Word | Definition |
caballine | of, like or pertaining to or suited to a horse |
cabas | woman's work basket or handbag |
cable | heavy rope or chain for mooring a ship |
caboched | heraldic animal shown in full face with no neck or body |
cabochon | highly polished convex gem |
caboose | kitchen on the deck of a ship |
cabotage | shipping and sailing between points in the same country |
cabré | flying upside down with tail down |
cabrie | a pronghorn |
cabriole | curved furniture leg ending in a ball; exuberant dance or caper |
cabriolet | two-wheeled carriage |
cacaesthesia | morbid sensation |
cachaemic | having diseased or poisoned blood |
cachalot | sperm whale |
cachepot | ornamental container used to conceal a flowerpot |
cachet | a seal of approval; a mark of prestige |
cachexic | having an unhealthy physical or mental state |
cachinnate | to laugh loudly and inappropriately |
cacidrosis | smelly sweat |
cacodemomania | pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit |
cacodoxy | bad doctrine or wrong opinion |
cacoepy | poor or wrong pronunciation |
cacoethes | insatiable desire or mania; bad habit |
cacogen | antisocial person |
cacogenics | study of racial degeneration |
cacography | bad handwriting or spelling |
cacolet | military mule litter |
cacology | bad choice of words or faulty pronunciation |
caconym | wrongly derived name |
cacotopia | a state in which everything is as bad as it can be |
cacuminal | retroflex, pertaining to a point, crown, top or peak |
cadastre | record of ownership and value of property |
caddis | worsted yarn |
cadge | to beg or sponge from another |
cadilesker | chief judge in the Turkish empire |
cadrans | instrument by which a gem is adjusted while being cut |
caducary | passing or expiring due to lapse or forfeit |
caduceator | herald; messenger |
caducity | being of a transitory or impermanent nature |
caecity | blindness |
caenogenesis | process of growth in individual not common in its species |
caesaropapism | control of the church by a secular ruler |
caesious | bluish or greyish green |
caespitose | growing in clusters or tufts |
caesura | natural breathing space in a line of verse |
cafard | depression; the blues |
cagamosis | unhappy marriage |
cairngorm | yellow-brown quartz |
caisson | vehicle or chest for holding ammunition |
caitiff | base; cowardly; despicable |
cakewalk | prancing stage dance with backward tilt |
calamanco | satin twilled woollen fabric |
calamist | piper; one who plays using a reed |
calamus | quill or reed used as a pen |
calando | slowing with gradually lowering volume |
calash | light low-wheeled carriage with folding top |
calathiform | cup-shaped |
calathus | fruit basket carried on the head |
calcar | furnace or oven for annealing |
calcariferous | having or bearing spurs |
calcariform | spur-shaped |
calceate | to shoe |
calceiform | shaped like a slipper |
calciferous | bearing lime |
calciform | pebble-shaped |
calcifuge | plant that will not tolerate limy soil |
calcimine | to whitewash |
calcine | to burn so as to drive out water and carbon dioxide |
calcivorous | feeding on or living in limestone |
calcographer | one who draws with crayons or pastels |
calefacient | warming; anything that warms |
calefactory | a monastery sitting room |
calender | machine with rollers which presses paper or cloth |
calenture | tropical fever due to heat exposure |
calescence | increase in heat |
calico | plain white cotton |
calicular | like a chalice or cup |
caliginous | misty; dark; dim; obscure |
caliology | study of bird's nests |
calipace | turtle's carapace |
calix | cup; chalice |
calk | pointed piece on a horseshoe to prevent slipping |
callant | boy; fellow |
calligram | design using the letters of a word |
callipygous | having beautiful buttocks |
callisteia | awards given for beauty |
callithump | boisterous and noisy parade |
callow | unfledged; inexperienced |
calodemon | good or beneficial spirit |
calorifacient | producing or generating heat |
calorifics | study of heat |
calorimeter | instrument for measuring absorbed or evolved heat |
calotte | Roman Catholic skullcap |
calque | word or expression introduced into a language by literally translating it |
calumet | ornamented ceremonial pipe |
calumniate | to slander; misrepresent; besmirch |
calumny | vile misrepresentation |
calvary | experience of intense mental suffering |
calver | to prepare fish while alive or freshly caught |
calvities | baldness |
calvous | bald |
calycine | of, like or pertaining to a cup or calyx |
calyx | outer covering of a flower |
camaca | fine silk fabric |
camaïeu | monotonous or uninteresting play or literary work |
caman | shinty stick |
camarilla | secret society of favourites of the king |
camber | slight arch or convexity to a beam or deck of a ship |
cambist | person skilled in the science of financial exchange |
cambistry | science of international exchange |
cambium | soft tissue found in trees |
cambresine | fine linen fabric |
cambric | fine thin white cotton or linen fabric |
cameline | of, like or pertaining to camels |
camelious | jocular term describing camel's hump |
camelopard | giraffe |
camelot | newspaper vendor |
camelry | troops mounted on camels |
cameralism | mercantilism designed to increase a ruler's power |
camerated | divided into separate chambers |
cameriere | waiter or valet |
camerlengo | papal treasurer |
camisade | night attack |
camisole | straitjacket used for unruly prisoners |
camlet | strong waterproof silk or wool fabric |
camorra | group united for nefarious or traitorous ends |
camouflet | mine used to destroy underground enemy emplacement |
campaniform | bell-shaped |
campanile | freestanding bell tower on church property |
campanology | the art of bell ringing |
campanulate | shaped like a bell |
campestral | of, like or pertaining to the country; pertaining to level ground |
camsteary | perverse; unruly |
canaille | riffraff; proletarian; the mob; rabble |
canaliculate | grooved or channelled lengthwise |
canard | false rumour; hoax |
canary | lively Renaissance courtly dance |
cancellarial | of, like or pertaining to a chancellor |
cancellous | having a porous structure |
cancerophobia | fear of cancer |
cancriform | shaped like a crab |
cancrine | of, like or pertaining to crabs; palindromic |
cancrine | palindromic |
cancrizans | moving backwards; repeating a musical theme backwards |
candela | unit of luminous intensity |
candent | heated to whiteness |
candescent | glowing hotly |
canephor | sculpted figure carrying a basket on the head |
canescent | hoary; tending to become white or grey |
caneva | fancy woollen fabric made to resemble canvas |
cang | wooden yoke hung around a criminal's neck |
canicular | of, like or pertaining to the dog star |
canities | whiteness of the hair |
cannel | bevel on the edge of a chisel |
cannelure | groove or fluting |
cannikin | small can or drinking vessel |
cannonade | an attack with heavy artillery |
cannonarchy | government by superior firepower or by cannons |
cannular | hollow or tube-shaped |
canoness | woman living in a community under a religious rule |
canonicate | the rank or office of a cannon |
canophilia | love or fondness for dogs |
canopus | vase for holding dead individual's inner organs |
canorous | musical; singing; resonant |
canque | Chinese cotton fabric |
cantabank | strolling singer; second-rate musician |
cantative | of, like or pertaining to singing |
cantatrice | female singer |
canter | person who makes hypocritical or affected statements |
canterbury | stand with divisions for holding books or music |
canthus | angle between eyelids at the corner of the eye |
canticle | short holy song or sung prayer |
cantillate | to chant or intone |
cantle | corner, edge or slice of anything |
canton | dexter chief region of a heraldic field |
cantonment | small military town |
cantorial | located on the north side of the choir in a church |
canzone | instrumental work that is melodious or song-like |
caparison | ornamented covering for a horse |
capeline | surgical bandage for the stump of amputated limb; small iron skullcap |
capelocracy | government by shopkeepers |
capias | writ authorizing the arrest of a person |
capillaceous | hairlike |
capilotade | stewed meat dish |
capistrate | hooded |
capitalism | doctrine that private ownership and free markets should govern economies |
capitation | numbering of individuals; head tax |
capitulary | of, like or pertaining to a chapter of an organization |
caple | a horse |
capnomancy | divination by means of smoke |
caponier | covered passage across a moat or ditch |
capreolate | having or resembling tentacles |
capric | having a goatlike smell; of, like or pertaining to goats |
caprifoliaceous | of, like or pertaining to the honeysuckle plant |
capriform | goatlike |
caprine | of, like or pertaining to goats |
capriole | leap and kick performed by a trained horse |
capripede | satyr |
capstan | upright device for winding in heavy ropes or cables |
captation | attempt to obtain applause or recognition |
captious | peevish; ready to take offence or find fault |
capuchin | pointed hooded cloak worn by friars |
caracole | spiral staircase; a half turn by a trained horse |
caravanserai | inn or rest station for caravans |
carbasus | lint or gauze |
carboniferous | bearing carbon |
carboy | large green bottle encased in wicker |
carbuncle | architectural monstrosity or eyesore; red precious stone |
carcanet | ornamental necklace, collar or headband |
carcelage | prison fees |
carceral | of, like or pertaining to prisons |
carcinology | study of crabs and other crustaceans |
cardialgia | heartburn |
cardimelech | supposed vital force causing heart to work |
cardinal | deep scarlet red colour |
cardinalitial | of, like or pertaining to church cardinals |
cardiognost | one who knows the workings of the heart |
cardiograph | instrument for recording movements of the heart |
cardioid | heart-shaped |
cardophagus | donkey; something that eats thistles |
careen | to turn a ship on its side in order to clean or repair it |
caret | mark (^) used to note an omission |
carfax | place where four roads meet; intersection of roads at center of a town |
carferal | compound of carbon, iron and aluminum |
caricology | study of sedges |
caricous | of, like or pertaining to figs |
carinated | shaped like the prow or keel of a ship |
cariniform | keel-shaped |
carioca | variation of the samba |
cariogenic | causing dental cavities |
cariole | light open carriage |
carious | of, like or pertaining to dental cavities; decayed |
caritative | generous; charitable |
caritive | indicating lack of something |
carking | imposing great hardship or strain |
carminative | expelling, causing or relieving flatulence |
carnaptious | bad-tempered; cantankerous |
carnassial | specially adapted for eating flesh |
carneous | fleshy; flesh-coloured; like or pertaining to flesh |
carnet | customs or other permit; book of coupons |
carniferous | bearing flesh; fleshy |
carnifex | executioner |
carnification | conversion into flesh |
carnificial | of, like or pertaining to butchers or executioners |
carnificine | place of execution; office of the executioner |
carnose | fleshy; of or like flesh |
caroche | stately carriage used on ceremonial occasions |
carpal | of, like or pertaining to the wrist |
carphology | fitful plucking movements as in delirium |
carpogenous | producing or bearing fruit |
carpology | study of fruit |
carpophagous | fruit-eating |
carrack | galleon |
carriwitchet | a quip or quibble; a pun; a conundrum |
carronade | short and light maritime cannon |
cartiliginous | like or composed of cartilage |
cartomancy | telling fortunes using playing cards |
cartophily | the hobby of collecting cigarette cards |
cartouche | oval- or scroll-shaped ornamentation on monument or tomb |
cartulary | keeper of monastic records |
carucate | as much land as a team of oxen ploughs in a season |
caruncle | any fleshy growth on the body |
caryatid | column shaped like female figure |
cascabel | part behind the base-ring of a cannon |
caschrom | spade with bent handle for tilling soil |
casefy | to become or make cheese-like |
casemate | bombproof chamber or armored compartment |
caseous | cheese-like |
casern | barrack or billet for soldiers |
cashmere | soft twilled fabric made of fine goat's wool |
cashmerette | soft imitation of cashmere |
casque | helmet |
cassation | annulment; overthrow of legal decision |
cassideous | helmet-shaped |
cassimere | closely woven twilled cloth of fine wool |
cassock | close-fitting ankle-length clergyman's garment |
castaneous | chestnut-coloured |
castellan | governor of castle or fortification |
castellar | of, like or pertaining to a castle |
castellated | having battlements or turrets |
castophrenia | belief that one's thoughts are being stolen |
castory | brown colour; brown dye derived from beaver pelts |
castral | of or belonging to the camp |
castrametation | the art of designing a camp |
casualism | the belief that chance governs all things |
casuistry | plausible but flawed moral reasoning |
catabaptism | belief in the wrongness of infant baptism |
catabasis | the decline of a disease in a population |
catachresis | incorrect usage of a word |
catachthonian | underground; subterranean |
cataclasm | disruption; breaking down |
catacoustics | science of echoes or reflected sounds |
catadioptric | employing both reflection and refraction of light |
catadromous | migrating from fresh to salt water to spawn |
catafalque | temporary tomb used in funerals and processions |
catalactic | of, like or pertaining to exchange |
catalactics | science of commercial exchange |
catalectic | incomplete; missing final syllable |
catamite | boy kept for homosexual purposes |
catamount | any wild large species of cat |
catapedamania | obsession with jumping from high places |
cataphract | suit of mail; soldier in full armour; armoured ship |
cataphysical | unnatural |
cataplasm | plaster or poultice |
cataplexy | condition feigning death used by animals |
catarolysis | letting off steam by cursing |
catarrhine | of, like or pertaining to Old World Monkeys |
catasta | scaffold or stage for torture or selling slaves |
catastaltic | astringent |
catastasis | part of drama where action is at its height |
catastrophism | belief in rapid geological and biological change |
catchpole | constable; sheriff's officer |
catechectics | the art of teaching by question and answer |
catechumen | one undergoing instruction prior to conversion to Christianity |
catena | series, chain or sequence |
catenarian | of, like or pertaining to chains |
catenate | to connect as in or by a chain |
catenular | chain-like |
cateran | a Scottish military irregular or brigand |
cathead | projection near the bow of a ship to which anchor is secured |
cathedra | chair or throne of office for a bishop or other high official |
cathetometer | instrument for measuring short vertical distances |
cathexis | investment of emotional energy in a thought or idea |
cathisma | short hymn used as response |
cathisophobia | fear of sitting |
catholicon | cure-all; panacea |
catholicos | primate of Armenian or Nestorian church |
catogenic | formed from above |
catoptric | of, like or pertaining to reflection or reflected light |
catoptromancy | divination by examining mirror placed underwater |
caudal | of, like or pertaining to the tail |
caudiform | tail-like; tail-shaped |
caudle | warm drink given to the sick |
caul | net or similar covering for the head; afterbirth |
cauliform | shaped like or resembling a stem |
cauligenous | originating on the stem of a plant |
caulotaxy | disposition and location of branches on a stem |
cauponate | to engage in questionable trade for the sake of gain |
causative | indicating causation by |
causerie | chat or gossip; short and informal essay |
causidical | of, like or pertaining to those who plead legal cases |
causimancy | divination by means of fire |
cautelous | treacherous; cunning; wily; cautious |
cavatina | short operatic air |
cavernicolous | cave-dwelling |
cavernulous | full of small cavities or holes |
cavesson | noseband for a horse |
cavicorn | hollow-horned |
cavil | to raise trivial and frivolous objections |
cebocephalic | having a head shaped like a monkey's |
cecils | minced meat made into balls and fried |
cecity | blindness |
cecutiency | a tendency toward blindness |
cedrate | citron |
ceilometer | instrument for measuring height of cloud ceiling above earth |
celadon | pale green; pale green glazed pottery |
celation | concealment |
celeste | sky blue |
celidography | descriptions of markings on the sun, a planet or moon |
cella | inner chamber of a classical temple |
cellarer | monastery official in charge of provisions |
cellaret | case or drawer for holding wine bottles |
celliferous | bearing cells |
celluliferous | bearing little cells |
celsitude | loftiness |
celt | prehistoric bevelled-edge axe |
celtuce | lettuce with an edible stalk |
cementatory | having the quality of binding or uniting firmly |
cementum | hard tissue covering roots of teeth |
cenacle | room where the Last Supper was eaten |
cenacle | meeting or dining room; group with common interests |
cenatory | of, like or pertaining to supper |
cendal | silk fabric resembling taffeta |
ceneromancy | divination using ashes |
cenobite | monk; member of religious group |
cenoby | monastery or convent |
cenophobia | fear of empty spaces |
cenote | deep natural well |
censer | vessel for burning incense in religious rituals |
centesimal | counting or counted by hundreds or hundredths |
centner | old unit of weight equal to about 110 pounds |
cento | patchwork composition; collection of short quotations |
centrobaric | of, like or pertaining to the centre of gravity |
centuple | hundred-fold |
cep | brown edible mushroom |
cepaceous | smelling or tasting of garlic or onion |
cephalate | having a head |
cephaligation | placing of major organs and bodily functions in the head |
cephalonomancy | divination by boiling an ass head |
cephalophore | decapitated saint depicted with head tucked under arm |
cephalopod | creature with tentacles or limbs attached to head |
cepivorous | onion-eating |
ceraceous | resembling wax |
ceramography | historical description of types of pottery |
cerated | covered with wax |
ceratoid | shaped like a horn; horny |
ceraunograph | instrument for recording thunder and lightning |
ceraunomancy | divination using thunderbolts |
ceraunoscopy | divination using lightning |
cerberic | vigilant; dragon-like; like Cerberus |
cercopithecan | of, like or pertaining to long-tailed monkeys |
cercus | tail-like appendage |
cerebration | unconscious action of the brain |
cerements | clothes placed on a deceased individual |
cerge | large wax candle burned before the altar |
ceriferous | producing wax |
cernuous | drooping or hanging |
cerography | writing or printing on plates spread with wax |
ceromancy | divination by means of wax drippings |
ceroscopy | divination using wax |
certes | in truth; certainly |
cerulean | sky-blue; dark blue; sea-green |
cerumen | ear wax |
ceruminiferous | bearing or yielding ear wax |
cervelat | smoked pork sausage |
cervicorn | branching like antlers |
cervine | of, pertaining to or resembling deer, elk or moose |
cervisial | of, like or pertaining or pertaining to beer |
cesious | bluish-grey |
cespitous | composed of or resembling turf |
cessionary | someone to which something is ceded |
cetacean | type of aquatic mammal, including whales and dolphins |
cete | collective name for a group of badgers |
ceticide | killing of whales and other cetaceans |
cetology | study of whales and dolphins |
cevesaile | ornamental corner of a coat |
chabouk | horse-whip |
chaconne | Spanish baroque dance in triple time |
chad | bits of paper punched out of paper tape or cards |
chaetiferous | bearing bristles; bristly |
chaetophorous | in need of a shave |
chaffer | to bargain or haggle |
chain | unit of length equal to 22 yards |
chaise | light open carriage for one or two people |
chalastic | laxative |
chalcography | the art of engraving on copper or brass |
chalcotriptics | art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses |
chaldron | old unit of dry volume equal to between 32 and 72 bushels |
challis | soft lightweight silk, wool or cotton fabric |
chambranle | decoration around a door frame or fireplace |
chambray | lightweight fabric with coloured warp and white filling |
chambré | wine kept at room temperature |
chamfer | to channel or make furrows upon; to bevel |
chamfrain | piece of leather to protect a war horse's face |
chamois | cotton fabric made in imitation of chamois leather |
champaign | level countryside or plain |
champerty | illegal contract to finance a lawsuit for a percentage fee |
chancel | part of church containing altar and seats for choir |
chancery | church office dealing with legal matters and archives |
chandelle | sharp upward turn in aviation |
chantage | blackmail to prevent exposure of scandalous facts |
chanter | part of bagpipes on which the melody is played |
chanticleer | a rooster |
chantry | chapel or altar built for prayers for its benefactor's soul |
chaology | the study of chaos or chaos theory |
chaomancy | divination by examining phenomena of the air |
chapbook | small independently produced popular book |
chaplet | circlet or wreath for the head; short string of prayer beads |
chaptalize | to add extra sugar to wine to raise alcohol content |
charabanc | open tourist coach |
characterology | study of development of character |
charientism | expression of an unpleasant thing in an agreeable manner; euphemism |
charivari | cacophonous mock-serenade performed for wedding |
chark | to burn wood to charcoal |
Charleston | fast-paced 1920s dance characterized by energetic kicking |
charmante | silk fabric with a crepe back |
charmeuse | soft and satiny silk fabric |
charmeuse | soft satiny material |
charnel | room where corpses are placed |
charpie | shredded lint used to dress wounds |
chartaceous | papery |
charterhouse | Carthusian monastic building |
chartreuse | yellow-green colour |
chary | discreetly cautious or sparing |
chasmogamy | opening of a flower in order to be fertilized |
chasmophile | lover of nooks and crannies |
chasmophilous | fond of nooks, crevices and crannies |
chasseur | hunter; liveried hotel attendant |
chasuble | sleeveless ecclesiastical garment |
chatelaine | ring attached to belt for carrying keys |
chatelaine | female castle owner, manager or caretaker |
chaton | setting or stone of a finger-ring |
chatoyant | with a changing lustre; iridescent |
chauffer | small furnace |
chaussures | general name for boots and shoes; footwear |
chawdron | entrails |
cheiloplasty | plastic surgery on the lip |
cheiloproclitic | attracted to lips |
cheliferous | bearing pincers or claws |
cheliform | shaped like a pincer |
chelonian | of, like or pertaining to tortoises or turtles |
chenille | velvety silk, wool or cotton fabric with protruding pile |
chernozem | black earth typically found in cool grassland climates |
chersonese | peninsula |
chesil | gravel |
chessel | cheese-mould |
chevalet | bridge of a stringed instrument |
chevaline | horse meat |
chevaster | double bandage for supporting chin in case of broken jaw |
chevelure | nebulous part of a comet |
cheverel | soft; flexible kidskin leather |
chevet | east end of a church |
cheville | unnecessary word used to extend line of verse |
cheviot | coarse heavy plain or twilled wool or worsted |
chevisance | resource; achievement; gain |
chevon | goat flesh |
chevrotain | small deer-like mammal |
chiaroscuro | juxtaposition of light and shade in artwork or literature |
chiasmus | contrast by parallelism in reverse order |
chicanery | clever but misleading talk; deception |
chiffon | sheer silk fabric |
chiffonier | chest of drawers |
chignon | knot or roll of hair worn at the back of the head |
chilgoza | edible pine seed |
chiliad | one thousand |
chiliahedron | one-thousand sided solid figure |
chiliarchy | government by one thousand people |
chiliasm | belief that Jesus will reign on Earth for a thousand years |
chiliastic | millenarian |
chiliomb | sacrifice of one thousand animals |
chilopod | multi-legged insect |
chimere | loose sleeveless robes worn by Anglican bishops |
chimerical | imaginary; fanciful |
chiminage | toll paid for going through a forest |
chinamania | obsession with collecting china |
chine | the intersection of the middle and sides of a boat |
chine | backbone and adjoining flesh of an animal |
chino | strong twilled cotton cloth |
chintz | glazed printed cotton fabric |
chionablepsia | snow blindness |
chiral | of, like or pertaining to the hand or handedness |
chirality | chemical property of structural handedness |
chirapsia | massage |
chirk | cheer |
chirm | collective term for goldfinches |
chirocosmetics | beautifying the hands; art of manicure |
chirocracy | government by physical force |
chirognomy | divination by studying the hands |
chirograph | written or signed document |
chirography | study of handwriting or penmanship |
chirogymnast | finger exercise machine for pianists |
chirology | study of the hands |
chiromancy | divination by means of palmistry |
chironomy | gesticulation or mime |
chiropody | medical science of feet |
chiropractic | treatment of disorders of the locomotor system and spinal column |
chiropterophilous | pollinated or frequented by bats |
chirosophy | knowledge of palm-reading |
chirospasm | writer's cramp |
chirotony | election by a show of hands |
chlamydate | having a mantle or hood |
chlamys | horseman's loose cloak |
chlorochrous | green-coloured |
chlorometer | instrument for measuring amount of chlorine in a solution |
choanoid | shaped like a funnel |
chock | metal casting with curved arms for passing ropes for mooring ship |
cholelithiasis | production of gall stones |
choliamb | verse with an iambus in the fifth place and a spondee in the sixth |
cholic | of, like or pertaining to bile |
choller | double chin |
chololith | gall stone |
chômage | work stoppage or slump |
chondrogenesis | production of cartilage |
chondroid | like or resembling cartilage |
choragus | leader of a choir or organizer of musical festivals |
chordee | painful, downward-curving erection of the penis |
choreomania | dancing mania or frenzy |
chorepiscopal | of, like or pertaining to an early local bishop |
choreutic | of, like or pertaining to a chorus |
chorisis | multiplication of parts by branching or splitting |
chorizont | one who disputes identity of authorship |
chorographer | one who maps or describes a region |
chorology | science of the geographic description of anything |
chorometry | land surveying |
chouse | to cheat; to swindle |
chrematistic | of, like or pertaining to the pursuit of wealth or to business |
chrematistics | the study of wealth; political economy |
chrematophobia | fear of money |
chreotechnics | useful or practical trades or arts |
chrestomathic | of, like or pertaining to useful knowledge |
chrestomathy | anthology of passages used in learning languages |
chrism | consecrated or holy oil |
chrismation | sacrament of baptism in Eastern churches |
chrismatory | vessel for holding holy oil |
chrisom | white robe put on newly baptised child |
chrisomalis | the loser who wrote this damn list |
Christolatry | worship of Christ |
christophany | appearance of Christ to men |
chromatism | presence of abnormal coloration |
chromatocracy | government by rulers of a particular skin colour |
chromatograph | instrument for performing chromatographic separations |
chromatoptometer | instrument measuring eyes' sensitivity to colour |
chromophilous | staining easily |
chronobiology | study of biological rhythms |
chronogram | inscription whose letters form a Roman numeral date |
chronograph | instrument for recording the moment of an event |
chronomancy | divination by means of time |
chronopher | electrical instrument for transmitting time signals |
chronoscope | instrument for measuring very short time intervals |
chronostichon | chronogrammatic line or stanza |
chronosynchronicity | presentation of all stages of a person's life in a single piece of art |
chryselephantine | inlaid with gold and ivory |
chrysoaristocracy | government by the wealthy; plutocracy |
chrysochlorous | greenish-gold |
chrysocracy | government by the wealthy; plutocracy |
chrysography | writing in gold or silver letters |
chrysology | study of precious metals |
chrysophilist | gold-lover |
chrysopoetics | transmutation of substances into gold |
chrystocrene | rock formation resembling glacier |
chthonian | of, like or pertaining to the earth or the underworld |
chthonophagia | eating dirt |
churching | church ceremony given to women after childbirth |
churchism | devotion to church rules over religious precepts |
chyle | milky fluid secreted into blood by small intestine |
chyliferous | bearing chyle |
chyme | partially digested food |
chymiferous | bearing chyme |
chypre | mixture of resins used in making perfume |
cibarious | of, like or pertaining to food; useful for food |
cibation | taking food; feeding |
cibophobia | fear of or distaste for food |
ciborium | freestanding canopy to cover altar; vessel for holding eucharistic bread |
cicatrization | scarification; production of marks upon |
cicerone | guide; tour guide |
cicisbeo | male companion of a married woman |
ciconine | of, like or pertaining to storks |
cienega | marsh or swamp |
cilice | haircloth shirt worn as penance |
cillosis | spasm or twitch in the upper eyelid |
cimelia | treasures in storage |
cimeliarch | church vestry or treasury |
cimex | bedbug |
cimicide | substance used to kill bed-bugs |
cimier | crest of helmet; removable heraldic device or favour of courtly love |
cincture | to gird or surround; belt worn around ecclesiastical vestment |
cineast | one who takes artistic interest in motion pictures |
cinerarium | container for cremated ashes |
cinerary | of, like or pertaining to ashes |
cinerious | ashen; ash-grey |
cingular | shaped like a girdle or ring |
cingulum | girdle or girdle-like structure; priest's belt |
cinnabar | red crystalline mercuric sulfide pigment; deep red or scarlet colour |
cinque-pace | lively medieval dance with five steps |
ciplinarian | one who teaches disorder |
cipolin | white marble streaked with green |
cippus | small column used to mark burial location |
cippus | the stocks |
circa | about; around |
circadian | occurring every 24 hours |
circinate | ring-shaped; rolled inwards; spiralling |
circiter | about; around |
circuity | motion in a roundabout course |
circumambagious | roundabout in speech |
circumambient | going round about; encompassing |
circumaviate | to fly around |
circumbendibus | a roundabout way or expression |
circumcrescent | growing around; above or over |
circumduct | to cause to revolve around an imaginary axis |
circumforaneous | wandering about as from market to market |
circumforentor | surveyor's instrument used to measure angles |
circumfulgent | shining about or around |
circumfuse | to pour around or about |
circumincession | the reciprocal existence of three parts of the Trinity in each other |
circumjacent | bordering on every side |
circumlittoral | around or near the shore |
circumpose | to place around |
circumvallate | to surround with a rampart or fortification |
circumvolution | anything winding or sinuous |
cire | fabric with a glazed finish |
cirrate | having tendrils |
cirriped | barnacle or other parasitic crustacean |
ciselure | the art of chasing metal |
cismarine | on this or the near side of the ocean |
cismontane | on this or the near side of the mountains |
cispontine | on this or the near side of a bridge |
cist | tomb consisting of stone chest covered with stone slabs |
cisvestism | wearing strange or inappropriate clothes |
cithara | ancient Greek musical instrument like a lyre |
citigrade | moving quickly |
citreous | lemon-coloured; lemony |
citrine | dark greenish-yellow |
cittosis | abnormal desire for strange foods |
cladistics | taxonomic theory distinguishing by common ancestor |
cladogenesis | origin and evolution as if branching from common ancestor |
cladoptosis | annual shedding of twigs and branches |
cladose | branching; branched |
clamancy | urgency |
clamant | loud; insistent; urgent |
clangor | loud ringing noise or clang |
claque | group of hired applauders or sycophants |
clarence | four-wheeled carriage |
clarigate | to declare war formally |
classis | a group; governing body of Reformed churches |
clastic | able to be disassembled into its component parts |
clathrate | shaped like a net or lattice |
clathrose | marked with latticed lines or grooves |
claudent | closing; ending; confining |
claudication | limpness; cramp-like pain |
claustral | cloistral; secluded; narrow-minded |
claustration | the act of shutting in a cloister |
claustrophobia | fear of closed spaces |
clavate | club-shaped |
claver | gossip |
claviature | keyboard |
clavichord | old keyboard stringed instrument |
claviform | in the shape of a club |
clavigerous | club-bearing |
clavigerous | keeping keys |
clavis | key; glossary; index; legend |
cledonism | circumlocution used to avoid speaking unlucky words |
cleg | horse-fly |
cleidomancy | divination using keys |
cleithral | completely roofed over |
clem | to starve |
clepe | to name; to call |
clepsydra | instrument which measures time by trickling water |
clerestory | upper storey of a church; windows near the roof of a building |
clerihew | jingle summing up person's life in two couplets |
clerisy | scholars and educated people as a class |
cleromancy | divination using dice |
cleronomy | inheritance |
clevis | U-shaped fastener with pin used to close the open end |
clew | corner of sail with hole to attach ropes |
clicket | a latch |
clientage | the whole number of one's clients |
climacophobia | fear of falling down stairs |
climacteric | critical time in a person's life; any critical turning point |
climatarchic | presiding over a climate or region of the earth |
clinamen | inclination; bias; prejudice |
clinkstone | type of igneous rock that rings when struck |
clinology | study of aging or individual decline after maturity |
clinomania | excessive desire to stay in bed |
clinometer | instrument used to measure slopes and elevations |
clinophilia | passion for beds |
clinophobia | fear of staying in bed |
clinquant | tinselly; glittering |
cliometrics | the application of statistics in economic history |
clithridiate | shaped like a keyhole |
clitter | to make a shrill rattling noise |
clivose | hilly; steep |
cloaca | sewer; toilet; cesspool of moral filth |
clochard | tramp; vagrant; hobo |
cloison | partition; dividing band |
clonic | spasmodic; occasional; irregular |
cloque | fabric with an embossed design |
cloture | means of ending legislative debate |
clou | main point of interest; dominant idea |
clough | ravine; trench; gully |
clove | old weight of seven to ten pounds for wool or cheese |
clowder | collective term for cats |
clupeoid | like or resembling a herring |
clypeate | shaped like a buckler |
clysmian | of, like or pertaining to or caused by flood |
clyster | enema |
cnemial | of, like, or pertaining to the tibia (shin-bone) |
cnemis | shin bone |
cnicnode | point where tangents form a cone of the second order |
cnidarian | of, like, or pertaining to invertebrates such as jellyfish and anemones |
coacervate | to heap; to cause to mass together |
coadjument | mutual assistance |
coadjutor | bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and having the right of succession |
coadunate | to unite; to combine |
coagment | to join or cement together |
coalize | to bring into coalition |
coaming | raised edge around ship's hatches to keep water out |
coaptation | joining or fitting together |
coarctation | constriction |
cobaltiferous | bearing cobalt |
coburg | thin single-twilled worsted fabric with cotton or silk |
cocarde | emblem on airplane's wing indicating its nationality |
cocciferous | bearing or yielding berries |
coccineous | bright red |
cochlear | anything spiral-shaped; twisted spirally |
cockalorum | boastful and self-important person |
cockamamie | ridiculous; incredible |
cocker | to pamper; to indulge |
cocket | official shipping seal; customs clearance form |
cockloft | small room just under the roof |
cockshy | object of criticism or ridicule |
cocotte | prostitute; a flirt or tease |
coctile | baked; hardened by fire |
codicil | supplement to a will |
codicology | study of manuscripts |
codling | unripe apple |
codon | mouth of a trumpet or bell |
codswallop | something utterly senseless; nonsense |
coehorn | small mortar for throwing grenades |
coeliac | of, like or pertaining to the abdomen |
coelom | body cavity; abdomen |
coemption | purchase of the entire supply of a commodity |
coenaculous | fond of dining; relishing food; especially suppers |
coenaesthesis | sensation |
coercimeter | instrument for measuring coercive force |
coetaneous | of the same age; coeval |
coeval | of the same length of time; having the same duration |
cofferdam | narrow vacant space between two bulkheads of a ship |
coffle | gang of slaves tied together |
coffret | small coffer; presentation box |
cog | single-masted, square-sailed ship with raised stern |
cogent | convincing; compelling |
coggage | paper |
cogitabund | meditative; engaged in deep thought |
cognomen | family name |
cohibit | to restrain |
cohobate | to redistill |
cohyponym | word which is one of multiple hyponyms of another word |
coign | angle; viewpoint |
coinstantaneous | simultaneous; at the same time |
col | depression or pass in a mountain range |
colation | filtration |
coleopterology | study of beetles and weevils |
coliform | resembling or shaped like a sieve |
collectanea | collection of passages; miscellany |
collectic | adhesive; sticky |
collectivism | doctrine of communal control of means of production |
colleger | mortar-board |
collegialism | theory that church is independent from the state |
colliform | shaped like or resembling a neck |
colligation | bringing or binding together; conjunction |
collimation | making parallel; adjusting to put into line |
colliquation | the process of melting or wasting away |
collocation | the placing of things together |
collogue | to converse confidentially; to conspire with |
colloid | jelly-like |
colloquy | speaking together; mutual discourse |
colluctation | strife; opposition |
collutory | mouthwash |
colluvies | accumulated filth; foul discharge |
collyrium | eye lotion or ointment |
colonnade | row of evenly spaced column or trees |
colonoscope | instrument for viewing the colon |
colophon | publisher's emblem or inscription in a book |
colorimeter | instrument for measuring and determining color |
colostrum | mother's first milk |
colporteur | peddler of religious tracts and books |
colposcope | instrument for viewing the neck of the uterus |
colubriform | shaped like a snake |
colubrine | like a snake; cunning; of, like or pertaining to snakes |
columbaceous | of, like or pertaining to doves or pigeons |
columbarium | a structure of vaults lined with recesses |
columbine | of or like a dove; dove-coloured |
columella | fleshy part of nose that separates nostrils |
colure | celestial circle that intersects another at the poles |
colytic | restraining; preventative |
comate | hairy |
comburent | burning; causing combustion |
comburivorous | consuming by fire |
comedogenic | causing blackheads |
comephorous | bearing or having hair; hairy |
cometology | study of comets |
comiphorous | tufted |
comitative | indicating accompaniment |
comitatus | band of warriors who escort a prince; a county or shire |
comity | courteousness; civility |
commatic | divided into short lines; divided with commas |
commination | threatening; denunciation |
comminute | to reduce or break into minute particles |
commis | assistant; deputy; apprentice |
commissure | joint; joining surface |
commonalty | common people; the general populace |
commonition | warning; cautioning |
commorant | resident of an institution |
commorient | dying together |
commove | to excite; to put into motion; to disturb |
comose | having tufts of hair; tufted; hairy |
compaginate | to join; to connect |
companionway | stairs from upper deck of ship to lower deck |
compaternity | spiritual relationship between child's parents and godparents |
compeer | one who is equal in rank; a companion |
compellation | the act of addressing someone |
compellative | indicating address or appellation; vocative |
compendious | concise but comprehensive |
comper | one who habitually enters many competitions |
compital | of, like or pertaining to crossroads |
complaisant | wishing to please others; obliging |
complanate | level |
complect | to embrace; to interweave |
complicant | overlapping |
compline | prayer service held just before bedtime |
complot | to plot or conspire |
comport | a dish with a stemmed base for serving desserts |
compossible | possible in coexistence with something else |
compotation | an act of carousing in company |
comprecation | prayer meeting |
compunction | regret; remorse |
compurgation | clearing an accused person by means of oaths |
compusion | wrinkling one's face |
comstockery | censorship of lewd and salacious material |
conation | mental effort towards a goal, desire, purpose |
conative | of, like or pertaining to purposeful action or desire |
conatus | a natural impulse or tendency |
concameration | vaulting |
concelebrate | to jointly recite the canon of the Eucharist in unison with others |
concent | a harmony or concord of sounds or voices |
conceptualism | theory that universal truths exist as mental concepts |
concetto | ingenious expression; witticism |
conchiferous | bearing a shell |
conchiform | shaped like a shell |
conchology | study of shells |
conchomancy | divination using shells |
conchyliferous | bearing a shell |
conciliabule | secret meeting of conspirators |
concinnity | harmony; congruity; elegance |
concipient | conceiving |
concision | schism; separation; division |
conclamation | a shout of many voices together |
concolorate | having the same colour on both sides |
concomitant | accompanying |
concordat | agreement between the pope and a secular government |
concresce | to grow together; coalesce |
concrew | to grow together |
concubitant | of a suitable age for marriage |
concupiscence | strong desire, appetite or lust |
condign | well-deserved; fitting; appropriate |
confabulate | to chat; to invent past experiences |
confelicitous | taking pleasure in others' happiness |
conferva | green algae that floats on surface of stagnant water |
confirmand | candidate for religious confirmation |
confiteor | prayer of confession of sins |
conflate | blend or fuse together |
conformative | indicating resemblance; similative |
confute | to disprove or overcome through argument |
congee | permission to depart; dismissal; discharge |
congelation | act of freezing something into a solid state |
congener | something of the same kind or nature |
congeries | aggregation; collection |
congiary | gift distributed amongst the people or soldiers |
conglobate | shaped like a small ball or globe |
conglobe | to gather together into a globe or round mass |
conglutinate | to glue or join together |
coniaker | coin counterfeiter |
coniferous | bearing cones |
conification | making conical or pyramidal in shape |
connate | congenitally or firmly united |
connubial | of, like or pertaining to marriage |
connumerate | to count together |
consectary | deduction; conclusion or corollary; consequent |
consecution | logical sequence or progression of an argument |
consenescence | state of general decay |
consentaneous | accordant or agreeable; consistent |
consentient | unanimous; of one accord |
consilience | concurrence; coincidence |
consilient | having common inferences drawn from different premises |
consistory | a solemn assembly or council; a church tribunal |
consociate | to ally or associate |
conspecies | different species that are part of the same genus |
conspectus | comprehensive survey; synopsis; summary |
conspue | to despise; to abhor; to loathe |
conspurcation | defilement |
constate | to assert |
constative | capable of being true or false |
constellate | to cluster; to compel by stellar influence |
constringe | to draw together; to cause to contract or shrink |
constructivism | belief that knowledge and reality do not have an objective value |
constuprate | to ravish |
consuetude | custom; familiarity |
consuetudinary | book of customs, traditions and principles |
consultor | advisor to a Catholic bishop |
contabescent | wasting away; atrophied |
conteck | strife |
contect | to cover or overlay |
contemn | to despise or scorn |
contemnor | one found guilty of contempt of court |
contemper | to blend together; to adapt |
contenement | property necessary to maintain one's station |
contesseration | forming a union by breaking a tablet as token |
conticent | silent |
contignation | joining together of timber |
contline | space between casks or strands of rope |
contorniate | having a groove around the edge |
contorno | contour or outline |
contractile | having the power or property of contracting |
contradistinguish | to distinguish by contrasting qualities |
contrahent | a contracting party |
contrail | condensation trail |
contranatant | swimming upstream |
contraplex | having messages passing both ways simultaneously |
contraposition | opposition; contrast |
contrariant | opposed or acting contrary to; one who is opposed to something |
contraterrene | opposite in character to earthly or terrestrial |
contravallation | fortification built around besieged place |
contredanse | folk dance in which two lines of couples face each other |
contretemps | embarrassing occurrence; mishap |
contrist | to sadden |
contriturate | to pulverize |
contubernal | living together in the same tent; cohabiting |
contumacious | stubborn; obstinate; opposing lawful authority |
contumely | insolence; a scornful insult |
contumulation | lying in the same tomb as another |
conurbation | city surrounded by many urban areas |
convenances | what is suitable or proper; the required proprieties |
conventicle | secret or illegal church assembly |
convicinity | neighbourhood |
convolve | to roll together |
copacetic | very satisfactory; fine |
coparcenary | joint heirship or ownership |
cophosis | deafness |
coprolalia | pathological use of obscene language |
coprolith | ball of hardened feces |
coprology | study of pornography |
copromania | obsession with feces |
coprophagous | eating feces |
coprophemia | obscene language |
coprophilia | abnormal love or fondness for feces |
coprostatis | constipation |
copyhold | land tenure dependent on will of the lord of the manor |
coquelicot | brilliant red; poppy red |
coquillage | shell-like decoration |
coracoid | shaped like a crow's beak |
coralliferous | bearing coral |
coralligenous | producing coral |
coram | in the presence of; before |
corban | offering to God in fulfilment of a vow |
corbeau | blackish green |
corbeil | basket filled with earth used as a missile |
corbel | bracket or projection from the face of a wall |
corbiculate | like a small basket |
cordage | ropes in the rigging of a ship |
cordate | heart-shaped |
cordiform | heart-shaped |
cordovan | soft goatskin leather |
cordwainer | shoemaker |
corf | miner's basket, trolley or wagon |
coriaceous | having a leathery appearance; consisting, of, like or pertaining to leather |
corium | skin layer |
corm | swollen subterranean part of a stem |
cornet | military rank of horn-bearer or standard-bearer |
cornice | moulding at the junction of ceiling and walls |
corniculate | horn-shaped; horned |
cornific | producing or forming horns |
corniform | shaped like a horn |
cornigerous | horned |
cornuted | cuckolded |
cornuto | cuckolder |
coronach | funeral dirge |
coronagraph | instrument for viewing the corona of the sun |
coronoid | shaped like a beak |
corpocracy | government by corporate bureaucrats |
corporal | white cloth on which Communion bread and wine are placed |
corposant | St. Elmo's fire or similar electrical discharge |
corrade | to wear away through the action of loose solids |
correption | shortening in pronunciation |
corrigendum | something which requires correction |
corrivate | to cause to flow together |
corrody | right of lord to demand free lodging from vassal |
corsetier | corset maker |
cortege | train of attendants; procession |
cortinate | like a cobweb |
coruscate | to sparkle; to throw off flashes of light |
corvette | highly manoeuvrable armed escort ship |
corviform | shaped like a crow |
corvine | crow-like; of, like or pertaining to crows or ravens |
corybantic | wildly excited; frenzied |
coryphaeus | spokesman; leader of a chorus |
coscinomancy | divination using a sieve and a pair of shears |
cosher | to live on dependents |
cosmarchy | rulership over the entire world, esp. by the devil |
cosmetology | study of cosmetics |
cosmism | belief that the cosmos is a self-existing whole |
cosmocrat | ruler of the world |
cosmogenic | produced by interaction of cosmic rays with earth's surface |
cosmogony | theory of the origin of the universe |
cosmolatry | worship of the world |
cosmoplastic | moulding or shaping the universe |
cosmorama | a view of different parts of the world |
cosmosophy | knowledge of the cosmos |
cosmotellurian | of, like or pertaining to both heaven and earth |
cosmotheism | the belief that identifies God with the cosmos |
cosset | to fondle or pamper |
costal | of, like or pertaining to the ribs |
costellate | ribbed |
costive | affected with or causing constipation |
coteau | uplands; higher ground of a region |
cotehardie | medieval long close-fitting garment with tight sleeves |
coterie | a social or literary circle |
cothurnal | of, like or pertaining to tragedy |
coticular | of, like or pertaining to whetstones |
cotillion | elaborate ballroom dance with frequent changes of partner |
cotquean | man who does women's work |
cottar | medieval peasant inhabiting a cottage |
cottonocracy | government by those involved in the cotton trade |
cotyliform | disc-shaped with a raised rim |
couchant | in heraldry, an animal lying on its belly with head lifted |
couchee | evening reception |
coulée | steep and dry gully |
couloir | gully |
coulombmeter | instrument for measuring electric charge |
coulometer | instrument measuring amount of substance released in electrolysis |
coulter | iron cutter in front of a ploughshare |
countenance | approve of; condone; encourage |
counterblast | a defiant pronouncement or denunciation |
counterfoil | part of ticket or cheque retained by giver |
countermand | to revoke an order by a contrary order |
counterphobic | seeking out situation that is feared |
counterscarp | narrow earth band on the outer wall of a defensive ditch |
coupe | four-wheeled closed horse-drawn carriage |
courante | quick Italian baroque dance involving running steps |
courgette | zucchini |
couvade | symptoms of pregnancy suffered by the father |
couveuse | incubator for babies |
covinous | fraudulent |
cowcat | person whose function is to occupy space |
coxalgia | hip pain |
coxcomb | foolishly vain or conceited man |
cozen | to coax or deceive by trickery |
crachoir | spittoon |
crackjaw | hard to pronounce |
crambo | game in which rhyme must be found for given word |
cramoisy | crimson |
crampon | boot-spike for rock and ice climbing |
craniometer | instrument for measuring the skull |
crapehanger | pessimist |
crapulent | physically ill through overeating or overdrinking |
craquelure | fine cracking that appears in old paintings |
crash | coarse drapery and towelling fabric |
crasis | blending; melding two vowels into a diphthong |
crassilingual | having a thick tongue |
crassitude | state of being coarse, gross or crass |
crateriform | cup-shaped |
cratometer | instrument for measuring power of magnification |
creancer | guardian or mentor |
creant | creating; formative |
creatic | of, like or pertaining to flesh |
creatophagous | carnivorous; flesh-eating |
crebrous | frequent |
credal | of, like or pertaining to a creed |
credence | small table for holding sacred vessels |
credenda | things to be believed |
credenza | credence table or shelf; a sideboard |
credo | concise statement of doctrine; section of Mass followed by offertory |
cremaillere | zigzag line of fortification |
cremaster | muscle by which the testicles are suspended |
cremnophobia | fear of cliffs and precipices |
crenate | scalloped |
crenel | open space on a parapet used for launching projectiles at enemies |
crenellated | notched; having battlements |
crenitic | of, like or pertaining to mineral springs |
creophagous | flesh-eating; carnivorous |
crepance | sore on a horse's hind ankle-joint |
crepe | light crinkled fabric |
crepehanger | pessimist; gloomy person |
crepitate | to crackle; to snap; to rattle |
crepitus | fart |
crepon | heavy crepe fabric with lengthwise crinkles |
crepuscular | of, like or pertaining to twilight |
crescive | growing; increasing |
crescograph | instrument for measuring the growth of plants |
cresset | iron basket for burning oil to provide light |
cretaceous | of or resembling chalk; of a whitish colour |
cretify | to change into calcium or lime; to fossilize |
cretonne | heavy cotton or linen cloth |
crewel | fine worsted yarn used in tapestry |
criant | garish; discordantly coloured |
cribble | to decorate wood or metal with small dots or punctures |
cribration | sifting |
cribriform | shaped like a sieve |
cribrous | perforated or punctured like a sieve |
cricoid | ring-shaped |
criminogenic | causing crime |
criminology | study of crime; criminals |
crin | horsehair fabric |
crinal | of or related to the hair |
cringle | loop at corner of sail to which a line is attached |
crinigerous | hairy |
crinoline | stiff flax or cotton fabric |
criophore | sculpture of a man carrying a ram |
crista | ridge or fold resembling a crest |
crithomancy | divination by strewing meal over sacrifices |
criticaster | inferior or petty critic |
critomancy | divination using viands and cakes |
croceate | saffron-coloured |
croche | knob at top of a deer's horn |
cromlech | prehistoric stone circle |
cromnyomancy | divination using onions |
croquinole | curling of one's hair with curling iron |
crosier | pastoral staff or crook held by bishop or abbot |
crosslet | small cross with crossed arms used as heraldic bearing |
crosstrees | horizontal crosspieces at a masthead used to support ship's mast |
crotal | small spherical bell |
crotaline | of, like or pertaining to rattlesnakes |
croze | groove in the staves of a cask |
crubeen | term for pig's feet as food |
cruciferous | bearing a cross |
cruciform | cross-shaped |
cruentation | leaking or oozing of blood from dead body |
cruet | vessel used in religious ceremonies, especially to hold the Eucharist |
cruive | pen or sty for animals |
crumenal | a purse |
crupper | strap of saddle that passes beneath horse's tail; armour for horse's flanks |
crural | of or belonging to the leg |
cruset | goldsmith's crucible |
crwth | Welsh six-stringed instrument played with a bow |
cryobiology | study of life under cold conditions |
cryometer | instrument for measuring low temperatures |
cryoscope | instrument for determining freezing points of substances |
cryptadia | things to be kept hidden |
cryptaesthetic | of, like or pertaining to supranormal perception |
cryptarchy | secret rulership |
cryptodynamic | having secret or hidden power |
cryptogenic | of unknown origin |
cryptonym | secret name |
cryptotype | an implicit and specific rule of language use |
cryptous | of, like or pertaining to crypts |
crystallogenesis | production of crystals |
crystallomancy | divination by means of clear objects |
crystalomancy | divination using a crystal globe |
cteniform | comb-shaped |
ctetology | study of the inheritance of acquired characteristics |
cubation | act of lying down or reclining |
cubica | fine unglazed fabric resembling shalloon |
cubiform | shaped like a cube |
cubomancy | divination by throwing dice |
cuculine | of, like or pertaining to cuckoos |
cucullate | hooded; hood-shaped |
cucumiform | cucumber-shaped |
cucurbit | chemical vessel used in a still or alembic |
cucurbitaceous | of, like or pertaining to gourds |
cuddy | right of a lord to entertainment from a tenant |
culet | flat back or base of a gemstone |
culiciform | like or resembling a mosquito |
culicino | mark left on a tablecloth by a wet glass |
cullet | waste glass which is melted into new objects |
cullion | mean or base person; rascal |
culm | stem of grass or sedge |
culmen | highest point |
culmiferous | bearing coal-dust |
cultch | flooring of an oyster-bed; rubbish |
cultriform | knife-shaped |
cultus | religious ritual; a cult |
culver | dove or pigeon |
culverin | lightweight, portal, long-barrelled cannon |
culvertage | degradation of a peasant to the position of serf |
cumbent | lying down; reclining |
cumuliform | shaped like a heap |
cumulose | containing or consisting of small heaps |
cunabula | cradle |
cunctation | delay; procrastination |
cuneate | wedge-shaped |
cuneiform | shaped like a wedge |
cuniculous | full of holes and tunnels; full of rabbits |
cupel | goldsmith's vessel for assaying metal |
cupola | spherical vault or concave ceiling |
cupriferous | bearing copper |
cupulate | of, like or pertaining to a cup; cup-shaped |
cupuliferous | bearing cupules |
curate | assistant to a parish priest |
curette | instrument for scraping sides of body cavities |
curia | papal court and its officials |
curie | unit of radioactive decay and intensity |
curiology | picture-writing |
curiosa | pornographic books |
curmurring | rumbling or flatulent sound |
curricle | two-wheeled open carriage |
currycomb | metal comb used to groom horses |
cursorial | used in walking or running |
curtal | short; abbreviated; curtailed; early form of the bassoon |
curtate | shortened; short |
curtilage | court or field attached to a dwelling |
curule | of high authority |
curvet | to leap; to frisk |
curvicaudate | having a curvy tail |
cusec | unit of liquid flow equal to one cubic foot per second |
cuspidor | a spittoon |
custos | guardian, custodian or keeper, especially of convents or monasteries |
custrel | attendant to a knight; a knave |
cutaneous | of or related to the skin |
cuvette | shallow dish for holding liquids |
cwm | valley or glen |
cyaneous | sky blue |
cyanogenesis | production of cyanide |
cyanometer | instrument for measuring blueness of the sky or ocean |
cyanotype | blueprint |
cyathiform | shaped like a cup |
cybernate | to control by means of a computer |
cyberphobia | fear of computers |
cyclograph | instrument for describing arcs of circles without compasses |
cyclolith | stone circle |
cyclometer | instrument for measuring revolutions of a wheel |
cyclophoria | squint due to weakness in the eye muscles |
cyclosis | circulation |
cyclostyle | device for making multiple copies of written text |
cyesis | pregnancy |
cyesolagnia | sexual attraction to pregnant women |
cylix | shallow cup with long stem |
cyllosis | congenital physical deformity |
cymaphen | telephone receiver |
cymbiform | shaped like a boat |
cymograph | instrument for tracing the outline of mouldings |
cymometer | instrument for measuring frequency of electrical waves |
cymophanous | opalescent; having a wavy or floating light |
cymotrichous | wavy-haired |
cynanthropy | pathological belief that one is a dog |
cynartomachy | bear-baiting using dogs |
cynegetic | of or related to hunting |
cynoclept | one who steals dogs |
cynography | writing or treatise on dogs |
cynoid | dog-like; canine |
cynolatry | worship of dogs |
cynology | scientific study of dogs |
cynomorphic | pertaining to a dog's viewpoint |
cynophilist | one who loves dogs |
cynophobia | fear of dogs |
cynosure | anything that attracts attention; object of interest |
cyphonism | use of pillorying as punishment |
cypress | silk or cotton gauze fabric, usually black |
cyprian | lewd woman; prostitute |
cyprinoid | of, like or pertaining to carp |
cypseline | of, like or pertaining to swifts |
cyrenaic | adherent of doctrine that pleasure is ultimate goal |
cystolith | calcium carbonate that masses in cell wall of some plants |
cystoscope | instrument for examining the bladder |
cytheromania | nymphomania |
cytogenesis | formation of cells |
cytology | study of living cells |
cytometer | instrument for counting cells |
czardas | Hungarian dance that increases in speed |
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