Word | Definition |
mabble | to wrap up |
mabsoot | happy |
macadamize | to cover a road with small broken stones |
macarism | a beatitude; taking pleasure in another's joy |
macarize | to declare to be happy or blessed |
macaronic | muddled or mixed-up |
macerate | to steep or soak; to break up; to emaciate |
macerator | a person who fasts and becomes emaciated |
machair | low-lying sandy beach |
machairodont | sabre-toothed |
machicolation | space between corbels in a parapet |
machinule | tool used by surveyors to obtain right angle |
macies | atrophy |
macilent | lean; excessively thin |
mackinaw | heavy napped and felted wool cloth |
mackintosh | lightweight rubberized waterproof cotton |
macon | smoked salted mutton |
macrobian | long-lived |
macrobiote | long-lived organism |
macrocephalic | having an abnormally large head |
macrocephalous | having a large head |
macrocosm | large and complex structure considered as a whole |
macrography | viewing an object with the naked eye |
macrology | much talk with little to say; redundancy; pleonasm |
macromancy | divination using large objects |
macromania | delusion that objects are larger than natural size |
macrophobia | fear of prolonged waiting |
macropodine | of, like or pertaining to kangaroos |
macropterous | having large wings or fins |
macroscian | one with a long shadow; one who inhabits polar regions |
macrotous | big-eared |
macrural | having a long tail |
mactation | killing or slaughter of a sacrificial victim |
macular | spotted; patchy |
maculation | the act of spotting or staining |
maculomancy | divination using spots |
maculose | spotted |
madapollam | fine cotton cloth |
madarosis | loss of eyelashes or eyebrows |
madder | red dye made from brazil wood; a reddish or red-orange colour |
madefy | to moisten or make wet |
maderization | wine becoming rusty in colour and flat in taste |
madescent | growing damp |
madid | wet; dank |
madoline | vegetable slicer with adjustable blade |
madras | fine plain-woven cotton or silk |
maelid | apple-nymph |
maenadic | furious; bacchanalian |
maffick | to celebrate exuberantly and boisterously |
magadis | ancient bridged stringed instrument |
maggotorium | place where maggots are bred for sale to fishers |
magianism | teachings or philosophy of the magi |
magirics | art of cookery |
magisterial | in the manner of a teacher or magistrate |
magisterium | teaching function of the Catholic church |
magistral | of, like or pertaining to a master or teacher |
magnality | wonderful or great thing |
magnanerie | art of raising silkworms |
magnetics | study of magnetism |
magnetograph | instrument for recording measurements of magnetic fields |
magnetometer | instrument for measuring intensity of magnetic fields |
magneton | unit of the quantized magnetic moment of a particle |
magnicaudate | having a long tail |
magnificat | canticle in praise of the Virgin Mary |
magniloquent | speaking in a grand or pompous style |
magpiety | garrulousness |
mahout | one who rides or drives elephants |
maidan | open plain; open space near a town |
maieutic | bringing out latent thoughts; socratic |
maieutics | midwifery |
maillot | tights worn by a ballet dancer |
mainmast | sailing ship's principal mast |
mainour | stolen goods discovered on thief |
mainpernor | one who gives mainprise |
mainprise | surety for the appearance of a prisoner at trial |
mainsail | principal sail on a ship's mainmast |
mainsheet | rope by which mainsail is trimmed and secured |
mainstay | stay that extends from the main-top to the foot of the foremast |
majolica | elaborate glazed Italian pottery |
malabathrum | dried leaf used in ancient times to make perfumed ointments |
malacissation | act of making soft or supple |
malacoid | made of a soft or fleshy substance |
malacology | study of molluscs |
malacophilous | pollinated by snails |
malacophonous | soft-voiced |
malagma | emollient plaster |
malaguena | Spanish dance performed by a couple, similar to the fandango |
malapert | bold; forward; saucy |
malapropism | misapplication of words without mispronunciation |
malar | of, like or pertaining to the cheek |
malariology | study of malaria |
malaxage | softening of clay by kneading it |
malaxate | to soften by kneading, rubbing or mixing with a liquid |
malchus | short cutting sword |
maledicent | cursing |
malefic | doing mischief; producing evil |
malfeasance | evil-doing; illegal activities |
malgré | in spite of |
maliferous | harmful; unhealthy |
malinger | to feign sickness in order to avoid duty or work |
malism | the belief that the world is evil |
malison | a curse |
malleation | hammering; a hammer-mark or dent |
malleiform | shaped like a hammer |
mallophagous | eating wool or fleece |
malloseismic | suffering from frequent and severe earthquakes |
malm | calcareous loam used in making brick |
malmsey | sweet perfumed wine |
maltha | thick mineral pitch |
maltster | one who makes or deals in malt |
malvaceous | of, like or pertaining to the mallow family of plants |
malversation | corruption in office; corrupt administration; misconduct |
mambo | Cuban ballroom dance resembling the rumba or cha-cha |
mamelle | rounded hill |
mamelon | rounded hill or protuberance |
mammalogy | study of mammals |
mammer | to stammer; to waver; to be undecided |
mammetry | idolatry; idols collectively |
mammiferous | having breasts |
mammiform | shaped like a breast |
mammila | nipple |
mammiliform | shaped like a nipple |
mammock | scrap or shred; a broken piece |
mammogenic | promoting growth of the milk glands |
mammon | riches; the wealthy; the upper classes |
mammonism | devotion to pursuit of wealth |
mammose | shaped like a breast |
mammothrept | spoiled child |
mamzer | illegitimate child |
manal | of, like or pertaining to the hand |
mancipation | legal transfer by actual or symbolic sale |
manciple | steward of a college or monastery; purveyor |
mandament | command; order |
mandamus | writ instructing that an action should be performed |
mandarism | government with a large bureaucracy |
mandative | of, like or pertaining to commands or leadership |
mandibuliform | shaped like a mandible or jaw-bone |
mandorla | oval panel containing a work of art; elliptical halo around holy person |
mandrel | axle of a circular saw |
mandriarch | founder or leader of a monastic order |
manducate | to chew or eat |
mandylion | loose outer garment worn over armour |
manège | the art of horsemanship |
manganiferous | bearing manganese |
mangonel | medieval war engine for throwing stones |
manicate | having a woolly growth that can be peeled off |
manicism | left-handedness |
maniform | having the shape of a hand |
maniple | clerical vestment worn on the left arm |
manometer | instrument for measuring pressure of a liquid or gas |
manqué | having had unfulfilled ambition; failing to achieve expectation |
manrope | rope used as a handrail on a ship |
mansionary | residence; mansions |
mansuetude | meekness; tameness; sweetness of temper |
mansworn | perjured |
mantelletta | knee-length sleeveless garment worn by Catholic cardinals and bishops |
mantic | of, like or pertaining to divination; prophetic; divinely inspired |
mantissa | decimal part of logarithm |
mantology | fortune-telling |
manubrial | shaped like a handle |
manubrium | any handle-like structure |
manuduction | careful guidance; leading by hand |
manumission | emancipation; freedom from slavery |
manurance | cultivation |
manustupration | masturbation |
mappemond | map of the world |
maquette | small model of something to be made on a larger scale |
maquis | guerrilla resistance force |
marabout | thin downy silk |
maraging | process by which alloy is slowly cooled in the air |
marah | bitterness; something bitter |
marasmus | wasting away of the body; emaciation due to malnutrition |
marc | refuse from winemaking |
marcella | cotton or linen in twill weave |
marcescent | withering without falling off |
marchpane | old name for marzipan |
marcidity | state of great leanness |
marcottage | propagation of trees by stripping ring of bark and covering with moss |
maremma | marsh; miasma |
margaric | pearl-like |
margaritiferous | pearl-bearing |
margaritomancy | divination using pearls |
maricolous | living in the sea |
mariculture | cultivation of aquatic flora and fauna |
marigenous | produced by or in the sea |
marigraph | instrument for recording tide levels |
Mariolatry | worship of the virgin mother |
Mariology | study of the Virgin Mary |
maritage | right of feudal lord to arrange marriages of vassals |
mariticide | killing or killer of one's husband |
maritodespotism | ruthless domination by a husband |
marivaudage | preciosity in literary style or expression |
marl | clay used as fertilizer |
marline | small rope wound about larger rope to keep it from fraying |
marmarosis | conversion of limestone into marble |
marmoreal | of or like marble |
marocain | ribbed crepe fabric |
marquetry | furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal |
marquisette | sheer meshed cloth |
marrano | Jew converted to Christianity to avoid persecution |
marry | expression of surprised agreement |
martello | circular fort for coastal defence |
martext | ignorant preacher |
martinet | a strict disciplinarian; one who adheres to rules |
martingale | lower stay of rope used to sustain strain of the forestays |
martingale | strap between horse's forelegs to keep its head down |
martlet | heraldic representation of a bird without feet |
martyrium | shrine erected in memory of a martyr |
martyrolatry | excessive devotion to martyrs |
martyrology | study of martyrs |
marver | marble or iron slab on which molten glass is rolled |
mascaron | grotesque face on a door-knocker |
maschalephidrosis | massive sweating of the armpits |
mascle | diamond-shaped plate or scale |
mascon | concentration of dense mass beneath the moon's surface |
maskirovka | use of deception or camouflage as military stratagem |
masseter | muscle used to move the lower jaw |
masterate | degree or title of a master |
masticate | to chew; to knead mechanically |
mastigophorous | bearing a whip |
mastoid | like a nipple or teat |
mastology | study of mammals |
matachin | Spanish ritualised sword-dance or battle dance |
matelassé | having a quilted ornamentation; fabric with raised pattern as if quilted |
materialism | belief that matter is the only extant substance |
materteral | of or resembling an aunt |
mathemancy | divination by counting |
mathematicaster | minor or inferior mathematician |
mathesis | mental discipline; learning or wisdom |
matinal | of, like or pertaining to the morning |
matins | prayer service held in early morning hours |
matrass | long-necked chemical flask |
matrical | of, like or pertaining to a womb or a matrix |
matricular | of, like or pertaining to a register |
matriherital | of, like or pertaining to inheritance along the female line |
matriotism | love for country or other institution when regarded as a mother |
matripotestal | of, like or pertaining to the power of mothers |
matroclinic | more like the mother than the father |
matryoshka | Russian hollow wooden doll |
mattery | purulent |
mattock | pickaxe for loosening soil |
mattoid | person on borderline between sanity and insanity |
maturescent | becoming mature |
matutinal | of, like or pertaining to the morning; happening early in the day |
matutolypea | getting up on the wrong side of the bed |
maudlin | tearfully sentimental |
maugre | in spite of |
maugre | in spite of; notwithstanding |
maulstick | stick used by painters to steady the hand |
maunder | to grumble; to drivel; to mutter |
maundy | custom of sovereign washing feet of poor or giving alms |
mavrodaphne | sweet dark red Greek wine |
maxillary | of, like or pertaining to a jaw |
maximalism | uncompromising adherence to extreme demands |
maxixe | Brazilian ballroom dance resembling the two-step |
maxwell | unit of magnetic flux |
maya | illusion; the world of phenomena |
mayhap | perhaps |
mazarine | rich blue or reddish-blue colour |
mazer | hardwood drinking bowl |
mazology | mammalogy; study of mammals |
mazopathia | any disease of the placenta |
mazurka | Polish folk dance in moderate triple measure |
mazut | petroleum residue after distillation |
mazy | dizzy; confused; labyrinthine; convoluted |
mazzard | wild sweet cherry |
mazzebah | ancient Jewish sacred stone pillar |
mbalax | West African popular music |
mbaqanga | jazz-influenced southern African popular music style |
meable | easily penetrable |
meatus | opening of a passage or canal |
mecate | old Mexican measure of about one-tenth of an acre |
mechanism | belief that life is explainable by mechanical forces |
mechanolatry | worship of machines |
mechanomorphic | having the form of a machine |
mecometer | instrument for measuring length |
meconium | first feces of a newborn child |
meconology | study of or treatise concerning opium |
meconomancy | divination using sleep |
meconophagist | consumer of opium or heroin |
mediagenic | able to present a good image in the media |
medianic | of, like or pertaining to spiritualists, mediums or prophets |
medicament | externally applied curative treatment |
medicaster | quack; charlatan |
meditabund | absorbed in meditation |
medius | the middle finger |
medullary | consisting of or resembling marrow or pith |
medusiform | resembling a jellyfish |
meedless | undeserving; unrewarded |
meet | fitting; proper |
megacerine | extinct giant deer |
megachiropteran | of, like or pertaining to fruit bats |
megalith | large rough stone used as a monument |
megameter | instrument for determining longitude by observing stars |
megaprosopous | having a large face |
megascope | instrument for projecting an enlarged image |
megascopic | visible to the naked eye |
megathermic | surviving only in tropical climates |
megistotherm | plant requiring very high temperatures |
megrim | dizziness; migraine; low spirits |
mehari | camel used for racing |
meiosis | understatement of size or importance for rhetorical effect |
mekometer | range-finder |
mel | honey |
melalgia | pain in the limbs |
melanic | black; very dark |
melaniferous | containing or bearing melanin |
melano | abnormally dark person or animal |
melanochroic | dark-skinned |
melasma | dark patch of skin |
meldometer | instrument for measuring melting points of substances |
meleagrine | of, like or pertaining to turkeys |
melic | to be sung; lyric |
melichrous | having a honey-like colour |
meline | canary-yellow |
meliorism | the belief the world tends to become better |
meliphagous | feeding upon honey |
melisma | tune; melodic embellishment; ornamentation |
melismatic | florid in melody |
melittology | study of bees |
mellaginous | of, like or pertaining to or resembling honey |
melliferous | producing or forming honey |
mellification | honey-making |
mellisonant | sweet-sounding |
mellivorous | honey-eating |
melologue | recitation with musical accompaniment |
melomania | craze for music |
melopepon | any of various kinds of squash |
melopoeia | composition of music |
melton | strong and smooth heavy woollen cloth |
membral | of, like or pertaining to the limbs rather than the trunk |
memoriter | from memory; by heart |
menald | speckled; spotted |
menarche | first menstruation |
mendacity | insincerity; inclination to tell falsehoods |
mendicant | member of impoverished religious order |
mendiloquence | artful lying |
menisciform | shaped like a crescent |
meniscus | crescent-shaped object; concave lens |
menology | register or calendar of saints' days |
mensal | of, like or pertaining to the dinner-table; monthly |
menstruum | solvent used in the preparation of drugs |
mensuration | measuring to find the dimensions of things |
mental | of, like or pertaining to the chin |
mentalism | belief that the world can be explained as aspect of the mind |
mentatiferous | telepathic |
mentation | thought; cogitation; cognition |
menticide | reduction of mind by psychological pressure |
mentum | the chin |
mephitic | foul-smelling |
meracious | pure; unmixed |
mercedary | pertaining to the giving or receiving of wages |
mercer | dealer in small wares or textiles |
mercurial | volatile; fluctuating |
merdivorous | dung-eating |
merdurinous | composed of urine and feces |
merengue | Caribbean ballroom dance in which feet are frequently dragged |
mereology | study of part-whole relationships |
meretricious | of, like or pertaining to prostitution; superficially attractive but lacking value |
merino | soft wool of the merino sheep; any soft merino-like wool or wool and cotton cloth |
merism | rhetorical device of contrasting two parts of a whole |
meristic | divided into parts or segments |
meritocracy | government by the meritorious |
merkin | pubic wig |
merlon | narrow wall in battlement between embrasures |
merocracy | government by a part of the citizenry |
merogenesis | segmentation |
meromorphic | fractional |
meronym | word whose relation to another is a part to the whole |
meropia | partial blindness |
mersion | dipping; as in baptism |
merycism | rumination |
mésalliance | unsuitable marriage |
meseems | it seems to me |
mesial | middle |
mesic | adapted to life with a moderate supply of moisture |
mesnalty | feudal estate |
mesochroic | having skin colour intermediate between light and dark |
mesocracy | government by the middle classes |
mesology | ecology |
mesotherm | plant living only in moderate climates |
mesquin | mean; ungracious |
messaline | soft lightweight silk with a satin weave |
messianism | belief in a single messiah or saviour |
messuage | house with land and auxiliary buildings |
metabasis | transition; transfer |
metabiosis | reliance of an organism on another for environment |
metachronism | an error of dating an event too late |
metachrosis | ability of animals to change colour |
metage | official weighing of goods; charge for such weighing |
metagnomy | divination |
metagnostic | incomprehensible; beyond understanding |
metagraphy | transliteration |
metagrobolize | to mystify; to puzzle out |
metalepsis | metonymy of a double or indirect kind |
metalliferous | bearing metal |
metallogenic | metal occurring as an ore as opposed to in rocks |
metallogeny | study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits |
metallography | study of the structure and constitution of metals |
metallurgy | study of alloying and treating metals |
metameric | of, like or pertaining to serial division or segmentation of body |
metanalysis | incorrect placement of 'n' at start of word following a nindefinite article |
metanoia | repentance; fundamental change in character |
metanomen | metaphorical name |
metaphony | umlaut; change in vöwel sound due to nearby consonant |
metaphrase | turning of prose into verse or vice versa |
metaphrast | one who produces a metaphrase |
metaphysics | study of principles of nature and thought |
metaphysis | change in form; metamorphosis |
metaplasm | alteration in spelling of a word |
metapolitics | study of politics in theory or abstract |
metapsychology | study of nature of the mind |
metastasis | removal from one place to another |
metasthenic | having strong haunches or hindquarters |
metastrophe | mutual exchange |
metathesis | transposition of sounds or letters of a word |
métayage | system of agricultural labour with share of produce as wages |
metempirical | beyond the scope of knowledge |
metempsychosis | passing of soul after death into another body |
metemptosis | omission of day from calendar to correct lunar calendar |
metensomatosis | movement of soul into new body before or after death |
meteorism | abdominal cramps and swelling due to flatulence |
meteoritics | the study of meteors |
meteorograph | instrument recording a variety of meteorological observations |
meteoromancy | divination by studying meteors |
methanometer | instrument for detecting presence of methane |
metheglin | mead; honey ale |
methinks | I believe; I think |
methomania | morbid craving for alcohol |
methysis | drunkenness |
métier | profession, occupation, calling or business |
metonymy | figurative use of word to name an attribute of its subject |
metope | front, forehead or frontal surface |
metopic | of, like or pertaining to the forehead |
metopomancy | divination using the forehead or face |
metoposcopy | fortune-telling or judgement of character by the lines of the forehead |
metrics | study of versification |
metrocracy | government by mothers or women; matriarchy |
metrology | science of weights and measures |
metromania | insatiable desire for writing verse |
metronymy | system of naming after the mother's or female line |
metrophobia | fear of poetry |
metropolitan | archbishop holding authority over other bishops |
meuse | space through which animal track passes |
mew | to shed, moult or change |
mewling | crying feebly |
mezzotint | method of copper engraving with even gradation of tones |
mho | unit of electrical conductance |
miasma | foul vapours from rotting matter; unwholesome air |
micaceous | consisting of or made of mica |
micrander | dwarf male plant |
microanatomy | study of microscopic tissues |
microbarograph | instrument for recording minute changes in atmospheric pressure |
microbiology | study of microscopic organisms |
microcalorimeter | instrument for measuring tiny quantities of heat |
microcephalic | having a very small head |
microclimatology | study of local climates |
micrograph | instrument used to write on a very small scale |
microlith | very small stone tool |
micrology | study or discussion of trivialities |
micromancy | divination using small objects |
micromania | pathological self-deprecation or belief that one is very small |
micrometer | instrument for measuring very small distances |
micronometer | instrument for measuring short periods of time |
micropalaeontology | study of microscopic fossils |
microphagous | feeding on small creatures or plants |
microphyllous | having small leaves |
microphytology | study of very small plant life |
micropodal | having extremely small feet |
micropolis | small city |
micropsia | disease causing objects to appear smaller than actual size |
micropyle | microscopic orifice |
microscopy | study of minute objects |
microseismograph | instrument for recording small or distant earthquakes |
microseismometer | instrument for measuring small or distant earthquakes |
microsomatous | having a small body |
microtome | instrument used to cut very small sections of something |
micrurgy | dissection under magnification or under a microscope |
micturition | the act of urinating |
mida | larva of the bean-fly |
midinette | shop-girl |
midlenting | custom of giving gifts to parents on mid-Lent Sunday |
mien | air or look; manner |
mignon | small and dainty |
migraineur | one who suffers from migraines |
mil | unit of 1/1000 inch used for measuring thickness of wire |
mileometer | instrument for recording distance travelled in miles |
miliary | like or concerning millet seeds |
militaster | soldier without skill or ability |
milleflori | glassware made of coloured rods embedded in clear glass |
millenarianism | belief that an ideal society will be produced in the near future |
millesimal | thousandth; consisting of thousandth parts |
milliad | millennium; period of a thousand years |
milliammeter | instrument for recording very small electrical currents |
millionocracy | government by millionaires |
millocracy | government by mill owners |
milquetoast | very timid; unassertive person |
milt | fish spawn |
milvine | of, like or pertaining to kites and similar birds |
mim | prim, demure |
mimature | mimicry |
mimetic | imitative; of, like or pertaining to mimicry |
mimography | written representation of signs |
minacious | threatening |
minargent | alloy of copper, silver and aluminum |
minatory | threatening |
minauderie | display of affectation |
mineralogy | study of minerals |
miniaceous | colour of reddish lead |
miniate | to decorate with rubrics; to illuminate a manuscript |
miniaturist | one who paints miniature pictures |
minify | to diminish, in appearance or reality |
minim | unit of liquid volume equal to 1/480 fluid ounces |
minimifidian | having the smallest possible degree of faith |
minimism | inclination to reduce a dogma to the least possible |
minimuscular | tiny |
minium | vermilion; red lead |
miniver | ermine in winter coat; ermine or squirrel fur |
minnesinger | medieval troubadour or poet |
minster | church associated with a monastery |
minuend | number from which another is to be subtracted |
minuet | slow and stately Baroque dance in 3/4 time |
minutious | paying undue attention to minutiae |
miosis | abnormal contraction of the pupil of the eye |
miothermic | of, like or pertaining to temperature conditions of the present day |
mirabilia | wonders |
mirabiliary | miracle worker |
mirador | belvedere or watchtower; architectural feature with good view |
mird | to meddle |
mirific | wonder-working; marvellous |
mirliton | reed pipe |
misacceptation | misinterpretation |
misandry | hatred of men |
misaunter | misadventure or mishap |
misbeseem | to be unsuited or unsuitable to |
miscegene | person of mixed racial heritage |
miscellanarian | writer of miscellanies |
misericord | ledge in church to lean against while standing; forgiveness or mercy |
misfeasance | doing of a lawful act in a wrongful manner |
mislight | to lead astray by a light |
misocapnic | hating tobacco or its smoke |
misoclere | one who hates the clergy |
misogallic | hating France or the French |
misology | hatred of reason or knowledge |
misoneism | hatred of novelty |
misopaedia | hatred of children |
misosophy | hatred of knowledge or wisdom |
misotheism | hatred of God or deities |
misprise | to scorn; to slight; to undervalue |
misprision | mistake; overlooking of a crime of another |
missal | book containing complete service for mass |
mistetch | bad habit |
mistigris | variation of poker where blank card can have any value |
misyoke | to yoke or marry unsuitably |
miter | high headdress worn by bishop or archbishop |
mithridate | antidote to poison |
mithridatism | immunity to poison by taking increasingly large doses |
miticide | agent which kills mites |
mitogenic | causing cell division |
mitrailleur | machine-gunner |
mitrate | shaped like a mitre or bonnet |
mitriform | mitre-shaped |
mittimus | warrant granted for sending a charged person to jail |
mixen | dunghill |
mixotrophic | combining different modes of nutrition |
mizmaze | labyrinth; bewilderment |
mizzen | three-masted vessel; aft sail of such a vessel |
mizzenmast | mast aft or next aft of the mainmast in a ship |
mizzle | to rain in small drops |
mnemon | unit of memory, largely hypothetical |
mnemonist | one from whose memory nothing is erased |
mnemotechny | system for improving memory |
mnesic | of, like or pertaining to memory |
mobocracy | government by mobs or crowds |
mockado | inferior quality woollen fabric |
modalism | belief in unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit |
modena | crimson |
modillion | ornamental bracket under Corinthian or other column |
modish | fashionable; stylish |
modiste | a maker or seller of fashionable dresses and hats |
modius | cylindrical headdress of the gods |
modulus | number leaving same remainder when divided into two others |
mofette | volcanic opening in the earth emitting carbon dioxide |
mofussil | provincial; rural |
mogadore | ribbed silk used in making neckties |
mogigraphia | writing only with difficulty |
mogilalia | speaking only with difficulty |
mohair | fabric made from silky hair of angora goats |
moilsome | laborious |
moineau | small flat bastion that protects fortification when being built |
moire | watered silk |
moiré | watered appearance on cloth or metal |
moirologist | mourner for hire |
molariform | shaped like a molar |
molendinar | of, like or pertaining to a mill or miller |
molendinary | mill |
moleskin | heavy durable cotton |
molimen | great effort, especially in performing natural functions |
molinary | of, like or pertaining to mills or grinding |
molinology | study of mills and milling |
mollescent | softening |
mollipilose | downy; soft; having soft plumage |
mollities | softness; softening |
mollitious | luxurious; sensuous |
molluscicide | killing of mollusks |
mollycoddle | an effeminate man |
molochize | to sacrifice |
molossus | verse foot of three long syllables |
molybdosis | lead poisoning |
momentaneous | momentary; instantaneous |
momilogy | study of mummies |
Momus | satirist; critic |
mon | Japanese family crest |
monachise | to cause to become a monk |
monachism | monasticism |
monadism | theory that there exist ultimate units of being |
monandry | marriage to only one man at a time |
monanthous | having only a single flower |
monaxial | having only one axis |
mondain | worldly; fashionable; such a person |
monepic | comprising only one word or single-word sentences |
monergism | theory that the Holy Spirit alone can act |
moneyocracy | government by the monied classes |
mongery | trafficking or marketing, especially in discreditable ways |
monial | a nun |
moniliform | shaped like a string of beads |
monism | belief that all things can be placed in one category |
monition | caution; warning |
monitory | letter containing a warning |
monkery | monks in general; monasticism; behaviour of monks |
monoblepsia | colour-blindness for all but one colour |
monocarpic | producing fruit only once |
monocerous | having only one horn |
monochord | musical instrument having only one string |
monochroic | of one colour |
monochromasy | complete colour-blindness |
monochronic | contemporaneous |
monocracy | government by one individual |
monoculture | growing of one agricultural crop only |
monoculus | one-eyed person |
monodont | one-tusked |
monodrama | one-man show; play having only one actor |
monody | mournful ode or poem performed by a single mourner |
monoecious | having both male and female reproductive organs |
monogenesis | origin of offspring from identical parent |
monogoneutic | having only a single brood or litter |
monogony | asexual reproduction |
monoideism | obsession or fixation on a single idea or thought |
monolatry | worship of one god without excluding belief in others |
monoliteral | comprising only one letter |
monolith | large single stone in form of monument, obelisk or column |
monology | habit of offering soliloquies or monologues |
monomachy | single combat; a duel |
monomania | abnormal obsession with a single thought or idea |
monomorphic | having only one form |
monoousian | having the same substance |
monophagous | feeding on only one type of food |
monophobia | fear of being alone |
monophylletic | derived from common ancestry or parentage |
monophysitism | belief that Christ was primarily divine but in human form |
monopode | one-footed person with foot large enough to be a sunshade |
monopolylogue | dramatic work in which one actor plays many roles |
monopsony | case of only one buyer for products of several sellers |
monopsychism | belief that individuals have a single eternal soul |
monopteron | circular temple with one ring of columns |
monoptote | word with one form for all cases; indeclinable noun |
monorhyme | series of lines all rhyming together |
monoschemic | having the same metrical pattern throughout |
monostichous | in one line; in one row |
monostrophe | poem in which all stanzas share an identical structure |
monostylar | consisting of a single shaft |
monosy | separation of parts normally fused |
monotheism | belief in only one God |
monotheletism | belief that Christ had only one will |
monothelious | polyandrous |
monotroch | wheelbarrow |
monoxylon | canoe made from one log |
monstrance | vessel used to expose the Eucharist |
montane | mountainous; mountain-dwelling |
montant | vertical member in panelling or framing |
montero | huntsman |
montgolfier | balloon using fire for propulsion |
monticle | a little hill |
monticolous | mountain-dwelling |
montiform | shaped like a mountain |
montre | visible pipes of an organ |
monture | mounting, setting or frame |
mooncalf | false conception or fleshy mass in the womb |
moonraker | topmost sail of a ship, above the skyscraper |
moorlog | deposit of decayed woody material under a marsh |
moot | meeting; gathering; meeting-hall |
mopsical | short-sighted |
moquette | thick piled fabric used in upholstery and carpeting |
mor | humus layer formed by slow decomposition in acidic soil |
mora | delay |
morassic | of, like or pertaining to a morass |
morbidezza | an extreme delicacy and softness |
morbiferous | disease-bringing |
morbilli | measles |
morbilliform | like or resembling measles |
morbus | disease |
morcellate | to divide into small portions |
mordacious | given to biting; biting in quality |
mordant | biting; caustic; incisive; corrosive |
mordent | rapidly alternating a tone with one half-tone lower; reverse trill |
moreen | stout corded wool or cotton |
morel | dark-coloured horse; blackish colour |
moresco | a Moorish dance or morris-dance |
morgan | unit of inferred distance between genes on a chromosome |
morganatic | of, like or pertaining to a marriage between those of unequal rank |
morganise | to secretly do away with |
morgen | unit of land area slightly more than two acres |
morgue | haughtiness; arrogance |
moria | folly |
morient | dying |
moriform | shaped like a mulberry |
morigeration | deferential behaviour |
morigerous | obsequious or deferent |
morion | open helmet without visor |
morioplasty | restoration of lost parts of the body |
morkin | animal that has died by accident |
morling | sheep dead from disease; its wool |
mormal | inflamed sore |
morne | dismal; gloomy; sombre |
morology | nonsense |
morosis | pathological feeble-mindedness |
morosophy | foolish pretence of wisdom |
morphallaxis | regeneration in a changed form |
morphean | of, like or pertaining to dreams |
morphew | skin eruption |
morphinomania | habitual craving or desire for morphine |
morphogenesis | origin or development of a body part or organ |
morphology | study of forms and the development of structures |
morphometry | measurement of form or shape |
morphonomy | laws governing biological morphology |
morphotic | of, like or pertaining to formation or development |
morris | vigorous English dance performed by costumed men |
morro | rounded hill or headland |
morsal | of, like or pertaining to the cutting edge of a knife |
morse | walrus |
morsitation | act of biting or gnawing |
morsure | a bite |
mortalism | belief that the soul is mortal |
mortiferous | death-bringing; fatal |
mortise | hole or recess made in wood to receive a tenon |
mortmain | restrictive influence of the past on the present |
moschate | having a musky odour |
moschiferous | producing musk |
moslings | thin strips taken off when dressing skins |
motable | constantly moving |
motatory | continually moving |
motiferous | conveying motion |
motile | capable of moving spontaneously as a whole |
motograph | old telegraph or telephone receiver |
motrix | female motor |
motte | artificial mound upon which a castle is built |
mottle | to variegate blotchily |
moucharaby | projecting latticed window |
mouchard | police spy |
mouillé | sounded in a liquid manner; palatized |
mouldwarp | mole |
moulin | shaft in a glacier caused by water running down a crack |
moulinet | machine for bending a crossbow |
mountenance | amount; distance |
mournival | set of four things |
mousseline | fine sheer fabric |
mousseline | very fine glassware |
mouton | sheepskin processed to look like the fur of another animal |
movent | moving; capable of causing motion |
mow | to make a grimace |
moya | volcanic mud |
mozzetta | short cape with ornamental hood worn by Catholic prelates |
mucago | mucus; mucilage |
mucedinous | mouldy; mildewy |
muchity | great size or bulk |
mucid | mouldy; musty |
muciferous | conveying or secreting mucus |
mucilage | any sticky substance |
mucivorous | feeding on plant juices |
mucopurulent | of mucus and pus |
mucorrhoea | discharge of mucus |
mucronate | terminating in a sharp point |
mucrone | stiff sharp point forming an abrupt end |
mucroniform | like, having or resembling a sharp point |
muculent | like mucus |
muffineer | dish for keeping muffins hot |
mugient | bellowing; braying |
mugwump | one who is neutral politically |
mulciberian | of, like or pertaining to metalworking |
mulct | to swindle; to obtain by fraud |
mulctuary | punishable by a fine |
muleteer | mule-driver |
muliebrile | womanly; feminine |
muliebrity | womanhood |
mulism | obstinate quirk or habit |
mull | soft fine sheer cotton or silk fabric |
mull | to moisten leather to make it more supple |
muller | flat heavy stone or iron pulverizing tool |
mullet | five-pointed star in heraldry; ridiculous hairstyle |
mulley | hornless |
mulligrubs | a despondent or ill-tempered mood |
mullion | upright division between window panes |
mullock | waste earth or rock from a mine |
mulm | organic sediment at bottom of an aquarium |
mulse | boiled wine with honey |
multanimous | having a many-sided mind |
multarticulate | many-jointed |
multeity | manifoldness; very great numerousness |
multicapitate | many-headed |
multicipital | many-headed |
multifarious | having great diversity; manifold |
multifid | having many divisions |
multiflorous | many-flowered |
multilocation | appearance in many places simultaneously |
multiloculate | many-chambered |
multiloquent | talkative; garrulous |
multiparous | having given birth to multiple children |
multiplicative | indicating repetition or augmentation |
multipotent | having the power to do many things |
multiscience | knowledge of many things |
multisonant | producing many or very loud sounds |
multisulcate | many-furrowed |
multitarian | having many forms but one central essence |
multivious | leading in many directions; offering many different paths |
multivocal | having many meanings |
multivolent | having several differing opinions; disagreeing |
multivoltine | having several broods in one season |
multure | fee for grinding grain |
mumpsimus | view stubbornly held even when shown to be wrong |
mundificative | a cleansing or purifying medicine |
mundify | to cleanse; to purify; to heal |
mundungus | foul-smelling tobacco |
mungo | waste produced in a woollen-mill |
munificence | magnificent liberality in giving |
munify | to fortify |
muniment | means of defence; record fortifying or proving a claim |
munting | vertical framing piece between door panels |
muonium | positively-charged muon attached to an electron |
murage | tax for the upkeep of walls |
murally | by means of walls; on or from a wall |
murcous | having the thumb cut off |
murdrum | killing of a human being in a secret manner |
murenger | official in charge of ensuring city walls are repaired |
muriated | pickled; preserved |
muriatic | briny |
muricate | rough or warty with sharp points |
muriform | resembling a mouse or rat |
murine | of, like or pertaining to mice and rats |
muriphobia | fear of mice |
murrain | epidemic or plague affecting livestock |
murrhine | clear glassware containing pieces of coloured glass |
musal | of, like or pertaining to poetry or the Muses |
muscariform | shaped like a brush |
muscicapine | of, like or pertaining to flycatchers and related birds |
muscicide | substance for killing flies |
muscid | of, like or pertaining to house-flies |
muscoid | of, like or pertaining to mosses; moss-like |
muscology | the study of mosses |
museology | the study of museums |
musicaster | a mediocre musician |
muslin | plain-woven fine cotton |
musomania | obsession with music |
musrol | nose-band of a bridle |
mussitate | to mutter |
mussitation | murmuring; grumbling |
mustelid | otters, badgers and weasels |
musteline | of, like or pertaining to weasels, martens and badgers |
mutagenesis | origin or induction of mutation |
mutative | indicating a change of place or state |
mutchkin | old unit of liquid measurement equal to 3/4 of an imperial pint |
mutic | lacking normal defensive parts or organs |
mutivity | tendency to alter |
mutualism | belief in mutual dependence of society and the individual |
mvule | kind of African tree like a mulberry; hard wood of that tree |
myasthenia | muscular weakness or debility |
mycetism | fungus poisoning |
mycology | study of funguses |
mycophagous | eating fungus |
mycosis | disease due to the growth of a fungus |
mycteric | of, like or pertaining to the nostrils |
mycterism | sneering |
mydriasis | morbid dilatation of the pupil of the eye |
myelic | of, like or pertaining to the spinal cord |
myogenic | having a muscular origin |
myograph | instrument for recording muscular contractions |
myology | study of muscles |
myomancy | divination from the movements of mice |
myophobia | fear of mice |
myosis | excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye |
myoxine | of, like or pertaining to dormice |
myriacanthous | having many prickles |
myriadth | being a one-ten-thousandth part of a whole |
myriarchy | government by ten thousand individuals |
myringa | eardrum |
myringoscope | instrument for viewing the eardrum |
myriorama | picture consisting of many interchangeable parts |
myristicivorous | feeding upon nutmegs |
myrmecoid | antlike |
myrmecology | study of ants |
myrmecophagid | of, like or pertaining to anteaters |
myrmecophagous | feeding on ants |
myrmecophilous | having a symbiotic relationship with ants |
myrmicine | of, like or pertaining to ants |
myrmidon | follower; hireling; mercenary |
myropologist | one who sells perfume |
mysophobia | fear of contamination or dirt |
mystacial | having a mustache-like stripe |
mystagogical | of, like or pertaining to religious ritual initiation |
mysteriosophy | system of knowledge concerning secrets and mysteries |
mythoclast | destroyer of myths |
mythogenesis | origin of myths |
mythography | descriptive study or representation of myths |
mythomania | lying or exaggerating to an abnormal extent |
mythopoeic | giving rise to myths |
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