Word | Definition |
iamatology | study of remedies |
iamb | poetic foot consisting of short then a long syllable |
ianthine | violet-coloured |
iatraliptic | relating to the curing of diseases by means of unguents |
iatramelia | medical negligence |
iatrarchy | government by physicians |
iatrochemistry | application of chemistry to medical theory |
iatrogenic | induced inadvertently by medical treatment |
iatrology | treatise or text on medical topics |
iatromathematics | archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology |
iatrophobia | fear of going to the doctor |
ibidem | in the same place |
iceblink | glare in the sky caused by light reflected off ice |
ichneumous | parasitical |
ichneutic | of, like or pertaining to a tracker or tracking |
ichnite | fossilized footprint |
ichnogram | footprint |
ichnography | art of drawing ground plans |
ichnology | science of fossilized footprints |
ichnomancy | divination using footprints |
ichthyic | of, resembling or pertaining to fish |
ichthyoid | fishlike |
ichthyolatry | the worship of fish |
ichthyology | study of fish |
ichthyomancy | divination by inspecting fish entrails |
ichthyomorphic | shaped like a fish |
ichthyophagous | fish-eating |
ichthyopolist | fish seller |
iconoclasm | attacking of established beliefs |
iconography | study of drawing symbols |
iconolagny | sexual stimulation from pictures or statues |
iconolatry | image-worship |
iconology | study of icons; symbols |
iconomachy | opposition to the worship of images or icons |
iconomancy | divination using icons |
iconomania | obsession with icons or portraits |
iconomatic | using pictures to represent sounds of words |
iconometer | instrument for finding size of object by measuring its image |
iconophilism | a taste for pictures and symbols |
iconoplast | one who makes images or icons |
iconostasis | screen or partition in Eastern churches with tiers of icons |
icterical | of, like or pertaining to or suffering from jaundice |
icterine | yellowish or marked with yellow |
icterine | of, like or pertaining to orioles and related birds |
icteritious | jaundiced; yellow |
ictus | stress in poetry or verse |
idempotent | quantity which does not change when squared |
ideogenous | being of mental origin |
ideogeny | study of origins of ideas |
ideogram | symbol that stands for a concept rather than a word |
ideophone | word that is spoken but not written |
ideopraxist | one who is impelled to carry out an idea |
idiochromatic | having unique or distinctive coloration |
idiocrasis | intrinsic peculiarity or unique feature |
idioglossia | private language developed between children |
idiograph | private mark; trademark |
idiolect | distinctive individual form of speech |
idiologism | personal speech peculiarity |
idiomology | study of idiom, jargon or dialect |
idiomorphic | having a unique or distinct form |
idiopathic | disease particular to an individual |
idiophone | percussion instrument made of naturally resonant material |
idiorhythmic | self-regulating |
idiothermous | warm-blooded |
idioticon | vocabulary of a particular district |
idolomancy | divination using idols |
idolomania | obsession or devotion to idols |
idolothyte | sacrifice presented to an idol |
idolum | mental image; logical fallacy |
idoneous | suitable; appropriate |
ifsoever | if ever |
ignavia | laziness; laxity |
ignescent | capable of emitting sparks; of a volatile mood |
ignicolist | fire-worshipper |
ignify | to burn |
ignipotent | presiding over fire |
ignivomous | vomiting or spewing forth fire |
ignoscency | forgiveness |
ignotism | mistake due to ignorance |
ilastical | propitiatory; expiatory |
iliac | of, like or pertaining to the loins |
ilicic | of, like or pertaining to holly |
ilke | kind or nature |
illapse | to glide in |
illaqueate | to ensnare |
illation | the act of inferring from premises |
illative | indicating movement into or toward |
illaudable | not praiseworthy |
illeist | one who refers to oneself in the third person |
illimitable | limitlessly infinite |
illinition | act of rubbing against or on |
illiquation | the melting of one thing into another |
illision | the act of striking against something |
illocution | an act which is performed by speaking words |
illude | to trick |
illuminism | belief in an inward spiritual light |
illusionism | belief that the external world is philosophy |
illutation | mud bath |
illuvium | material dissolved in water and deposited in layers |
imagism | doctrine of use of precise images with unrestricted subject |
imago | idealized mental image of a person |
imbibition | the absorption of a liquid by a solid or gel |
imbreviate | to enroll |
imbricate | to lay overlapping one another |
imbroglio | confusing or disturbing situation; confused mass or heap |
imbrue | to wet or moisten |
imbrute | to degrade to the state of a brute |
imburse | to put in a purse; to pay |
immanation | flowing in |
immanent | inherent; permanently pervading the universe |
immanentism | belief in an immanent or permanent god |
immarcescible | unfading; imperishable |
immaterialism | the doctrine that there is no material substance |
immeability | state of being impassable or impermeable |
immerge | to immerse; to dip into water |
immeritous | undeserving |
imminution | lessening; decreasing |
immiseration | progressive impoverishment or degradation |
immission | insertion; infusion |
immix | to commingle |
immoralism | rejection of morality |
immortelle | everlasting dried flower |
immunifacient | causing immunity |
immunogenetics | study of genetic characteristics of immunity |
immunogenic | producing an immune response |
immunopathology | study of immunity to disease |
immure | to imprison; to shut in |
impacable | not able to be quieted or appeased |
impanate | embodied in bread |
imparidigitate | having an odd number of fingers on each limb |
imparlance | delay in pleading for amicable adjustment |
impaste | to lay paint or colours thickly on |
impavid | fearless; undaunted |
impecunious | without money; penniless |
impedimenta | things that impede; baggage |
impedimentary | hindering; obstructing |
impennate | featherless; wingless |
imperscriptible | not recorded; unwritten |
imperseverant | lacking the power to perceive |
impest | to infest with plague or pestilence |
impetrate | to obtain by entreaty, request or prayer |
impignorate | to pledge, pawn or mortgage |
impleach | to intertwine |
impletion | filling; fullness; fulfilment |
implex | not simple; involved; complicated |
implodent | an implosive sound |
implumous | without feathers |
imponent | that which imposes an obligation |
importune | to press or urge with repeated requests |
impostume | abscess |
imprecate | to call down by prayer; to curse; to invoke evil on |
imprescriptible | inalienable |
imprest | a loan or advance of money |
imprimatur | licence to print a book |
imprimis | in the first place |
imprimitive | not primitive |
impropriate | to appropriate for private use |
improvident | lacking foresight; thoughtless |
impudicity | shamelessness |
impugn | to oppose; to attack by words or arguments |
imputation | attribution of fault to |
imsonic | onomatopoetic |
inaniloquent | prone to foolish or empty babbling |
inanition | emptiness; starvation |
inappetent | lacking desire or appetite |
inapt | unfit or unqualified |
inaurate | gilded; golden |
inbeing | inherence; inherent existence |
inboard | inside the line of a ship's bulwarks or hull |
incalescent | growing warm |
incanous | covered with soft white hair |
incardination | acceptance by a diocese of clergyman from another diocese |
incarnadine | carnation-coloured; blood-red |
incatenation | harnessing; chaining together |
incede | to advance majestically |
incendivity | the power of causing ignition |
incentivize | to be given an incentive |
incept | to take into the body; ingest |
inceptive | marking the beginning or formation |
inchoate | undeveloped; just begun |
incipient | beginning; in an early stage |
incivism | neglect of duty as a citizen |
inclinometer | instrument for measuring inclination to the horizontal of an axis |
incommiscible | unable to be mixed or intermingled |
incommode | to cause trouble or inconvenience to |
incommutable | that cannot be commuted or exchanged |
incompossible | incapable of coexisting |
inconcinnity | lack of congruousness or proportion |
incondite | not well put together; poorly constructed |
inconscient | unconscious; abstracted |
incoronate | crowned |
incorpse | to incorporate |
incrassate | to thicken |
increscent | waxing |
incubus | nightmare; burden |
inculcate | implant in by persistent urging |
inculpate | to blame; to incriminate |
incult | uncultivated; coarse |
incunabulist | one who collects early books |
incunabulum | early printed book; early version of a thing |
incuse | impressed or stamped upon |
indagate | to search out; to investigate |
indehiscent | not opening when mature |
indicia | indicating marks or symptoms |
indifferentism | the belief that all religions are equally valid |
indigence | poverty; state of being needy |
indign | unworthy; disgraceful; unseemly |
indigo | deep blue-violet colour; a blue-violet dye |
indiscerptible | not able to be separated |
indite | to compose |
individualism | belief that individual interests and rights are paramount |
indoles | inherent disposition |
induciae | peace treaty or armistice |
indue | to supply; to endow |
indulgence | former Catholic pardon granted for remission of punishment for sins |
indult | special temporary dispensation granted by the Catholic church |
indumentum | total body covering of hair, fur or feathers |
indurate | to make hard, callous or unfeeling |
induviae | withered leaves which persist on plants |
indwell | to exist within as a guiding force |
ineluctable | against which it is useless to struggle |
inescatory | of, like or pertaining to baiting; adapted to bait |
inesculent | inedible |
inessive | indicating location within |
ineunt | entering |
inexpiable | that which cannot be expiated or atoned for |
inexpugnable | not able to be attacked or captured |
infandous | unmentionable |
infantocracy | government by an infant |
infarction | tissue dying due to lack of blood flow |
infaust | unlucky; ill-omened |
infelicitous | inappropriate in application or expression |
inferiae | offerings to the spirits of the dead |
inficete | not facetious; rudely jesting |
inflorescence | process of producing flowers; flowering |
infomania | excessive devotion to accumulating facts |
infra | below; later in a text |
infrangible | not able to be broken or violated |
infructuous | not fruitful |
infumate | smoky; blackened |
infundibuliform | having the form or shape of a funnel or cone |
infuscate | clouded or tinged with brown; obscured; cloudy brown colour |
ingannation | deception |
ingate | inlet for molten metal in founding |
ingeminate | to reiterate; to redouble |
ingerence | intrusion; interference |
ingle | a fire in a room; a fireplace |
inglenook | alcove by a large open fire |
ingluvies | a crop or craw of birds |
ingravescent | becoming more severe |
ingression | pronounced with inhalation rather than exhalation |
inguinal | of, like or pertaining to the groin |
ingurgitate | to swallow; to guzzle |
inhaust | to drink in |
inhere | be inherent |
inhumation | burial; act of depositing in the ground |
inhumist | referring to a society that burns its dead |
inimical | hostile; harmful |
iniquity | wickedness; gross injustice |
inkhorn | portable case for ink |
inkhornism | pedantic word or expression |
inlagation | pardoning of an outlaw |
inlapidate | to petrify |
inly | inwardly; thoroughly |
innitency | state of leaning or resting upon something |
innominate | having no name |
innoxious | harmless |
inoperculate | without an operculum or lid |
inopinate | not thought of; unexpected |
inosculate | to join together with ducts or openings; to blend or combine |
inquiline | living with another; dwelling in another creature's lair |
inquinate | to corrupt or defile |
inquirendo | authority to inquire into something |
inquisiturient | eager to act as an inquisitor |
inquorate | not making up a quorum |
inscenation | staging; setting |
inscient | having little or no knowledge |
insculp | to engrave, to cut or carve from something |
insectifuge | insect repellent |
insectivorous | eating insects |
insectology | study of insects |
insessorial | adapted for perching |
insidiate | to conspire against; to betray |
insipience | lack of wisdom; stupidity |
insolate | to treat by exposure to the sun's rays |
insouciance | indifference; apathy |
insouciant | lighthearted and unconcerned |
inspan | to bring or force into service |
inspissate | to thicken or condense |
instauration | restoration; renewal |
institorial | of, like or pertaining to an agent or factor |
instructive | indicating means whereby |
instrumental | indicating means by which |
instrumentalism | doctrine that ideas are instruments of action |
insufflate | to disseminate by blowing; to breathe upon |
insulse | lacking wit; dull; stupid; insipid |
intaglio | a figure engraved into a gem or another substance |
integument | an external covering or coating |
intellection | act of thinking; exercise of the intellect |
intellectualism | belief that all knowledge is derived from reason |
intemerate | pure; undefiled |
intempestive | unseasonable; untimely; inopportune |
intenerate | to make tender; to soften |
intenible | not capable of holding or retaining |
interactionism | belief that mind and body act on each other |
interamnian | between two rivers |
intercalary | interpolated; inserted between other things |
intercalation | interpolation; insertion between others |
interciliary | between the eyebrows |
intercipient | intercepting |
interclude | to block; to enclose; to cut off |
intercolline | lying between hills |
intercostal | between the ribs |
intercrural | within or pertaining to the area between the legs |
interdigitate | to interlock in the manner of locked fingers |
interdine | to eat together |
interfenestration | spacing of windows |
interferometer | instrument for analysing spectra of light |
interfluve | area between two rivers that flow in the same direction |
intergrade | to merge or shade by means of intermediate steps |
interim | meanwhile |
interjacent | intervening; situated between two things |
interjaculate | to ejaculate in interruption |
interlaminate | to insert between layers |
interlocutor | one who converses; interpreter; participant in conversation |
interlucation | thinning of a forest to let some light in |
interlunation | dark time between old moon and new |
intermure | to wall in |
internecine | causing (mutual) destruction |
internuncio | messenger between two parties; low-ranking papal legate |
interosculant | possessing attributes common to different groups |
interpellation | question raised during the course of debate |
interpilaster | space between two pilasters |
interpunction | insertion of punctuation marks in writing |
interramification | interweaving of branches |
interrex | one who rules during an interregnum; regent |
interscribe | to write between |
intersidereal | between stars |
interstitial | of, like or pertaining to the space between things |
intertesselation | complex interrelationship |
intertie | short timber binding together upright posts |
intertrigo | skin rash due to friction of two moist surfaces |
intervallum | between the ramparts |
intervolve | to roll up or entwine with one another |
intinction | administering communion by dipping bread into wine |
intitule | to endow or furnish with a title |
intorted | twisted inwards; involved |
intrados | undersurface of an arch or vault |
intrant | entering; penetrating |
introessive | indicating motion into |
introit | psalm or hymn sung at beginning of church service |
intromit | to introduce; to admit; to insert |
introrse | turned or facing inward |
introspectionism | doctrine that knowledge of mind must derive from introspection |
intuitionism | belief that the perception of truth is by intuition |
intumesce | to enlarge; to swell; to bubble |
intussusception | movement of one part of a thing into another |
inumbrate | to cast a shadow upon; to shade |
inunction | anointing, smearing or rubbing with ointment |
inurbanity | lack of manners or deportment; incivility |
inusitation | disuse; disrepair |
inustion | burning in; cauterization |
invaginate | to sheathe; to draw in; to enfold |
inveigh | to make an attack in speech or writing |
inveigle | to entice; to wheedle |
invenit | invented it |
inverecund | shameless; unabashed |
inveterate | long-established; confirmed |
invictive | insurmountable; undefeatable |
invidious | likely to excite indignation against the performer |
invination | presence of Christ's blood in sanctified wine |
inviscate | to entrap with sticky material |
invitatory | psalm or anthem sung before prayer during church service |
invultuation | the making of an image for use in witchcraft |
ipseity | selfhood; state of being oneself |
iracund | inclined to become angry |
iracundulous | somewhat inclined to become angry |
irascent | becoming enraged or angry |
irenic | conducive to or working towards peace |
irenology | the study of peace |
iridian | having or suggestive of the colours of a rainbow |
iridic | of, like or pertaining to the iris of the eye |
iridize | to make iridescent |
iridology | study of iris |
iriscope | instrument for exhibiting the prismatic colours |
irradicate | to fix firmly |
irrecusable | that cannot be rejected |
irredentism | advocating restoration of territory to a nation |
irrefragable | that cannot be refuted; unanswerable |
irrefrangible | incapable of refraction |
irremeable | which cannot be returned; irrevocable |
irriguous | watered; wet; irrigating |
irrision | the act of laughing at another |
irrisory | mocking; derisive |
irroration | watering a plant with discharge of a sick person |
irruption | breaking or bursting in |
isabelline | greyish yellow |
isabnormal | line connecting points of equal deviation from mean temperature |
isacoustic | line connecting points of equal acoustic quality |
isagoge | academic introduction to a subject |
isagogic | introductory |
isallobar | line connecting points of equal change in barometric pressure |
isanemone | line connecting points on map having same wind velocity |
isapostolic | equal to or contemporary with the apostles |
isatis | Arctic fox |
ischaemia | lack of blood in a part of the body due to an obstruction |
ischiatic | of or pertaining to the ischium or hip |
ischiorrhogic | of an iambic line, having spondees in the second, fourth or sixth place |
ischuretic | diuretic |
ischuria | retention of urine |
iseidomal | line connecting points of equal visibility of a spectacle |
isentropic | line connecting points of equal entropy |
ishan | prehistoric Iraqi mound |
ishies | hip-joints |
ising | meat sausage |
isinglass | firm semitransparent substance used to make jellies |
islandic | of or pertaining to an island |
islesman | inhabitant of a group of islands |
islomania | craze or obsession for islands |
ismatic | addicted to "isms" or faddish theories |
isness | the fact of being; essence |
isobar | line connecting points of same atmospheric pressure |
isobase | line connecting points of equal land upheaval |
isobath | line connecting points of equal underwater depth |
isobathytherm | line connecting points of equal temperature and depth underground |
isobront | line connecting points of simultaneous storm development |
isocephaly | arrangement of figures in art so that their heads are at the same height |
isochar | line connecting points of similar distinguishing characteristics of plant life |
isochasm | line connecting points of equal frequency of aurorae |
isocheim | line connecting points of same average winter temperature |
isochlor | line connecting points of equal chlorine concentration |
isochor | line connecting points of varying conditions under constant volume |
isochrone | line connecting points of equal time difference or simultaneous occurrence |
isochronous | having the same duration; recurring at equal intervals |
isochroous | having a uniform colour |
isoclinal | line connecting points of same magnetic dip |
isocracy | equal political power |
isocryme | line connecting points of equal winter temperature |
isodiabatic | having equal transmission of heat |
isodose | line connecting points that receive equal doses of radiation |
isodynamic | line connecting points of equal magnetic intensity |
isoflor | line connecting points of equal number of plant species |
isogam | line connecting points of equal acceleration due to gravity |
isogen | line connecting points of equal birthrates |
isogeny | sameness or similarity of origin |
isogeotherm | line connecting points of equal subterranean temperature |
isogloss | line connecting points of similar regional dialect |
isoglossal | having similar speech patterns or language |
isogonal | line connecting points of equal magnetic declination |
isogonal | having equal angles |
isograd | line connecting points of similar conditions during geological metamorphism |
isogram | line connecting points on a map having some similar feature |
isograph | line connecting points of same linguistic usage in some respect |
isohaline | line connecting points of equal salinity |
isohalsine | line connecting points of equal ocean salinity |
isohel | line connecting points of equal sunlight |
isohyet | line connecting points of equal rainfall |
isokeraunic | line connecting points of equal occurrence of thunderstorms |
isolex | line connecting points of same vocabulary usage |
isoline | line connecting points on a map having some similar feature |
isomagnetic | line connecting points of equal magnetic induction |
isometric | line connecting points of equal variations of pressure |
isomorph | line connecting points of same linguistic morphological forms |
isonephelic | line connecting points of equal cloud cover |
isonomy | equal law; rights or privileges |
isonym | word having the same derivation or form as another |
isopach | line connecting points of equal thickness of geological strata |
isophene | line connecting points of the same phenotype or seasonal variation |
isophote | line connecting points of equal light intensity from a given source |
isopiestic | line connecting points of equal pressure but varying temperature and volume |
isopiptesis | line connecting points of same arrival date of migratory species |
isopleth | line connecting points of equal aspect of climate |
isopolity | reciprocity of rights of citizenship in two communities |
isopor | line connecting points of equal annual change in magnetic field |
isopsephic | equal in number |
isopycnic | line connecting points of equal density |
isorithm | line connecting points of equal population density |
isorropic | of equal value |
isoseismal | line connecting points of same earthquake intensity |
isostasy | condition of equilibrium in the earth's crust |
isostere | line connecting points of equal specific volume of a substance |
isotac | line joining points where the ice melts at the same time of year |
isotach | line connecting points of the same wind speed |
isothere | line connecting points of equal summer temperature |
isotherm | line connecting points of equal temperature |
isothermobath | line connecting points of equal temperature at a given ocean depth |
isotherombrose | line connecting points of equal ratio of summer rainfall to annual rainfall |
isotropic | having the same properties in every direction |
isovol | line connecting points of equal ratio of fixed to volatile carbon in coal |
issles | sparks; embers |
issuant | issuing from; in heraldry, emerging from the bottom of a chief |
ist | one who holds to an 'ism' |
isthmian | living on or situated on an isthmus |
isthmoid | resembling an isthmus |
istle | coarse tough Central American fibre used to make cords and nets |
itacism | pronunciation of the Greek letter eta as 'ee' |
itai-itai | disease caused by cadmium poisoning and resulting in back pain |
Italiot | person of Greek descent dwelling in ancient Italy |
Italomania | obsession with Italy or Italians |
item | likewise; also |
iter | circuit; path; road or line of travel |
iterant | repeating; echoing |
iteration | repetition |
iterum | again; afresh; anew |
ithomiid | tropical South American butterfly |
ithyphallic | indecent; immoral |
itinerarian | traveller |
itinerarily | in the course of wandering |
ition | the action of going |
itis | bodily condition or disease |
iulan | of the first growth of the beard |
iulus | millipede |
ivi | Tahitian chestnut tree |
ivoride | imitation ivory |
ivorine | white and smooth like ivory |
ivorist | one who carves ivory professionally |
ivresse | drunkenness |
iwis | surely; certainly |
ixia | South African beautiful flowering plant |
ixiodic | of, like or pertaining to ticks |
ixora | tropical evergreen shrub with white flowers |
izard | goatlike antelope found in the Pyrenees |
izzard | archaic name for the letter Z |
izzat | public esteem; honour |
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