebrated festival of the lights (dipavali) in his admiral. Niravan night is the last day of Hindu and Jain calendar year known as Dipavali Day.
Jainism Thoughts
There is a wise saying which goes "Do you wish for kindness? Then be kind. Do you desire truth? Then be true. Whatever you give yourself you will find your world is a reflex of yourself."
Principals and SubstancesThe Nine Tattvas are:
- Samvara - Arrest or stoppage of the arrival of karma
- Jiva - Living being or Soul
- Asrava - Reason of the arrival of karma
- Ajiva - Nonliving substances
- Punya - Virtue
- Bandha - Bondage of the karma
- Papa - Sin
- Moksha - Total liberation as of karma
- Nirjara - Tiredness of the build up karma
The Six Universal Substances are:- Matter - Pudgala - Non-living substance
- Consciousness or - Jiva - Living substance
- Medium of rest - Adharma - Non-living substance
- Medium of motion - Dharma - Non-living substance
- Time - Samay or Kal - Non-living substance
- Space - Akasa - Non-living substance
Teaching of MahavirMahavir taught the principle of supremacy human life and stressed the significance of the positive outlook towards life.
Mahavir reflects message of spiritual and freedom joy of living being. Mahavir highlighted that all the living beings irrespective their shape, size and type and whether they developed spiritually or not are equal and we should respect and love them. He was preached gospel of worldwide love.
The religion made by Mahavir is natural and simple, free from elaborate tradition complexities. Mahavir teaching reflected the internal harmony and beauty for the soul.
Mahavir refused the concept for God as a protector, a destroyer and a protector of the world. Mahavir also deprecated the worshiping of goddesses and gods while a means of personal benefits and material gains.
Mahavir says that "A living body is not simply the integration of flesh and limbs other than it is the house of the spirit which potentially has perfect perception, perfect bliss, perfect power and perfect knowledge."
The messages provides by Mahavir include satya (truth), Aparigraha (non-possession), Achaurya (non-stealing), Brahma-charya (celibacy) and Ahimsa (nonviolence) and these are full of worldwide compassion.