Thursday, December 16, 2010

Units Of Measure


Q.  What is the ubit of intensity of light?
A.  Lambert
Q.  What is the unit of pressure?
A.  Pascal
Q.  What is the unit of the wave length of light?
A.  Angstrom
Q.  What is the unit of viscosity of fluid?
A.  Poise
Q.  What is the unit of force?
A.  Dyne
Q.  What is the unit of conductance?
A.  Mho
Q.  What is the unit of angle?
A.  Degree
Q.  What is the unit of depth of the sea?
A.  Fathom
Q.  How much of longitude account for one hour?
A.  15 degree
Q.  'Knot' is the unit of
A.  speed of ships
Q.  One 'Knot' is equivalent to
A.  one nautical mile per hour or approximately 1.85 km per hour
Q.  What is a single unit of quanta called?
A.  A quantum.
Q.  What's a single unit of quanta called?
A.  Quantum.
Q.  What unit of electrical power is equal to one joule per second?
A.  The Watt.
Q.  What's the base unit of mass in the metric system?
A.  The kilogram.
Q.  What unit of measure do you multiply by .39 to convert it to inches?
A.  Centimeters.
Q.  What's the U. S. equivalent of 0.45 kilograms?
A.  One pound.
Q.  What energy unit is defined as the heat required to raise one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius?
A.  One Calorie.


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