Word | Definition |
aba | garment of camel or goat hair; camel or goat-hair fabric |
abacinate | to blind by putting red-hot copper basin near the eyes |
abactor | cattle thief |
abaculus | small tile for mosaic |
abaft | toward or at the stern of a ship; further aft |
abampere | unit equivalent to 10 amperes |
abapical | at the lowest point |
abarticular | not connected with the joint |
abasement | action of humbling or degrading |
abasia | inability to walk due to lack of muscular coordination |
abask | in genial warmth |
abatis | rampart of felled trees and branches |
abatjour | skylight or device to direct light into a room |
abattoir | public slaughterhouse |
abature | trail through wood beaten down by a stag |
abb | yarn used for warp |
abba | Syriac or Coptic bishop |
abbatial | of, like or pertaining to abbots or an abbey |
abbozzo | preliminary sketch |
abditive | remote; secret; hidden |
abdominous | having a paunch or big belly |
abducent | turning away; bearing away from |
abeam | in a line at right angles to the length of a vessel, on the beam |
abear | to bear; to comport; to behave |
abecedarian | of, like or pertaining to the order of the alphabet; rudimentary |
abecedism | word created from the initials of words in a phrase |
abele | white poplar tree |
aberdevine | alternate name for the siskin |
aberuncators | long tool for pruning tall branches |
abessive | indicating absence or lack |
abiectic | of, like or pertaining to fir trees or fir sap |
abigail | a lady's maid |
abigeus | cattle rustler |
abiogenesis | spontaneous generation of living matter |
abiotrophy | degeneration; loss of physical vitality or ability |
abirritate | to alleviate irritation; to reduce sensitivity |
abiturient | pupil leaving school for university |
abject | humble; miserable; craven |
ablactation | weaning of a child from its mother's milk |
ablative | indicating direction from or time when |
ablator | thermal protection on outside of spacecraft |
ablaut | variation in root vowel of words to change meaning |
ablegate | papal envoy or legate |
ablepsia | blindness |
ablow | in a blowing state |
abluent | cleanser or cleansing product |
ablutomania | mania for washing oneself |
abnegate | to renounce or repudiate |
abodement | an omen; a foretelling |
aboideau | tide gate |
abolla | Roman military cloak |
abomasum | ruminant's fourth stomach |
aboral | away from the mouth |
abord | to accost; to approach |
aborning | during birth; while being born |
aborticide | killing of a fetus; abortion |
abortuary | anti-abortion term for an abortion clinic |
aboulia | loss of ability to make decisions |
aboulomania | pathological indecisiveness |
aboutsledge | largest blacksmith's hammer |
abra | narrow mountain pass |
abradant | a substance that abrades |
abraid | to awaken or rouse |
abraxas | gem engraved with mystical word and bearing human-animal figure |
abreuvoir | joint or gap between two stones in masonry |
abroach | in a condition to allow liquor to run out |
abrosia | fasting |
abscind | to pare, reduce, cut off or away |
abscissa | horizontal distance from a fixed line to a point |
abscission | cutting off; cutting away |
absconce | lantern used in monasteries and night offices |
abseil | to descend a rock face using a double rope |
absentaneous | done in absence; pertaining to absence |
absinthial | of, like or pertaining to wormwood; bitter |
absinthism | disease resembling alcoholism |
absit | leave to pass one night away from college |
absolutism | doctrine of government by a single absolute ruler; autocracy |
absolutive | indicating subject or object of intransitive verb |
absolutory | forgiving or absolving |
absonant | discordant; abhorrent |
absorbefacient | causing or promoting absorption |
absorptiometer | instrument for measuring solubility of gases in liquids |
absquatulate | to decamp; to leave quickly; to flee |
absterge | wipe clean; expunge; purge; purify |
absurdism | doctrine that we live in an irrational universe |
abterminal | going from the end inwards |
abthane | monastic region of the old Irish church |
abulia | lack of ability to make decisions; aboulia |
abuna | Ethiopian patriarch |
abusion | misuse; outrage; deception |
abutment | masonry on a wall that supports an arch |
abvolt | unit of electrical potential equal to one hundred millionth of a volt |
aby | to make amends; atone; pay a penalty |
abyssopelagic | of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean |
academicism | doctrine that nothing can be known |
acanaceous | bearing prickles or thistles; prickly |
acantha | prickle |
acanthous | spiny; prickly |
acapnia | lack or deficiency of carbon dioxide |
acapnotic | non-smoker; non-smoking |
acariasis | irritating itching insect infestation |
acaricide | killer of mites and ticks |
acarine | of, like or pertaining to ticks or mites |
acarology | study of mites |
acarophobia | fear of itching or of insects causing itching |
acarpous | sterile; not bearing fruit |
acatalectic | having complete or full number of syllables in a poetic line |
acatalepsy | the unknowableness of all things to a certainty |
acatamathesia | inability to understand data presented to the senses |
acates | provisions that have been purchased |
acatour | provisioner; quartermaster |
acaudate | tailless |
acaulescent | having a very short stem |
accelerometer | instrument for measuring acceleration or vibrations |
accend | to kindle |
accensor | acolyte |
accentor | songbird |
acceptilation | remission of debt or liability through fictitious repayment |
accessit | prize for students in second place; honourable mention |
acciaccatura | very short note played before a longer one |
accidence | grammar book; science of inflections in grammar |
accidentalism | theory that events do not have causes |
accidie | sloth; physical torpor |
accinge | to gird |
accipiter | bandage worn around the nose |
accipitral | like a bird of prey; rapacious |
accipitrine | of, like or pertaining to falcons and hawks |
accismus | in rhetoric, pretending to refuse something |
accite | to cite; to summon |
acclinate | sloping upwards |
acclivity | upward slope |
accloy | to hobble with a horseshoe nail |
accolade | curved architectural moulding; vertical line joining two musical staves |
accolent | neighbouring |
accosted | in heraldry, two figures placed side by side |
accoucheur | male midwife |
accoucheuse | female midwife |
accourage | to encourage |
accourt | to entertain |
accoy | to subdue; to pacify; to soothe |
accrementition | increase or growth by adding similar material |
accretion | accumulation; addition of parts to form a whole |
accubation | reclining as on a couch |
accubitum | crescent-shaped couch |
accusative | indicating direct object of a verb |
acedia | listlessness; sloth |
aceldama | site or scene of violence or bloodshed |
aceology | therapeutics |
acequia | irrigation ditch |
acerate | of, like or resembling a needle |
acerbate | to embitter; to irritate |
acerous | lacking horns or antennae |
acersecomic | one whose hair has never been cut |
acervate | heaped; clustered |
acervuline | like or in small mounds or heaps |
acescence | becoming sour; souring; turning of milk |
acetabulum | small anatomical cup or hollow, such as a sucker |
acetarious | referring to plants that are used in salads |
acetimeter | instrument for measuring strength of vinegar |
achaenocarp | any dry indehiscent fruit |
acharné | furious or desperate (of a battle) |
achene | small one-seeded fruit or naked seed of plant |
achloropsia | colour-blindness with respect to green |
achor | eruption or scab on the head |
achromatopsia | colour-blindness |
achroous | colourless |
acicular | needle-shaped |
acidaemia | undue acidity of blood |
acidimeter | instrument for measuring concentration of acids |
acidulous | sharp or bitter-tasting |
acierate | to turn into steel |
acinaceous | full of kernels |
acinaciform | scimitar-shaped |
aciniform | shaped like a berry |
acinus | berry which grows in clusters |
acipenser | sturgeon |
aclinic | having no inclination or magnetic dip |
acock | defiantly |
acoemeti | ancient monastic order who maintained eternal choir service |
acology | study of medical remedies |
acolous | limbless |
acolouthic | of, like or pertaining to an after-image or other after-sensation |
acopic | curing or relieving fatigue |
acoria | pathologically great appetite |
acosmism | disbelief in existence of eternal universe distinct from God |
acouasm | ringing noise in head |
acquest | object which is acquired |
acracy | government by none; anarchy |
acratia | impotence |
acre-breadth | old unit of length of 22 yards |
acritochromacy | colour-blindness |
acroamatic | esoteric |
acrocephalous | having a pointed or peaked skull |
acrography | the art of making wood blocks in relief |
acrolith | wooden statue with stone extremities |
acrologic | of, like or pertaining to initials |
acromegaly | glandular disorder causing gigantism of extremities |
acronical | occurring at nightfall or sunset |
acronym | word formed from initial letters of another word |
acronyx | ingrown nail |
acropathy | disease or illness of the extremities |
acrophobia | fear of heights |
acrophonic | using a symbol for the initial sound of a thing |
acropodium | pedestal upon which a statue rests |
acroscopic | looking or moving towards the apex |
acroteleutic | phrase or words at the end of a psalm |
acroterion | pedestal or ornament at the angle of a pediment |
acrotism | absence of pulsing |
actinism | action of solar radiation causing chemical change |
actinograph | instrument used to calculate time of photographic exposure |
actinometer | instrument for measuring incident radiation |
actinotherapy | use of ultraviolet rays as medical therapy |
actuate | communicate motion to; cause |
aculeate | prickly; pointed; stinging; a stinging insect |
aculeiform | shaped like a thorn |
acultomancy | divination using needles |
acuminate | tapered; pointed; to sharpen |
acutiator | sharpener of weapons |
acutorsion | twisting artery with needle to stop bleeding |
acyanopsia | colour-blindness with respect to blue |
acyesis | female sterility |
acyrology | incorrect diction or pronunciation |
adactylous | lacking fingers or claws |
adamantine | unbreakable; impenetrable |
adamitism | nakedness for religious reasons |
adaxial | next to or towards the axis |
addax | large African antelope |
additament | thing added or appended; heraldic ornament |
addititious | of, pertaining to or resulting from addition |
addle | putrid; barren; muddled |
addorsed | turned back to back in heraldry |
adduce | cite as proof or instance |
adeciduate | evergreen; coniferous |
adeem | to cancel a bequest by destruction of the object |
adelaster | provisional name for a plant whose flowers are unknown |
adelphogamy | sharing of a wife by two or more brothers |
ademption | revocation of donation by donor |
adenalgia | painful swelling of a gland |
adenia | glandular swelling |
adeniform | shaped like a gland |
adenography | descriptive work on the glandular system |
adenoid | of, like or pertaining to or like a gland |
adenology | study of glands |
adenotomy | removal or excision of gland |
adespota | anonymous works |
adessive | indicating place where or proximity to |
adevism | denial of gods of mythology and legend |
adharma | unrighteousness |
adhibit | to attach; to admit; to administer |
adhocracy | government in an unstructured fashion; an unstructured organization |
adiabatic | without transference of heat |
adiaphoresis | absence of perspiration; inability to perspire |
adiaphorism | doctrine of theological indifference or latitudinarianism |
adiaphoron | tenet or belief on which a theological system is indifferent |
adiapneustia | defective perspiration |
adiathermancy | impermeability to radiant energy |
adipescent | becoming fat or fatty |
adipic | of, like or pertaining to fatty substances |
adipocere | fatty substance occurring in corpses left in moist areas |
adipsia | absence or lack of thirst |
adit | opening or passage into a mine |
adjudge | to decide; to award |
adjutage | nozzle |
adjutor | helper; assistant |
adjuvant | substance added to make vaccine more effective |
admanuensis | one who takes an oath on a religious book |
admaxillary | connected to or near the jaw |
admeasurement | the act of measuring or apportioning |
adminicle | that which supports or aids, especially evidence |
adnascent | growing on some other thing |
adnominal | indicating adjective used as a noun |
adnomination | punning |
adnoun | adjective serving or used as a noun |
adonise | to adorn oneself |
adoptionism | belief that Christ was the adopted and not natural son of God |
adoral | near the mouth |
adosculation | impregnation by contact alone or by wind |
adoxography | good writing on a trivial subject |
adoxy | beliefs that are neither orthodox nor heterodox |
adpress | to press together |
adrogation | adoption of a boy or girl before adolescence |
adscititious | added; additional |
adscript | attached or feudally bound to the soil or earth |
adsorb | to attract and stick to the surface |
adumbrate | indicate faintly; foreshadow |
adunc | hooked |
aduncate | shaped like a hook or crook |
adust | burnt; scorched |
advection | horizontal movement of air |
advehent | bringing inwards |
advenient | due to outside causes |
adventitious | accidental; casual |
adventive | a thing or person coming from outside |
adversaria | miscellaneous notes; commonplace books |
adversative | word or phrase expressing opposition |
advert | refer to in speech or writing |
advertorial | advertisement presented as if it were editorial material |
advesperate | darken; become late |
advocaat | liqueur containing rum and raw eggs |
advowson | right of presentation to church living |
adynamia | helplessness; lack of strength |
adytum | sacred part of a temple or church; church chancel |
aedile | magistrate in charge of games, markets or buildings |
aedoeology | science of generative organs |
aegilops | stye in inner corner of eye |
aegis | protection; support |
aegrotat | medical certificate of illness excusing student's sickness |
aeneous | shining bronze colour |
aeolian | giving forth a tone as if produced by the wind |
aeolipyle | hollow ball that turns through steam escaping through valves |
aeolistic | long-winded |
aeolotropy | variation in physical properties on basis of position |
aeonian | lasting for an immeasurably long period of time |
aerenchyma | respiratory tissue |
aeriform | of the form or shape of gas; gaseous |
aerious | of the nature of air; airy |
aerobe | organism requiring oxygen to survive |
aerobiology | study of airborne organisms |
aerodonetics | science or study of gliding |
aerogenesis | forming or generating gas or air |
aerography | descriptive work on the atmosphere |
aerolite | meteorite |
aerolith | stone that falls from the sky; meteorite |
aerolithology | study of aerolites; meteorites |
aerology | study of the atmosphere |
aeromancy | divination by means of the weather |
aerometer | instrument for measuring weight or density of gas |
aerophane | thin crinkled semi-transparent fabric |
aerophilately | collecting of air-mail stamps |
aerophobia | fear of flying or draughts |
aerophore | instrument used to inflate stillborn child's lungs |
aeropleustic | of, like or pertaining to aerial navigation |
aerostat | any lighter-than air craft; balloon |
aerostatics | science of air pressure; art of ballooning |
aeruginous | of, like or pertaining to copper-rust or verdigris |
aerugo | rust of any metal |
aesc | letter used in Old English for 'ae' |
aesopian | conveying meaning only to those in a secret movement |
aesthesia | sensibility |
aesthesiogenic | producing or causing a sensation |
aestheticism | doctrine that beauty is central to other moral principles |
aestival | of, like or pertaining to summer |
aethrioscope | instrument for measuring temperature variations due to sky conditions |
aeviternal | everlasting; endless |
aeviternity | eternal existence |
afebrile | not suffering from fever |
affabulation | moral of a fable |
affeer | to assess; to reduce to a fixed sum |
afferent | bearing, bringing or carrying towards |
affiance | to trust; to betroth |
affine | a relation by marriage |
afflated | inspired |
afflatus | inspiration; divine impetus |
afforce | to strengthen a jury by adding skilled people |
afforest | to cover with forest; to convert into hunting grounds |
affranchise | to free from slavery or similar obligation |
affray | an attack or assault; an alarm or fright |
affrayer | disturber of the peace |
affreightment | hiring of a vessel |
affreux | frightening |
affricate | consonant that begins as a plosive and ends as a fricative |
affronté | of two heraldic animals, facing one another |
affusion | pouring on; as of baptismal water |
afore | before |
afterclap | unexpected damaging or unsettling after-effect |
afterdeck | deck behind a ship's bridge |
aftergame | rematch; means employed after first turn of affairs |
afterguard | men who work the aft sails on the quarterdeck and poop deck |
afterings | last milk drawn when milking a cow |
afterpiece | minor piece after a play |
aftershaft | second shaft coming out of the quill of a feather |
afterwil | locking of the barn after the cows have been let out |
agacerie | allurement; coquetry |
agalactia | failure or inability to produce milk |
agalloch | eaglewood |
agamist | one who opposes marriage |
agamogenesis | reproduction by non-sexual means |
agape | selfless Christian love; a feast in celebration of such love |
agapeistic | characterized by Christian love |
agapet | lover of women |
agapetae | churchwomen who live platonically with celibate men |
agapism | ethics of love |
agastopia | admiration of part of another's body |
agatewear | type of ceramic resembling agate stone |
agathism | belief in ultimate triumph of good despite evil means |
agathodaimon | one's good genius; the good part of one's conscience |
agelast | one who never laughs |
agennesic | sterile; impotent |
agenocratia | opposition to birth control |
agentive | indicating agent performing an action |
ageotropic | moving or turning away from the earth |
agersia | quality of not growing old |
ageusia | damage to the sense of taste |
agger | artificial mound or elevation for military use |
aggerose | in heaps; piled up |
aggiornamento | modernization of ideas of the Catholic church |
aggrade | to raise level of a surface through depositing detritus |
aggrandize | increase power or rank of; make greater |
aggrate | to gratify or please |
aggry | type of West African glass beads |
agio | premium paid on foreign currency exchange |
agiotage | playing the stock market; speculation |
agist | to charge with a public burden; to take in to graze for payment |
agistment | land tax assessed for cattle pasturing |
aglet | metal point attached to a lace or string |
agma | symbol or sound for a velar nasal consonant "ng" |
agminate | grouped |
agnail | sore, corn or hangnail on the toe or foot |
agname | name over and above the ordinary name and surname |
agnation | kinship |
agnize | to acknowledge or confess |
agnomen | additional name; surname; nickname |
agnosic | unable to recognize familiar objects due to brain damage |
agnosticism | doctrine that we can know nothing beyond material phenomena |
agnosy | ignorance |
agoge | tempo or sequence in melody in ancient Greek music |
agogic | accenting a musical note by slightly dwelling on it |
agomphosis | looseness in the teeth |
agone | ago |
agonic | making no angle |
agonism | competition; effort; striving |
agonistes | someone in the grip of inner conflict |
agonistic | of, like or pertaining to or being aggressive or argumentative |
agonistics | art and theory of prize-fighting |
agoraphobia | fear of open spaces |
agowilt | sudden sickening and unnecessary fear |
agraffe | hooked clasp used by masons to hold blocks together |
agrapha | sayings of Jesus not found in the canonical gospels |
agraphia | inability to write |
agravic | having no gravity; pertaining to the condition of zero-gravity |
agrestic | of the fields; rural; unpolished |
agriology | the comparative study of primitive peoples |
agrize | to horrify; to disfigure |
agrizoiatry | medicine specializing in wild animals |
agrobiology | study of plant nutrition; soil yields |
agrology | study of agricultural soils |
agromania | intense desire to be in open spaces |
agronomics | study of productivity of land |
agrostography | writing about grasses |
agrostology | science or study of grasses |
agrypnia | insomnia |
agrypnotic | anything taken to aid wakefulness |
aguardiente | Spanish or Portuguese brandy |
agyiophobia | fear of crossing busy streets |
agynary | lacking female genitals |
ahimsa | the duty of sparing animal life; non-violence |
ahull | with sails furled and helm lashed to the lee-side |
ai | three-toed sloth |
aichmophobia | fear of sharp or pointed objects |
aiger | tidal wave occurring in rivers |
aigrette | a spray of jewels; ornamental feather plume; an egret |
aiguille | sharp; needle-like peak of rock |
aileron | flap on airplane wing for lateral balance |
ailette | plate of armour worn on shoulder |
ailuromancy | divination by watching cats' movements |
ailurophilia | love of cats |
ailurophobia | fear of cats |
aioli | garlic-flavoured mayonnaise |
airscrew | aircraft propeller |
aischrolatry | worship of filth, dirt, or smut |
aisling | a vision or dream |
ait | small island in lake or river |
aitchbone | rump bone of cattle; rump cut of beef |
aiué | elderly; senior |
akeratophorous | not horned |
akinesia | loss of ability to move |
ala | membranous outgrowth on a plant or animal |
alabamine | alternate name for the element astatine |
alack | expression of sorrow or regret |
alalia | loss of ability to speak |
alameda | public walkway between rows of poplar trees |
alamort | half-dead; dejected |
alannah | term of endearment used with one's child |
alar | of, like or pertaining to the wing or shoulder |
alastrim | mild form of smallpox |
alate | lately |
alation | state of having wings; position of wings on a creature |
alaudine | of, like or pertaining to skylarks |
alb | long white robe worn by priests |
albarello | cylindrical jar used to hold drugs |
albata | variety of German silver |
albedo | whiteness, as of a celestial object |
albescent | becoming white; whiteness |
albicant | whitish; becoming white |
albificative | able to whiten or be whitened |
albion | medieval astronomical device for finding positions of planets |
albocracy | government by white people |
albolith | white cement formed from magnesia and silica |
albugineous | like the white of an eye or an egg; white-coloured |
alcahest | alchemical universal solvent |
alcatote | silly elf |
alcine | of, like or pertaining to elks; of, like or pertaining to auks |
alcoholometer | instrument for measuring proportion of alcohol in solutions |
alcovinometer | instrument to measure strength of wine |
aleatoric | depending on contingencies or chance |
aleberry | beverage made from ale, spices, and dried bread |
alecost | costmary, an herb used in flavouring ale |
alectormancy | divination by sacrificing a rooster |
alectryomachy | cock-fighting |
alectryomancy | divination by watching a rooster gather corn kernels |
alee | on or toward the lee |
alegar | vinegar made by turning ale sour |
alembicated | over-refined |
alepine | mixed wool and silk or mohair and cotton fabric |
alethiology | study of truth |
aleuromancy | divination using flour or meal |
alexia | inability to read |
alexipharmic | antidote |
alfet | cauldron of boiling water used during trials by ordeal |
alforge | wallet or leather bag |
algedonics | science of pleasure and pain |
algefacient | cooling |
algetic | causing or producing pain |
algicide | killer of algae |
algid | cold; chilly |
alginuresis | painful urination |
algolagnia | sexual pleasure derived from inflicting pain |
algology | study of algae |
algophobia | fear of pain |
algor | coldness; shivering fit |
algraphy | art of printing from aluminum plates |
alible | nourishing |
alidade | revolving index on astrolabe or other instrument for reading gradations |
aliform | wing-shaped |
aligerous | winged |
aliped | having wings on the feet |
aliphatic | of, like or pertaining to fat or fats in general |
aliquant | number dividing into another with a remainder |
aliquot | number dividing into another without leaving a remainder |
aliter | requiring a different law or rule to be applied |
alk | sap or resin from turpentine trees |
alkalimeter | instrument for measuring strength of alkalines |
alkanet | reddish plant-based dye |
allantiasis | food poisoning resulting from inadequate preservation |
allantoid | shaped like a sausage |
allative | indicating movement towards |
allemain | enormous pudding out of which acrobats leap |
allemande | courtly baroque dance in which the arms are interlaced |
alliaceous | of, like or pertaining to garlic; garlicky |
allicient | attracting something else |
allision | intentional collision of two ships |
allocatur | amount allowed for costs |
allochthonous | formed or produced elsewhere or externally |
allodic | not subject to a superior |
allogamy | cross-fertilization |
allogeneous | different |
allography | writing another individual's signature |
allolalia | speech disorder featuring randomly spoken words |
allonge | paper attached to commercial bill requiring signatures |
allonym | other person's name used by an author |
allotheism | belief in or worship of strange gods |
allotriophagy | craving for strange foods |
allotropy | of an element, having more than one form |
alluvion | effect of water impacting on shoreline |
almacantar | circle of altitude, parallel to the horizon |
almagest | textbook or handbook, especially dealing with astronomy |
almandine | violet-coloured garnet |
almoner | giver of alms; social worker in a hospital |
almuce | cloth or fur hood |
alnager | inspector of cloth |
alogism | illogical statement |
alomancy | divination using salt |
alopecia | baldness; hair loss |
alopecoid | of or resembling a fox |
alow | below |
alpaca | fine wool made from alpaca hair |
alpenglow | reddish glow appearing at sunrise or sunset in mountains |
alpenstocker | mountain climber |
alpestrine | of, like or pertaining to alpine regions |
alphenic | sugary candy used in medicine |
alphitomancy | divination using loaves of barley |
alphonsin | instrument used to extract bullets from bodies |
alt | high musical tone |
altarage | payment to priest for mass; offerings at altar |
alterity | state of being different |
alternatim | alternately |
altiloquence | pompous or high speech |
altisonant | high-sounding |
altitonant | thundering on high or loudly |
altricial | having young requiring care for a lengthy period |
aludel | pear-shaped pot used in sublimation |
aluminiferous | bearing aluminum |
alveary | beehive; area of the ear where wax collects; word-list |
alveolate | of or like a honeycomb |
alveromancy | divination using sounds |
alviducous | purgative |
alvine | of the belly |
ama | a Japanese pearl-diver |
amadelphous | outgoing; gregarious |
amain | to a high degree; exceedingly; at full speed |
amanous | lacking hands |
amanuensis | one employed to write from dictation |
amaranth | imaginary flower reputed never to fade |
amaranthine | immortal; undying; deep purple-red colour |
amasesis | inability to chew |
amasthenic | focusing light rays to a single point |
amathophobia | fear of dust |
amaxophobia | fear of riding in a car |
ambages | windings; roundabout ways; delays |
ambeer | juice from chewing tobacco |
ambisinistrous | awkward in the use of both hands |
ambit | circuit; scope; compass; confines |
ambo | early Christian raised reading desk or pulpit |
ambry | recess for church vessels; cupboard or niche |
ambsace | bad luck; a low score |
ambulatory | aisle down the east end of a church |
ambulomancy | divination by taking a walk |
ambulophobia | fear of walking |
ambustion | burn or scald |
amende | fine or reparation paid |
ament | a person who fails to develop mentally |
amerce | to fine; to deprive; to punish |
ametropia | abnormal optical refraction |
amice | strip of fine linen worn as cloak or wrap by priest at mass |
amicicide | murder of a friend |
amidships | midway between the bow and stern of a ship |
ammeter | instrument for measuring electrical current |
ammophilous | sand-loving; preferring to dwell in sand |
amnicolist | one who lives near a river |
amniomancy | divination by examining afterbirth |
amorce | percussion cap for a toy pistol |
amoret | love sonnet or song |
amoretto | a cherub or spirit of love |
ampelidious | of, like or pertaining to vines |
ampelography | scientific description of the vine |
ampere | unit for measuring amount of electrical current |
amphibiolith | fossilized amphibian |
amphibolic | able to turn both backwards and forwards; double-jointed |
amphibology | ambiguity in language; dual grammatical meaning |
amphigean | occurring in both hemispheres of the brain or body |
amphigory | a nonsense verse |
amphimixis | interbreeding; intermixing of two individuals' genetic matter |
amphipneust | animal with both lungs and gills |
amphisbaena | mythical two-headed serpent or lizard |
amphiscian | of, like or pertaining to torrid regions |
amplexus | rutting of frogs and toads |
ampliative | supplemental; additional |
amplivagant | stretching far; having a great scope |
ampulla | vessel for holy oil or wine for coronations or rituals |
amrita | Hindu ambrosia bestowing immortality |
amygdaloid | almond-shaped; of, like or pertaining to tonsils |
amyloid | containing or pertaining to starch; starchy |
amyous | lacking muscle |
an | if |
ana | in equal quantities |
anabasis | journey leading upwards; first phase of an illness |
anabiosis | return to life after apparent death |
anacampserote | something which can bring back a lost love |
anacamptic | reflecting or reflected light; sound or water |
anacardic | of, like or pertaining to cashews |
anacathartic | causing vomiting or expectoration |
anachoric | foreign or geographically absurd relating to a country |
anaclastic | refractive; of, like or pertaining to refraction |
anaclitic | dependent on other phenomenon or ability |
anacoluthon | moving to new topic of discussion before finishing current one |
anacrisis | interrogation accompanied by torture |
anacrusis | syllable prior to the normal rhythm of a verse |
anacusic | completely deaf |
anadem | wreath, fillet or band |
anadiplosis | repeating last word of clause at beginning of next clause |
anadromous | fish which ascend rivers to spawn |
anaerectic | destructive |
anaesthesiology | study of anaesthetics |
anagalactic | coming from or existing beyond our own galaxy |
anaglyph | ornament in low relief |
anaglyptics | art of carving in bas-relief |
anaglyptography | art of engraving so as to give the subject an embossed appearance |
anagnorisis | recognition leading to denouement of a play |
anagogy | mystical interpretation |
anagraphy | art of constructing catalogues |
analects | crumbs that fall from the table |
analemma | sundial |
analgia | inability to feel pain |
anamnesis | reminiscence; prayer recalling death and resurrection of Jesus |
anamorphic | changing to a more complex form |
anandrious | impotent |
ananym | name written backward; often used as synonym |
anapeiratic | caused by excessive use |
anapest | two short metrical syllables followed by one long one |
anaphalantiasis | falling out of the eyebrows |
anaphia | loss of sense of touch |
anaphora | repetition of a word at beginning of successive phrases for emphasis |
anapnea | recovery of one's breath; restoration of breath |
anastasic | convalescent |
anastrophe | reversing or inverting word order as rhetorical device |
anatine | of, like or pertaining to ducks |
anatocism | compound interest |
anatreptic | overcoming; overturning |
anaudia | loss of voice |
anbury | soft fleshy tumour in horses |
anchorite | one withdrawn from the world for religious reasons |
ancillary | auxiliary; secondary |
ancipitous | two-edged and flattened |
ancistroid | hook-shaped |
ancon | elbow |
anconoid | of, like or pertaining to the elbow |
ancoral | of, shaped like or resembling an anchor |
ancress | female religious recluse |
andiron | iron bar used to support the end of a log in a fire |
andragogy | science of teaching adults |
androcracy | government by men |
androlepsia | governmental kidnapping for political purposes |
andromania | nymphomania |
androphagy | cannibalism |
aneabil | single; unmarried |
anele | to administer extreme unction to |
anemocracy | government by the wind or by whim |
anemograph | instrument for measuring pressure and velocity of wind |
anemography | treatise on the winds |
anemology | study of winds |
anemometer | instrument for measuring wind velocity |
anemophilous | pollinated by wind |
anencephalic | lacking a brain |
anent | about; concerning |
anergia | failure of immune system; loss of energy |
anesis | tuning to a lower musical pitch |
aneuria | lack of nervous energy |
anfractuous | full of windings and intricate turnings |
angary | the right of a belligerent to seize neutral property |
angelocracy | government by angels |
angelolatry | worship of or belief in angels |
angelology | study of angels |
angelus | prayer said in morning, at noon and at sunset |
angiogenesis | production of blood vessels |
angiology | study of blood flow and lymphatic system |
anglomania | craze or obsession with England and the English |
anglophilia | love or fondness for England or the English |
anglophobia | fear of England or the English |
angora | silk-like fabric made from wool of angora goats |
angstrom | unit of one ten-billionth of a meter |
anguiform | shaped like a snake |
anguilliform | shaped like an eel |
anguine | of, like or pertaining to snakes |
anguine | of, like or pertaining to snakes |
anhedonia | an unresponsiveness to pleasure |
anhelation | shortness of breath |
anhidrosis | absence of perspiration |
aniconic | symbolizing without aiming at resemblance |
anicular | like an old woman |
anile | imbecilic; senile; like a very old woman |
animadvert | to comment critically on; to censure |
animastic | spiritual; animate |
animism | attribution of soul to inanimate objects |
anion | positively charged ion |
anisothenic | being of unequal strength |
anker | liquid measure of 8 1/2 gallons |
ankus | spiked elephant goad |
ankyroid | hook-shaped |
anlace | short two-edged dagger |
anneal | to heat and cool metal gradually to temper |
annectent | having intermediate features between two taxa |
annihilationism | doctrine that the wicked are utterly destroyed after death |
annodated | shaped like the letter S |
annomination | pun; play on words |
annuent | nodding or moving of the head |
annulet | small ring around a classical column |
annulose | ringed; composed of rings |
anocathartic | emetic; causing vomiting or expectoration |
anodontia | toothlessness |
anodyne | something that relieves pain or suffering |
anoesis | sensation not accompanied by understanding of it |
anogenic | formed from below or beneath |
anomia | inability to remember names |
anomic | in a state lacking social order and norms |
anomie | condition of lacking accepted social values or standards |
anomphalous | without a navel |
anon | at once; immediately |
anonym | person whose name is not given; pseudonym |
anopheline | of, like or pertaining to malarial mosquitoes |
anopisthographic | bearing writing or inscription only on one side |
anopsia | blindness |
anorchous | lacking testicles |
anosmia | lack or loss of sense of smell |
anotic | lacking ears |
ansate | having a handle or hand-like shape |
anserine | of, like or pertaining to geese |
anta | pier produced by thickening wall at one end |
antalgic | alleviating or relieving pain |
antanaclasis | repetition of key word of phrase as a play on words |
antapology | response to an apology |
antarchy | opposition to government; anarchy |
anteambulo | usher |
antechapel | anteroom to a chapel or church |
antejentacular | before breakfast |
anteloquy | a preface |
antelucan | before dawn or daylight |
antemundane | before one's own birth; before the creation of the world |
antenniferous | bearing antennae |
antepast | foretaste |
antependium | covering or cloth over pulpit or altar |
antephialtic | preventing nightmares |
antepone | to put before; to prefer |
anteprandial | before dinner |
antevenient | preceding |
anthelion | luminous ring seen on a cloud opposite the sun |
anthelminthic | destroying or expelling worms |
anthesis | full bloom |
anthomancy | divination using flowers |
anthomania | obsession with flowers |
anthophilous | loving or frequenting flowers |
anthorism | counter-definition |
anthracomancy | divination using burning coals |
anthrophobia | fear of humans |
anthropobiology | study of human biology |
anthropogenesis | origin of human beings |
anthropoglot | animal with human tongue; animal capable of speech |
anthropolatry | worship of human beings |
anthropolith | fossilized human skeleton |
anthropomancy | divination using human entrails |
anthropopathy | ascription of human feelings to inanimate object |
anthropophaginian | cannibal |
anthropophagous | eating humans |
anthroposophy | knowledge of the nature of humanity; human wisdom |
anthropotheism | belief that gods are only deified men |
antibasilican | opposed to monarchic principle |
antiblastic | providing natural immunity against harmful substances |
antibromic | eliminating offensive odours |
antichresis | enjoyment of mortgaged property in lieu of interest payments |
antichthon | hypothetical second Earth on the opposite side of the sun |
anticryptic | camouflaged; having protective resemblance to environment |
antidisestablishmentarianism | doctrine opposed to removing Church of England's official religion status |
antigalactic | preventing the secretion of milk |
antigropelos | waterproof leggings |
antilapsarianism | denial of doctrine of the fall of humanity |
antilegomena | books of the New Testament not part of early Christian Bible |
antilogarithm | number of which a given number is the logarithm |
antilogism | statement of three propositions containing contradiction |
antilogy | contradiction |
antimnemonic | damaging the memory; eliminating memories |
antimony | brittle, bluish-white metallic element |
antinomianism | doctrine of the rejection of moral law |
antinomy | contradiction between two logical conclusions |
antipedobaptism | denial of validity of infant baptism |
antiperistasis | opposition or resistance |
antiphon | anthem sung as a response during church service |
antiphrasis | use of words in a sense opposite to literal |
antipudic | concealing private parts of the body |
antiscian | dweller on the exact opposite side of the world |
antistrophe | repetition of words in reverse order |
antithalian | opposed to mirth or fun |
antithesis | contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangement of words or clauses |
antitypy | resistance to being penetrated |
antonomasia | use of descriptive phrase or epithet instead of proper name |
antre | cave |
antrorse | turned upward and forward |
anuptaphobia | fear of staying single |
anuresis | inability to urinate |
anurous | tailless |
anzactile | army biscuit |
aorist | expressing simple past time with no continuance |
apaesthesia | numbness or loss of sensation in a limb |
apagoge | proof by showing the falsehood of the opposite |
apanage | privilege of office; especially one given to younger offspring |
apantomancy | divination using objects at hand |
apatetic | of an animal's coloration or markings |
apay | to satisfy |
apercu | brief outline; glimpse; intuitive insight |
aperient | laxative |
aphagia | inability to eat or swallow |
aphemia | loss of ability to produce articulate speech |
apheresis | taking away a sound or syllable at the beginning of a word |
aphesis | loss of initial unaccented vowel from beginning of a word |
aphicide | killer of aphids |
aphidicide | killer of aphids |
aphnology | science of wealth |
aphologistic | flameless |
aphotic | lightless |
aphrasia | inability to speak |
aphrodisiomania | abnormal sexual interest |
aphthong | silent letter |
apian | of, like or pertaining to bees |
apiarian | of, like or pertaining to bees or beekeeping |
apical | of or at the apex |
apiculture | beekeeping |
apiology | study of bees |
apistia | faithlessness in marriage |
apivorous | eating bees |
aplanatic | a lens free of spherical aberration |
apocalypticism | doctrine of the imminent end of the world |
apocarteresis | suicide by starvation |
apocatastasis | final restitution of all things at the appearance of the Messiah |
apocatastisis | reversion or restoration to original position |
apocope | cutting off the last sound of a word |
apocrisiary | papal secretary |
apodal | lacking feet |
apodictic | necessarily true beyond contradiction |
apodosis | main clause in a conditional sentence |
apodysophilia | feverish desire to undress |
apograph | exact copy; facsimile |
apolaustic | dedicated to the search for enjoyment |
apologetics | defense and proof of Christianity or other doctrine |
aponia | painlessness |
apopemptic | valedictory |
apophasis | saying something by stating that you will not mention it |
apophoret | a gift given to celebrate a new year |
apophthegm | brief saying; proverb; epigram |
aporia | professed but false doubt of what to say or choose |
aposiopesis | suddenly stopping in the middle of a speech for emphasis |
apositia | dislike of or distaste for food |
apostasy | renunciation of former beliefs |
apostil | marginal note |
apostrophe | addressing of a personified thing rhetorically |
apotelesm | casting of a horoscope |
apothegm | a short, instructive saying or formula |
apotheosis | elevation to divine status; a perfect example |
apotropaic | designed to turn away evil |
apparitor | officer in court who attends to execute orders; harbinger |
appendant | attached to; hanging from; adjunct |
apperception | mind's perception of itself as a conscious agent |
appersonation | irrational belief that one is another person |
appetence | strong craving or powerful desire |
applanate | flat; flattened; compressed |
apport | to transport objects without material agency |
appose | to place in juxtaposition or proximity |
apposite | appropriate |
approbation | approval; consent |
apprompt | to borrow |
appropinquity | nearness |
appui | to support militarily |
appulse | a striking against something |
appurtenance | a subordinate or adjunct part of |
apricate | to bask in the sun |
aprique | sunny |
apse | rounded extension of church or other building |
apselophesia | loss of sense of touch |
apsidal | shaped like an apse |
apterygial | wingless; finless |
aptotic | uninflected; indeclinable |
aptronym | name that suits its owner |
apyrexy | period of intermission in a fever |
aquamanile | ewer in the form of a human or animal figure for ceremonial handwashing |
aquaphobia | fear of water |
aquarelle | watercolour painting |
aquifer | a rock formation containing water |
aquiform | watery; liquid |
aquiline | of, like or pertaining to eagles; hooked like an eagle's beak |
araba | wheeled Middle Eastern carriage |
arachibutyrophobia | fear of peanut butter sticking to roof of mouth |
arachnivorous | feeding on spiders |
arachnology | study of spiders |
arachnophobia | fear of spiders |
araneidan | of, like or pertaining to spiders |
araneiform | shaped like a spider |
araneous | transparent; delicate; like a spider's web |
araphorostic | seamless |
aration | ploughing |
arbalest | type of crossbow |
arborescent | branched; branching; tree-shaped |
arboricolous | growing on or living in trees |
arboriform | shaped like a tree |
arbrolatry | worship of start |
arbuscle | dwarf or shrub-like tree |
arbustum | orchard; copse of trees |
arcanna | red chalk used to mark trees |
arcate | bow-shaped |
archaeolatry | worship of archaic things or old customs |
archelogy | the study of first principles |
archet | violin box |
archididascalian | of, like or pertaining to headmasters |
archididascalos | school principal |
archimandrite | head of a monastery or convent |
archimime | chief buffoon or mimic |
architectonics | of, like or pertaining to the arrangement of knowledge |
architrave | parts surrounding a door or window, especially the top |
archology | science of the origins of government |
arciform | shaped like a bow |
arctician | one skilled in navigating arctic regions |
arctogaeal | of the arctic regions of the earth |
arctoid | bear-like |
arctophile | collector of teddy bears |
arctophily | study of teddy bears |
arcuate | arched; bow-shaped |
ard | plough used to scratch top surface of soil |
ardass | fine silk |
arefy | to dry up; to wither |
arenaceous | like, growing in or consisting of sand |
arenoid | sandy; like sand |
areology | study of Mars |
areometer | instrument used for measuring specific gravity |
areopagitic | of, like or pertaining to tribunals or courts |
aret | to assign or allot |
aretaics | the science of virtue |
arete | sharp mountain ridge |
argand | gas or oil lamp |
argent | the heraldic colour silver or white |
argentiferous | bearing silver |
argentocracy | government by money |
argil | clay used in making pottery |
argillaceous | clayey; of or resembling clay |
argol | crust formed on wine kept too long or improperly |
argol | dried cow dung used as fuel |
argosy | a large merchant ship; a rich supply |
arguria | silver poisoning |
argute | shrill; keen; shrewd |
argyll | silver gravy dish |
arietine | of, like or pertaining to rams |
arietinous | shaped like a ram's head |
aright | right; correctly |
ariolation | divination in general |
aristarch | a severe critic |
aristarchy | government by the best |
aristology | the science or art of dining |
arithmancy | divination using numbers |
arithmocracy | government by simple majority |
arithmogram | number composed of numerical values of letters in a word |
arithmomania | obsessive preoccupation with numbers |
armamentarium | collective equipment available to a doctor |
armigerous | entitled to bear arms |
armillary | like or composed of rings |
armipotent | having strong weapons; militarily potent |
armisonant | resounding with noises of battle or weapons |
armomancy | divination by examining one's shoulders |
armure | twilled woollen or silk fabric |
aroint | begone |
arpent | unit of land area slightly smaller than an acre |
arpenteur | land surveyor |
arrant | downright; unmitigated |
arras | tapestry covering a wall |
arrasene | embroidery fabric of wool and silk |
arrect | attentive; erect; raised up |
arrendator | one who rents or farms at a yearly rent |
arreptitious | ecstatic; frantic; hasty or hurried |
arrestant | substance causing an insect to stop moving |
arrhizal | lacking roots |
arris | sharp edge on stone; meeting of two surfaces |
arrogate | to claim unduly as one's own; to ascribe |
arrosive | gnawing; chewing; corroding |
arthrology | study of joints |
arthroscope | instrument for examining interior of a joint |
arundiferous | bearing or producing reeds |
arundinaceous | like or having the properties of a reed |
arval | of, like or pertaining to ploughed land |
ascesis | the practice of disciplining oneself; asceticism |
asceticism | doctrine that self-denial of the body permits spiritual enlightenment |
ascham | box for keeping bows and arrows dry |
ascian | inhabitant of the equatorial zone |
aseity | self-origination |
ashlar | squared stone used in building walls |
ashplant | walking stick |
asinine | of, like or pertaining to asses; stupid |
asitia | lack of appetite |
askefise | one who blows on ashes to bring them to flame |
asomatous | lacking a body; incorporeal |
asonia | deafness to specific pitches of sound |
asperge | to sprinkle |
aspergilliform | shaped like a brush |
aspergillum | vessel for sprinkling holy water |
asperity | roughness of surface or sound |
asperse | slander; disparage |
aspersory | vessel for holding holy water |
aspheterism | denial of the right to private property |
aspidate | shield-shaped |
aspidomancy | divination by sitting and chanting within a circle |
asportation | to carry property away wrongfully |
assart | to reclaim for agriculture by clearing away trees |
assecuration | marine insurance |
assentation | insincere or glib assent |
asseveration | positive or earnest affirmation |
assibilate | to pronounce with a hiss or sibilant |
assiduity | persevering application to a pursuit |
assizer | officer or judge in charge of weights and measures |
assocative | indicating association with or accompaniment by |
assoil | to absolve; to acquit |
assot | to befool; to besot |
assuefaction | habituation |
assuetude | accustomedness; habit |
assurgent | ascending; rising; curving upward |
astacology | the science of crayfish |
astatic | in equilibrium |
asteism | refined irony |
asterism | three asterisks used to direct attention to a passage |
astern | at the stern of a ship |
astheniology | study of diseases of weakening and aging |
asthenopia | muscular weakening of the eyes |
astichous | not in rows |
astragal | small semicircular moulding; dice |
astragalomancy | divination using dice or knucklebones |
astraphobia | fear of being struck by lightning |
astrapophobia | fear of thunder and lightning |
astriction | binding obligation |
astringe | to draw together; to tighten |
astrionics | electronics as applied to space flight |
astrobleme | scar on the earth's surface from meteorite impact |
astrobolism | sun-stroke |
astrogeology | study of extraterrestrial geology |
astrognosy | knowledge of fixed stars |
astrogony | theory of the origin of stars |
astrolatry | worship of stars |
astrologaster | a foolish or petty astrologer |
astromancy | divination using stars |
astrometeorology | study of effect of stars on climate |
astronomical unit | unit of distance equal to the distance from the earth to the sun |
astrophile | person interested in astronomy |
astroseismology | study of star oscillations |
astrut | protrudingly; distendedly |
asynartetic | having two members with different rhythms |
asyndeton | rhetorical device of omitting conjunctions |
atactic | irregular |
ataraxia | tranquility; freedom from anxiety; stoicism |
atavism | reversion to early or ancestral type |
ateknia | childlessness |
atelier | artist's studio or workshop |
ateliosis | imperfect development; developmental irregularity |
athanasy | deathlessness |
athanor | alchemist's self-feeding digesting furnace |
atheling | Anglo-Saxon prince or nobleman |
athenaeum | literary or scientific association |
athermic | lacking heat |
athetesis | rejection of a passage as spurious |
athetosis | nervous twitching of digits and extremities |
athwart | across; in opposition to; sideways; transversely |
athymia | melancholy |
atimy | loss of honour; disgrace |
atlantes | male figures used as columns |
atlas | rich satin fabric |
atmatertera | great-grandfather's grandmother's sister |
atmology | the science of aqueous vapour |
atmometer | instrument for measuring evaporating capacity of air |
atocia | female sterility |
atokous | lacking offspring |
atomism | belief that the universe consists of small indivisible particles |
atony | muscular weakness |
atpatruus | great-grandfather's grandfather's brother |
atrabiliary | melancholy; hypochondriac |
atrabilious | melancholy; splenetic; acrimonious |
atrament | blacking; ink; black dye |
atresia | absence or irregular closure of a passage in the body |
atrichia | baldness |
atrous | jet black |
attainder | the loss of civil rights for high treason |
attaint | disgrace; sully; infect; taint |
attemper | to adapt or alter quality by adding to something |
attenuate | make thin; reduce in value |
atticism | expression characterized by conciseness and elegance |
attingent | touching |
attollent | lifting up; raising |
attorn | to transfer to another |
attrahent | attracting or drawing |
attrist | to sadden |
attrite | repentant through fear of punishment |
attuition | operation between sensation and perception |
aubade | musical announcement of dawn; sunrise song |
aubergine | eggplant |
aubin | horse's gait between an amble and a gallop |
auceps | hawker or bird-tender |
aucupate | to hunt birds; to pursue prey with vigilance |
audile | person more attuned to sound than the other senses |
audiology | study of hearing |
audiometer | instrument for measuring acuity of hearing |
audiophile | one who loves accurately reproduced recorded sound |
augean | filthy; difficult |
augend | number to which another number is added |
aught | at all |
aularian | of, like or pertaining to a hall in a university |
aulete | flautist |
aulic | courtly; ceremonious; genteel |
auncel | crude balance for weighing |
aurantiaceous | of, like or pertaining or pertaining to oranges or orange trees |
aureity | property of being golden in colour or substance |
aureole | radiant light around head or body of holy personage |
auricomous | having golden or blond hair |
auricular | of, like or pertaining to the ear; spoken secretly |
auriferous | bearing gold |
aurifex | goldsmith |
auriform | shaped like an ear |
aurigation | charioteering |
aurilave | instrument for cleaning the ear |
auriphrygia | gold embroidery |
auriscope | instrument for examining the ear |
aurochs | extinct wild ox |
aurulent | gold-coloured |
auscultation | listening to sounds arising within organs |
auslaut | final sound of a word or syllable |
austringer | keeper of goshawks |
austromancy | divination using wind |
autarchy | government by an absolute ruler |
autarkic | self-sufficient; independent |
autecology | study of ecology of one species |
autocephality | ecclesiastical self-government |
autocoprophagy | eating one's own feces |
autocracy | government by one individual |
auto-da-fe | burning of a heretic |
autodidact | self-taught person |
autogenesis | spontaneous generation |
autognosis | knowledge of or about oneself |
autolatry | self-worship |
autology | scientific study of oneself |
automorphism | ascription to others of one's own characteristics |
automysophobia | fear of being dirty |
autonym | a writer's real name; work published under writer's own name |
autophagy | feeding on body's own tissues |
autophanous | self-luminous |
autophobia | fear of solitude |
autoschediasm | anything extemporized |
autosoterism | belief that one can obtain salvation through oneself |
autotelic | being an end in itself |
autothaumaturgist | person pretending to be mystical or mysterious |
autotheism | belief that one is God incarnate or that one is Christ |
autotropic | growing in a straight line |
auxanometer | instrument for measuring growth of plants |
auxesis | increase in size; hyperbole |
auxology | science of growth |
auxometer | instrument for measuring magnifying power |
aval | of, like or pertaining to a grandparent |
avalement | allowing knees to flex while skiing |
avaunt | away; hence |
avaunt | to boast |
aveniform | shaped like oats |
averruncate | to ward off; to uproot |
averruncator | pole for pruning trees |
avicide | killing of birds |
avicular | of, like or pertaining to birds |
avinosis | air sickness |
avionics | the science of electronic devices for aircraft |
avital | ancestral |
avizandum | private consideration of a case by a judge |
avolitional | involuntary |
avulse | to pluck or tear away by force |
avuncular | like an uncle; of, like or pertaining to uncles |
awn | beard or similar bristly growth on stalk of grain |
axilla | armpit |
axiniform | shaped like an axe-head |
axinomancy | divination using an axe or hatchet |
axiology | the science of the ultimate nature of values |
azimuth | arc of the horizon |
azoth | alchemical name for mercury |
azuline | blue |
azure | light or sky blue; the heraldic colour blue |
azymous | unleavened |
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