Word | Definition |
habanera | slow and seductive Cuban dance |
habergeon | sleeveless mail coat |
habilable | capable of being clothed |
habilatory | of, like or pertaining to clothes or dressing |
habile | dexterous; adroit |
habiliment | attire |
habilitate | to equip or finance; to qualify |
habromania | insanity featuring cheerful delusions |
hachure | shading or lines showing a slope on a map |
hackle | comb for flax or hemp |
hackney | four-wheeled two-horse carriage |
hadal | parts of the ocean below 6000 metres |
hadeharia | constant use of the word "hell" |
haecceity | aspect of existence on which individuality depends |
haemal | of, like or pertaining to blood |
haemataulics | study of movement of blood through blood vessels |
haemathermal | warm-blooded |
haematic | blood-coloured |
haematogenesis | production of blood |
haemophilia | hereditary disease causing excessive bleeding |
hagiarchy | government by saints or holy persons |
hagiocracy | government by holy men |
hagiolatry | worship or reverence for saints |
hagiology | study of saints |
hagiomania | mania for sainthood |
hagioscope | opening in wall to enable viewing of altar |
hakenkreuz | swastika |
halation | blurring in a photograph due to light reflection |
halcyonine | of, like or pertaining to kingfishers |
halfpace | landing or broad step |
halibiotic | of, like or pertaining to the entirety of life under the sea |
halieutic | of, like or pertaining to fishing |
halieutics | study of fishing |
haligraphy | treatise on salt |
halitosis | bad breath |
halitous | vaporous |
halitus | vapour; breath |
hallux | big toe |
halolimnic | of, like or pertaining to sea creatures who spend time in fresh water |
halomancy | divination using salt |
halophilous | tolerant of salt or salt-water |
halyard | rope or tackle for hoisting and lowering sails |
hamarchy | government by a cooperative body of parts |
hamartia | flaw in a character leading to his downfall |
hamartiology | study of sin |
hamartiology | section of theology dealing with sin |
hamate | hooked |
hamble | to mutilate a dog by cutting of the balls of its feet |
hambo | Swedish folk dance in three-four time |
hame | curved projection attached to the collar of a draft horse |
hamiform | shaped like a hook |
hamose | hooked |
hamshackle | to fetter; to restrain |
hamular | like a small hook |
hamulate | tipped with a small hook |
hamulus | a small hook or hook-like process |
hanap | chalice used in communion whose cover is a second chalice |
hanaster | one who paid the entrance fee for Oxford's medieval merchant's guild |
handfast | a firm grip; a contract |
handlist | list without detail |
handsel | inaugural gift; first installment or payment |
handspike | bar used as a lever |
hank | series of rings or clips for attaching a jib or staysail to a stay |
hansom | light two-wheeled cab |
hapax | word which occurs only once |
hapaxanthous | flowering only once |
haplography | omission of words or lines in recopying text |
haplology | omission of a doubled or similar sound or syllable in a word |
haptic | of, like or pertaining to the sense of touch |
haptometer | instrument measuring sensitivity to touch |
haptotropic | curving in response to touch |
haqueton | stuffed jacket worn under mail |
hardihood | boldness; audacity |
hardparts | skeletal parts of an organism |
harengiform | shaped like a herring |
hariolate | to divine; to foretell |
hark | to pay close attention; to listen |
harl | barb of feather used to make artificial fishing fly |
harmonics | study of musical acoustics |
harmoniphone | keyboard instrument with reeds |
harmonograph | instrument drawing curves representing vibrations |
harmonometer | instrument measuring harmonic relations of sounds |
harn | coarse linen |
harpagon | harpoon |
harridan | sharp-tongued; scolding woman |
harrier | medium-sized scenting dog for hunting hares |
harry | to plunder; to ravage; to destroy |
haruspication | divination by inspecting animal entrails |
haslock | wool on sheep's throat and neck |
haslot | cooked animal entrails |
hassock | kneeling cushion in a church |
hastate | spear-shaped |
hatchment | coat of arms of a deceased person |
hauberk | long chain mail coat |
haulm | stems of plants or straw collectively |
haurient | rising as if to breathe |
haussmannize | to open out; to rebuild |
haustellum | sucking proboscis or sucking end |
haustorial | having a sucking proboscis |
haut | high; haughty |
hauteur | haughtiness; arrogance |
havelock | white cover for a military cap |
haversack | bag worn over the shoulder for carrying provisions |
havier | castrated deer |
hawkshaw | detective |
hawse | distance between ship's bow and its anchor |
hawsehole | hole for ship's cable |
hawser | large rope for mooring or towing a ship |
haycock | conical pile of hay in a field |
haysel | hay season |
headborough | petty constable |
headland | cape; point; promontory |
headsail | sail set forward of the foremast of a ship |
headstock | device for supporting end or head of a member |
heapstead | buildings and places around a mine shaft |
hearsecloth | cloth lain over coffin during funeral |
heartsome | exhilarating; merry |
hebamic | of, like or pertaining to the socratic method |
hebdomadally | every week |
hebenon | anything with poisonous juices |
hebephrenia | form of dementia occurring at puberty |
hebetate | to make dull or obtuse |
hebetic | of, like or pertaining to puberty |
hebetude | stupidity |
hecatarchy | government by one hundred people; hecatontarchy |
hecatomb | large sacrifice or slaughter; killing of one hundred animals or people |
hecatontarchy | government by one hundred people |
hector | to intimidate by bluster, pomp or arrogance |
heddle | series of vertical cords to receive warp-thread |
hederaceous | of, like or pertaining to ivy |
hederated | crowned with a wreath of ivy |
hederiferous | ivy-bearing |
hederiform | shaped like ivy |
hednon | wedding present |
hedonics | part of ethics or psychology dealing with pleasure |
hedonism | belief that pleasure is the highest good |
heeler | a worker for a local politician or political party |
hegemony | leadership of one state within a confederacy |
hegumene | head of a nunnery |
hekistotherm | plant which can grow in very cold environments |
helcoid | ulcerous |
helcology | study of ulcers |
heliac | solar; coincident with that of the sun |
helicograph | instrument for drawing spirals on a plane |
helicoid | screw-shaped; like a coil |
helicon | bass tuba |
helicosophy | geometry that deals with spirals |
helictite | twisted; branching stalactite |
heliofugal | moving away from the sun |
heliograph | instrument for measuring intensity of sunlight |
heliolatry | sun worship |
heliology | science of the sun |
heliometer | instrument for measuring apparent diameter of the sun |
heliophilous | preferring or attracted to the sunlight |
heliophobia | fear of sunlight |
heliosciophyte | plant that thrives in sun better than shade |
helioscope | instrument for observing sun without injury to the eyes |
helioseismology | study of sun's interior by observing its surface oscillations |
heliosis | exposure to the sun; sunburn |
heliotaxis | response of an organism to the sun's rays |
heliotrope | purplish hue; purplish-flowered plant; ancient sundial; signalling mirror |
heliotropism | movement of plants towards sunlight |
helix | screw-shaped coil |
Hellenomania | obsession with Greece and the Greeks; Graecomania |
hellkite | kite of infernal breed; extremely cruel person |
helm | ship's steering wheel |
helminth | worm |
helminthiasis | infestation with worms |
helminthoid | worm-shaped |
helminthology | study of worms |
helobious | living in marshes or moors |
helotage | the state of helots or being enslaved |
helotry | class of slaves |
helve | handle of an axe or similar tool |
hemacytometer | instrument for counting blood cells |
hematology | study of blood |
hematomancy | divination using blood |
hemeralopia | day-blindness; vision requiring dim light |
hemerology | calendar |
hemialgia | pain in one side of the body alone |
hemianopsia | blindness in one eye |
hemiolic | based on the ratio of 3 to 2 |
hemiplegic | paralyzed on one side only |
hemistich | half a verse line |
hemitery | congenital deformity |
hendecagon | eleven-sided figure |
hendecarchy | government by eleven people |
hendiadys | expression of adjective and noun as two adjectives |
henism | doctrine that there is only one kind of existence |
henotheism | belief in one tribal god, but not as the only god |
henotic | tending to unify or reconcile; promoting harmony |
henry | unit of electrical inductance |
hent | to grasp; to seize |
heortology | study of religious feasts |
hepatic | of, like or pertaining to or acting upon the liver |
hepatology | study of liver |
hepatoscopy | divination by examining animal livers |
hephaestic | of, like or pertaining to iron-working and blacksmiths |
heptamerous | having parts in sevens |
heptarchy | government by seven people |
hepteris | ship with seven rows of oars |
herbarium | collection of preserved plants and herbs |
herbescent | growing like an herb |
herborize | to gather or tend herbs |
herbose | abounding with herbs |
hercogamy | prevention of self-pollination in plants |
herdic | low-hung carriage with back entrance |
hereditament | property that may pass on to an heir |
heresiarch | leader of a heretical movement |
heresiology | study of heresies |
hereticaster | a petty or contemptible heretic |
hereticate | to denounce as heretical |
hereticide | killing of heretics |
heretofore | until now |
heriot | payment to feudal lord upon death of tenant farmer |
hérissé | bristled |
herisson | swinging beam bearing iron spikes |
herm | head or bust of Hermes with a big wang on a square base |
hermeneutic | of, like or pertaining to the interpretation of passages |
hermetic | of, like or pertaining to sorcery or alchemy |
heroarchy | government by heroes |
heroon | temple to a hero; temple-shaped tomb |
herpetic | creeping |
herpetiform | resembling or shaped like a reptile |
herpetoid | of, like or pertaining to snakes |
herpetology | study of reptiles and amphibians |
herpetophobia | fear of snakes |
herringbone | twilled fabric woven in rows of parallel sloping lines |
hesternal | of, like or pertaining to yesterday |
hesternopothia | yearning for yesterday or earlier times |
hesychastic | keeping silence; soothing or quieting |
hetaera | paramour; prostitute; concubine |
hetaerocracy | government by paramours |
hetairism | concubinage; system of communal marriage |
heterarchy | government by a foreign ruler |
heterism | variation |
heterochrony | divergence from normal time sequence |
heteroclitous | irregularly inflected |
heterodymus | conjoined twins with two heads and torsos but one pair of legs |
heterodyne | interference due to different wave frequencies |
heteroecious | parasitism upon several hosts |
heteroepy | irregular or non-standard pronunciation |
heterogenesis | spontaneous or alternate generation |
heterology | differences due to different origin |
heteronomous | subject to different or foreign laws |
heteronym | word having same spelling but different sound and meaning |
heteropathy | excessive sensitivity |
heterophemy | accidental use of word different from that meant |
heteroscian | dweller of a temperate zone |
heterotaxis | anomalous arrangement of body parts |
heterothermal | taking the temperature of the surroundings |
heterotrichosis | having hair of varied or mixed colours |
heterotropic | squinting |
heuristic | helping to discover by trial and error |
hexactinal | having six rays |
hexaemeron | period of six days of creation |
hexamerous | having six parts |
hexametromania | mania for writing in hexameter |
hexastichal | having six lines or rows |
hexeris | galley with six rows of oars |
heyday | expression of elation or wonder |
hiant | gaping |
hibernaculum | winter retreat |
hibernal | of, like or pertaining to winter |
hidation | measuring or assessing land by hides |
hide | old unit of land area equal to 120 acres |
hidrotic | causing or exuding sweat |
hiemal | of, like or pertaining to winter |
hieratical | priestly; bound by religious convention |
hierocracy | government by priests or religious ministers |
hierodule | temple slave |
hierogram | sacred or hieroglyphic symbol |
hierography | description of sacred things |
hierolatry | worship of saints or sacred things |
hierology | science of sacred matters |
hieromachy | fight or quarrel between priests |
hieromancy | divination by studying objects offered in sacrifice |
hieromania | pathological religious visions or delusions |
hieromonach | monk who also serves as a priest |
hieropathic | pertaining to a strong love of the clergy |
hierophant | one who shows or reveals sacred things |
hierophobia | fear of sacred things |
hieroscopy | divination using entrails |
hierurgy | sacred performance |
highbinder | a scheming or corrupt politician |
hight | named; called; to command or call |
hilasmic | propitiatory |
himation | loose outer garment worn by ancient Greeks |
hindermate | companion who is a hindrance |
hindforemost | with the back part in the front place |
hinnable | able to neigh or whinny |
hiplings | with the hips foremost |
hipparchy | rule or control of horses |
hipped | melancholy; peevish; offended |
hippiatric | of, like or pertaining to the treatment of horses' diseases |
hippiatrics | study of diseases of horses |
hippic | of, like or pertaining to horses |
hippocras | medieval hot spiced wine |
hippocrepian | horseshoe-shaped |
hippocrepiform | shaped like a horseshoe |
hippodamist | horse-tamer |
hippoid | equine; of, like or pertaining to horses |
hippology | the study of horses |
hippomancy | divination using horses |
hippomania | obsession with horses |
hippometer | instrument to measure height of horses |
hippomobile | horse-drawn vehicle |
hippophagy | feeding on horses |
hippophile | lover of horses |
hippophobe | hater of horses |
hircine | goat-like; having a goatish smell; of, like or pertaining to smelly goats |
hircismus | stinky armpits |
hircosity | goatishness |
hirrient | roughly trilled |
hirsute | having or covered with coarse shaggy hair |
hirsuties | hairiness |
hirudine | of, like or pertaining to leeches |
hirudinean | of, like or pertaining to leeches |
hirundine | of, like or pertaining to swallows |
hispid | rough with or covered with strong hairs or bristles |
hist | expression used to attract attention |
histogenesis | the formation or differentiation of tissues |
histology | study of the tissues of organisms |
histopathology | study of changes in tissue due to disease |
historicism | belief that all phenomena are historically determined |
historiography | study of writing history |
historiology | study of history |
histrionic | of, like or pertaining to the stage or actors |
hither | to this place |
hithermost | nearest on this side |
hitherside | the nearest side |
hoary | pale silver-grey colour; grey with age |
hobbish | clownish |
hobbledehoy | awkward; gawky youth |
hobnail | thick and strong nail for shoeing horses |
hobohemia | community of hoboes |
hod | V-shaped trough for carrying bricks or mortar on the shoulders |
hodden | coarse undyed woollen cloth |
hodiernal | of, like or pertaining to the present day |
hodometry | measurement of distance of a sea voyage |
hodoscope | instrument for tracing paths of ionizing particles |
hoggaster | young sheep, hog, or boar |
hogget | one-year-old sheep or colt |
hoggin | sifted gravel |
hogmanay | gift or cake made on New Year's Eve |
hogshead | unit of capacity equal to 63 gallons |
holderbat | clamp fixed around sides of pipe |
holism | belief that fundamental universal principle is creation of wholes |
holland | coarse plain-woven cotton or linen |
holm | island in a river |
holobaptism | belief in baptism with total immersion in water |
holobenthic | passing entire life in the deep ocean |
holocryptic | inscrutable; undecipherable |
holograph | text written entirely in its author's handwriting |
holophrase | single word expressing sentence or phrase |
holoptic | having the eyes meeting in front |
holosteric | totally solid |
holt | woody hill or grove |
holystone | sandstone material used to scrape ships' decks |
homaloidal | of the nature of a plane; flat; plane-shaped |
homarine | of, like or pertaining to lobsters |
homeomerous | composed of similar parts |
homeoteleuton | the use or occurrence of similar endings |
homichlophobia | fear of fog |
homiletical | of, like or pertaining to homilies |
homiletics | the art of preaching |
homiliary | book of sermons |
hominiform | shaped like a human |
hommock | ridge in an ice field |
homnivorous | eating humans |
homocentric | having the same central or focal point |
homochiral | identically shaped |
homodont | having teeth all alike |
homograph | words spelled the same but of different meaning |
homoiousia | similarity but not identicality in substance |
homolegomena | books of the Bible used in early Christianity |
homologate | to confirm; to agree; to ratify |
homomerous | possessing similar parts or components |
homonym | words having the same sound but different meanings |
homoousia | identicality in substance |
homophile | one who prefers the company of the same sex; a homosexual |
homophobia | fear of homosexuals |
homophyly | resemblance due to common ancestry |
homoplasty | resemblance due to convergent evolution |
homotaxic | arranged in a similar manner |
honorificabilitudinity | honourableness |
hoplarchy | government by the military |
hoplite | a heavily armed Greek foot soldier |
hoplology | the study of weapons |
hoplomachy | fighting while heavily armoured |
hopple | to restrain by tying the feet together |
hopsack | rough-surfaced loose fabric |
hora | circle dance |
horal | of, like or pertaining to hours; hourly |
horary | of, like or pertaining to an hour; continuing for an hour; hourly |
hordeaceous | of, like or pertaining to barley |
hordeiform | shaped like a barleycorn |
horme | goal-directed or purposive behaviour |
hornbook | rudimentary treatise |
hornito | low oven |
hornpipe | lively British folk dance |
hornwork | cuckoldry |
horography | art of constructing sundials or clocks |
horology | science of time measurement |
horometry | time measurement |
horrent | bristling |
horrescent | expressing or showing horror |
horripilation | process causing goose-bumps |
horrisonant | dreadful-sounding |
hortatory | giving exhortation or advice |
hortensial | of, like or pertaining to gardens |
hortulan | of, like or pertaining to gardens |
hospitate | to greet; to welcome |
hospitium | hospice |
hotchpot | aggregation of property prior to equal division among heirs |
houghmagandy | fornication |
houndstooth | fabric with an irregular checked pattern |
hourd | timber gallery on summit of castle tower |
housal | belonging to the house |
housel | the eucharist; the act of taking the eucharist |
howbeit | although |
howdah | seat with a canopy erected on an elephant's back |
hoy | large one-decked boat |
hoyden | tomboy |
huckaback | absorbent cotton or linen used for towels |
huggery | the action of hugging |
huitain | group of eight lines of verse |
hula | sinuous Polynesian dance with rhythmic hip movements |
hulchy | swollen |
humanism | belief that human interests and mind are paramount |
humanitarianism | doctrine that the highest moral obligation is to improve human welfare |
humect | to moisten; to cause to become moist |
humectation | moisture |
humgruffin | terrible person |
humicubation | act of lying on the ground penitently |
humify | to moisten |
hummock | pile or ridge of ice |
humoral | of, like or pertaining to body fluid |
humpenscrump | crude musical instrument like a hurdy-gurdy |
hustle | lively disco dance derived from swing elements with a plus-like pattern |
hwyl | emotional state capable of arousing intense eloquence |
hyacinthine | of a blue or purple colour |
hyaline | glassy, of or like glass, transparent |
hyalography | engraving upon glass |
hyaloid | of, like or pertaining to glass |
hyalopterous | having glassy or transparent wings |
hydatoid | watery |
hydragogue | removing water or serum |
hydrargyrism | mercury poisoning |
hydric | of, like or pertaining to an abundance of moisture |
hydriotaphia | burial in an urn |
hydrobiology | study of aquatic organisms |
hydrodynamics | study of movement in liquids |
hydrogenic | caused or formed by water |
hydrogeology | study of ground water |
hydrognosy | historical account of water surfaces of the earth |
hydrography | study of investigating bodies of water |
hydrokinetics | study of motion of fluids |
hydrology | study of water resources |
hydromancy | divination using water |
hydromania | irrational craving for water |
hydrometeorology | study of atmospheric moisture |
hydrometer | instrument for measuring specific gravity of liquids |
hydropathy | study of treating diseases with water |
hydropathy | treating diseases with water |
hydrophanous | becoming transparent when placed in water |
hydrophilous | loving or preferring water |
hydrophobia | fear of water |
hydropic | dropsical; thirsty |
hydroscope | instrument for viewing under water |
hydroscopist | one who divines sources of fresh water |
hydrospace | regions beneath the oceans' surface |
hydrotaxis | movement towards or away from water |
hydrotimeter | instrument for measuring water hardness |
hyetal | rainy; of, like or pertaining to rainfall |
hyetograph | instrument for recording rainfall |
hyetology | science of rainfall |
hyetometer | instrument for measuring rainfall |
hyetometrograph | instrument for recording rainfall |
hygeian | of, like or pertaining to health; healthy |
hygeiolatry | excessive devotion to health |
hygiastics | science of health and hygiene |
hygiology | hygienics; study of cleanliness |
hygric | of, like or pertaining to water or moisture |
hygrograph | instrument for recording variations in atmospheric humidity |
hygrology | study of humidity |
hygrometer | instrument for measuring air moisture |
hygrometry | science of humidity |
hygrophilous | preferring or living where there is an abundance of moisture |
hygroscope | instrument for displaying changes in air humidity |
hygrostat | machine for regulating humidity of air |
hylactic | barking; in a barking manner |
hylarchic | ruling over matter |
hyle | matter |
hylicism | materialism |
hylobatine | of, like or pertaining to gibbons |
hylogenesis | the origin of matter |
hylomania | excessive tendency towards materialism |
hylomorphism | belief that matter is cause of the universe |
hylopathism | belief in ability of matter to affect the spiritual world |
hylophagous | eating wood |
hylotheism | belief that the universe is purely material |
hylotomous | wood-cutting |
hylozoism | doctrine that all matter is endowed with life |
hymeneal | of, like or pertaining to marriage |
hymnal | collection of church hymns |
hymnody | hymns collectively; hymn-singing |
hymnography | study of writing hymns |
hymnology | study of hymns |
hyoid | having a "U" shape |
hypactic | purgative |
hypaethral | roofless; open to the sky |
hypalgesia | diminished susceptibility to pain |
hypallage | figure in which relations between words are changed |
hypaspist | shield-bearing elite soldier |
hyperacusis | abnormally good sense of hearing |
hyperalgia | extreme sensitivity to pain |
hyperanarchy | condition of extreme anarchy |
hyperaphia | extraordinarily keen sense of touch |
hyperarchy | excessive government |
hyperbaton | rhetorical device in which word order is reversed |
hyperbole | impression by extravagant exaggeration |
hyperborean | an inhabitant of the extreme north |
hyperbulia | excessive zeal for action or activity |
hypercatalectic | having an extra syllable on the end of a line of verse |
hypercathexis | manic desire for a particular object |
hyperdulia | veneration of the Virgin Mary above saints and angels |
hyperemesis | excessive vomiting |
hypergamy | marriage of a man to a woman of lower status |
hyperhidrosis | excessive sweating |
hypermania | severe mania |
hypermetropia | long-sightedness |
hypernym | word representing a class of words or things |
hyperope | far-sighted person |
hyperosmia | very keen sense of smell |
hyperphagia | eating too much |
hyperpyrexia | excessive body temperature |
hypertrichologist | person who treats unsightly facial hair |
hyphaeresis | omission of sound or letter from a word |
hypnagogic | sleep-inducing; pertaining to drowsiness or sleep |
hypnoetic | of, like or pertaining to unconscious logical thought |
hypnogeny | production of the hypnotic state |
hypnoid | like sleep or hypnosis |
hypnology | study of sleep; study of hypnosis |
hypnomancy | divination using sleep |
hypnomogia | insomnia |
hypnopompic | of, like or pertaining to period between sleep and wakefulness |
hypnosophy | knowledge of phenomena relating to sleep |
hypobole | anticipating and refuting objections to an argument |
hypobulic | weak-willed; lacking willpower |
hypocaust | space under floor for heating by hot air |
hypocorism | pet-name; diminutive or abbreviated name |
hypodynamia | loss of strength |
hypogeal | underground |
hypogeiody | surveying underground |
hypogeum | underground chamber |
hypogeusia | diminished sense of taste |
hypolimnion | colder and deeper layer of water in a lake |
hypomania | minor mania |
hypometropia | shortsightedness |
hyponychial | underneath fingernail or toenail |
hyponym | term which is a member of a larger class |
hypophrenia | weakness of mental facilities |
hypostasis | basis; foundation; essence |
hypostrophe | return to primary argument after digression |
hypostyle | pillar |
hypotaxis | dependent construction |
hypothecary | of, like or pertaining to mortgages |
hypothecate | to mortgage; to place as security |
hypotrichosis | hairlessness |
hypotyposis | vivid description of a scene |
hypsiloid | shaped like the Greek letter upsilon |
hypsography | science of measuring heights |
hypsometer | instrument for measuring height of trees through triangulation |
hypsophobia | fear of high places |
hypural | situated beneath the tail |
hyrax | shrew |
hysteresis | lagging of an effect behind its cause |
hysterogenic | causing hysteria |
hysteroid | like or resembling a womb |
hysteromania | nymphomania |
hystricine | of, like or pertaining to porcupines |
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