Thursday, December 16, 2010

Indian Religions


Q.  To whom is the Gayatri Mantra dedicated?
A.  Savitri(a solar deity)
Q.  Who was the first Tirthankara according to Jaina tradition?
A.  Rishabha
Q.  Who was responsible for the revival of Brahmanical Hinduism?
A.  ShankaraCharya
Q.  Who was the founder of Buddhism? What are the main precepts of Buddhism?
A.  Siddhartha, also called Gautama, was the founder of Buddhism. He was a Kshatriya prince of Saka clan. He lived between 576 B.C. and 480 B.C. The four basic doctrines of Buddhism are : (i) man suffers from one life to the next (ii) The origin of suffering is craving, the desire for pleasure, possession and cessation of pain. (iii) The way to non-attachment is the eight-fold path of right conduct, right effort, right intention, right meditation, right mindfulness, right speech and right views. There is no God in Buddhism to judge, protect or punish. There is only one inexorable law of dharma, of cause and effect, which determines the individual’s fate. Buddhism preaches ahimsa (non-violence), and non-cruelty towards all living beings.
Q.  The Vedic saying "War begins in the minds of men" appears in which Ved?
A.  Atharva Veda


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