Word | Definition |
dacnomania | obsession with killing |
dacoitage | robbery by gang or mob |
dacryops | wateriness of the eyes |
dactylioglyph | engraver of rings or of gems |
dactyliology | study of rings |
dactyliomancy | divination by means of a finger |
dactylogram | fingerprint |
dactylography | the study of fingerprints |
dactyloid | like or resembling a finger |
dactylology | study of sign language |
dactylomancy | divination using rings |
dactylomegaly | condition of having abnormally large digits |
dactylonomy | counting using the fingers and toes |
dactyloscopy | comparing fingerprints for purpose of identification |
dado | large wooden moulding along bottom of wall |
daedal | formed with art; displaying inventive skill |
daedalist | aviator; pilot |
dag | dirty tatted tuft of sheep's wool |
dal | a dried legume, such as lentils, beans or peas |
dalmatic | ecclesiastical robe or other outer vestment |
dalton | unit of atomic mass |
damascene | decorate or engrave metal with wavy lines and patterns |
damask | fine lustrous fabric with flat patterns and a satin weave |
damine | having antlers like a fallow deer |
dammar | hard resin used in making varnish |
damnification | causation of injury or loss |
damoiseau | male form of damsel; a young man not yet dubbed a knight |
dancetté | deeply indented |
danism | lending money on usury |
dap | to dip gently into water; to fish with a surface fly |
dapatical | lavish; sumptuous; costly |
daphnomancy | divination using a laurel |
dapifer | one who brings meat to the table |
dapocaginous | mean-spirited; heartless |
darbies | handcuffs |
darby | large trowel for levelling concrete or plaster |
darcy | unit of permeability of rock to various substances |
darkle | to grow or make dark |
darraign | to vindicate; to justify or prove |
dash | non-specific very small unit of measurement used in cooking |
dashpot | shock absorber |
dasyphyllous | having crowded, thick or woolly leaves |
dasypoedes | types of birds having downy-feathered young |
dasyure | flesh-eating marsupial |
datary | papal officer who registers and dates bulls and edicts |
dation | act of giving, conferring or donating |
dative | indicating indirect object of a verb |
davenport | small ornamental writing desk; large sofa |
davit | device for hoisting and lowering a boat |
daw | simpleton; bird of the crow family |
deaconing | act of putting best looking goods on top of pile |
deadeye | rounded wooden block with hole used to set up ship's stays |
deadhouse | mortuary |
deadstock | farm equipment |
deadwood | timbers built into ends of ship when too narrow to permit framing |
dealate | insect divested of its wings |
dealbation | whitening; bleaching |
deambulatory | place for walking around or about in |
dearticulate | to disjoint |
deasil | sunwise motion |
debarrass | to disembarrass; disentangle; free |
debel | to conquer in war |
debellate | to conquer or overcome through battle |
debouch | to issue or emerge; to flow from a confined place |
debouchure | mouth of a river or strait |
debridement | the removal of foreign matter from a wound |
decadarchy | government by ten individuals; decarchy |
decadist | author who writes works in ten parts |
decalcomania | process of transferring a design onto a surface using specially prepared paper |
decalescence | point in heating metal where it appears to cool |
decalogist | exponent of rules such as the Ten Commandments |
decalvant | removing hair; depilatory |
decamerous | having parts in tens |
decanal | located on south side of the choir in a church |
decanal | of, like or pertaining to a dean or deacon |
decantate | to chant or say repeatedly |
decarchy | government by ten individuals |
decare | 1000 square metres |
decarnate | denied or deprived of physical bodily form |
decastich | ten-line poem |
decatise | to uncurl through the use of steam or moisture |
decaudate | to cut off the tail of |
decelerometer | instrument for measuring deceleration |
decennoval | of, like or pertaining to the number nineteen |
decession | departure |
decimestrial | lasting ten months |
deckle | ragged edge of paper |
declassé | below one's social class |
declinometer | instrument for measuring magnetic declination |
declivity | place that slopes downwards; inclination downwards |
decoct | to prepare or extract by boiling; to devise |
decollate | to behead; to disorganize |
decomplex | repeatedly compound |
decorticate | to remove the bark, husk or peel of |
decoupage | the application of paper cutouts to wood surfaces |
decrassify | to make less crass or boorish |
decrement | a gradual decrease in quantity or quality |
decrepitate | to crackle; to roast so as to cause to crackle |
decrescent | becoming gradually less |
decretal | papal decree deciding a point of church law |
decretal | of, like or pertaining to a decree |
decrudescence | diminution or reduction of a disease |
decuman | principle; large; primary |
decumbent | lying down; reclining on the ground |
decumbiture | the time spent by an invalid in bed |
decurrent | extending or running downwards |
decurtate | to curtail, shorten or abbreviate |
decussate | to divide in the form of an X; to cross or intersect |
dedans | spectators at a court tennis match |
dedition | surrender; capitulation |
deek | look at; see |
deemster | judge on the Isle of Man |
defalcate | to embezzle money held on trust |
defeasible | that may be annulled |
defenestration | throwing a person or object out a window |
deferrise | to remove iron from |
defervescence | abatement of heat; coolness; decrease of fever |
defilade | to arrange fortifications against frontal attack |
defiliation | depriving a parent of a child |
definiens | word or words used in a dictionary definition |
deflexure | deviation |
deflocculate | to break down into small pieces |
defluent | running down; decurrent |
defluvium | falling of hair |
dégagé | at rest; untroubled; at ease |
deglutinate | to unglue or unstick |
deglutition | the power or act of swallowing |
degression | gradual decrease; reduction in taxes |
dégringolade | rapid decline or decay; downfall |
degustation | eating in a series of small portions |
dehisce | to gape; to burst open |
dehort | to dissuade |
deicide | destruction or killing of a god |
deictic | directly demonstrating something or some proposition |
deiform | appearing like or shaped like a god |
deiparous | bearing a god |
deipnosophy | learned dinner-conversation |
deipotent | having godlike power |
deism | belief in God but rejection of religion |
deixis | relating to time and place of a linguistic utterance |
delactation | weaning |
delaine | light fabric of wool or mixed wool and cotton |
delaminate | to split into layers |
delate | to pass on; to charge with a crime |
delative | indicating motion downward |
delectus | anthology of useful passages or quotations |
delenda | things to be deleted or destroyed |
deleterious | harmful to body or mind |
delf | drain; ditch; excavation |
delibate | to sip |
deligation | bandaging |
delignate | to remove wood from; to deprive of wood |
deliquesce | to melt into liquid by absorbing moisture |
deliration | madness; aberration |
delirifacient | producing or creating delirium |
delitescent | latent |
delope | to fire one's gun into the air in a duel |
delphically | enigmatically; obscurely |
delphine | pertaining to the Dauphin of France |
delphinine | of, like or pertaining to dolphins |
deltiology | the collection and study of picture postcards |
deltoid | shaped like a delta or triangle |
delubrum | a font, a temple or shrine having a font |
demagogue | political agitator appealing to popular prejudices |
démarche | decisive course of action taken in diplomacy |
demarchy | government by the people; popular government |
demegoric | of, like or pertaining to demagogues or demagogic speech |
démenti | official denial or refusal |
demephitise | to purify air |
demerge | to immerse; to plunge |
demersal | subaqueous; living underwater; sinking to the bottom |
demesne | feudal manor-house with adjacent lands |
demicastor | beaver pelt of poor quality; beaver fur mixed with another type of fur |
demigration | change of abode |
demijohn | large bottle having a wicker case |
demisang | half-breed; hybrid |
demiurge | creative spirit or entity |
demogenic | of, like or pertaining to membership by citizenship rather than kinship |
demology | study of human behaviour |
demonarchy | government by a demon |
demonetise | to deprive of monetary value; to withdraw from circulation |
demonocracy | government by demons or evil forces |
demonolatry | worship of or devotion to demons |
demonology | study of demons |
demonomancy | divination using demons |
demonomania | pathological belief that one is possessed by demons |
demonosopher | one who is inspired by a demon or devil |
demotic | of, like or pertaining to the common people |
demulcent | emulsifier; something soothing |
demurrage | delay of vessel's departure or loading with cargo |
denary | one of ten; tenfold; of, like or pertaining to group of ten |
dendriform | shaped like a tree |
dendritiform | branched |
dendrochronology | study of tree rings |
dendroid | tree-like; resembling a tree |
dendrolatry | worship of trees |
dendrology | study of trees |
dendrometer | instrument for measuring trees |
dendrophilous | fond of trees |
denehole | vertical shaft having chambers at the base |
denier | unit of yarn fineness |
dennet | light two-wheeled carriage |
densimeter | instrument for measuring closeness of grain of a substance |
densitometer | instrument for measuring optical or photographic density |
dentagra | toothache |
dentellated | having small notches or teeth |
dentelle | lace; lacework |
denticle | small toothlike structure |
dentiform | shaped like a tooth |
dentigerous | toothed; bearing teeth |
dentiloquy | speaking with clenched teeth |
dentine | ivory-like material making up teeth |
dentiologist | one who speaks with closed teeth |
dentirostral | with notched beak |
deobstruent | something that removes an obstacle |
deodate | a gift to or from God |
deonerate | to disburden |
deontic | of or relating to duty or obligation |
deontology | the theory or study of moral obligation |
deoppilate | to free from obstruction |
deordination | abnormality or irregularity |
deorsumversion | turning downwards |
deosculate | to kiss affectionately |
depascent | eating |
depaysé | out of one's element or natural environment |
depeculation | embezzlement of public funds |
deponent | having a passive form but active meaning |
depotentiate | to deprive or divest of power |
deprehend | to catch; to seize |
depurate | to purify |
deracinate | to root up |
deray | to go wild; to derange |
deric | of, like or pertaining to the skin |
dermatoglyphics | the study of skin patterns and fingerprints |
dermatoid | like or resembling skin |
dermatology | study of skin |
dermographia | condition where writing on skin causes red mark to form |
derodidymus | two-headed beast |
derrick | hoisting mechanism using a boom and a central post |
desacralise | to deprive or remove sacred qualities |
descrive | to describe |
desideratum | something which is greatly desired |
desiderium | longing or yearning |
desinent | terminal; ending |
desipient | playing the fool; trifling |
desmology | study of ligaments |
désobligeante | carriage for one passenger |
despoliation | despoiling; despoilment |
despotocracy | government by despots or tyrants |
despumate | to throw off impurities in foam; to skim; to remove scum |
desquamate | to scale or flake off |
desudation | extreme sweating |
desuetude | state of disuse |
desultory | jumping from one thing to another; rambling; unplanned |
detersion | the act of cleaning |
detinue | wrongful seizure of property; action to recover it |
detort | to untwist; to twist the other way |
détraqué | a person who is deranged |
detritus | waste or debris |
detrude | to thrust downward or outward |
detumescence | diminution of swelling |
deuteragonist | a person who serves as a foil to another |
deuterogamy | second marriage after the death of the first wife |
deuteropathy | second illness in addition to an initial one |
deuteroscopy | second view or meaning; second sight |
devall | to sink; to decline |
devisee | one to whom property is bequeathed in a will |
devoir | what is due; duty |
dewlap | turkey's wattle; flap of skin under the throat |
dexiotropic | turning to the right |
dexter | relating to the right side of a heraldic shield |
dextroduction | shifting the eyes from left to right |
dextrogyratory | turning to the right |
diable | unglazed earthenware casserole |
diablerie | magic; sorcery; mischief |
diabolocracy | government by the Devil |
diabology | study of devils |
diabrotic | corrosive |
diacatholicon | panacea |
diachoretic | laxative |
diaclastic | refractory |
diaconal | of, like or pertaining to a deacon |
diaconicon | sacristy for sacred vessels in Orthodox churches |
diacope | deep wound or incision |
diacoustic | of, like or pertaining to the refraction of sound |
diacritic | making a distinction; aiding a diagnosis or evaluation |
diactinal | having two pointed ends |
diadermic | of, like or pertaining to the puncturing of the skin |
diadrom | course or passing; vibration |
diagenesis | production of rock out of sediment |
diaglyph | figure etched or engraved in surface of gem or stone; intaglio |
diagometer | instrument for measuring electrical conductivity |
diagraph | instrument for enlarging or projecting drawings |
diagraphics | art of making diagrams or drawings |
dialectology | study of dialects |
diallage | device in which many arguments brought upon one point |
diallelus | circular argument |
diamanté | glittering; decoration using glitter |
diamantiferous | bearing diamonds |
dianoetic | capable of, like or pertaining to thought |
diaphanometer | instrument for measuring the transparency of air |
diaphanous | transparent; translucent |
diaphone | low-pitched fog signal consisting of two tones |
diaphoresis | artificially induced sweat |
diapyesis | release or discharge of pus |
diarchy | government by two people |
diaskeuast | reviser; interpolator |
diaspora | dispersion |
diastema | space between teeth |
diastomatic | moving through the pores |
diastrophe | upheaval or drastic modification of the earth's crust |
diasyrm | rhetorical device of condemning through faint praise |
diatessaron | medicine of four ingredients |
diathermic | permeable to or able to conduct radiant heat |
diathesis | particular condition of body or mind; predisposing factor |
dibble | pointed tool for making holes for seeds or plants |
dicacity | raillery; banter |
dicaeology | defending oneself in argument by claiming justification |
dicephalous | two-headed |
dicephalus | conjoined twins with two heads |
dicerous | two-horned; having two antennae |
dichogamous | having males and females maturing at different rates |
dichord | musical instrument with two strings |
dichroscope | instrument for examining crystals for dichroism |
didact | a person given to lecturing or moralizing |
didapper | someone who disappears and bobs up again |
didascalic | didactic; pertaining to education or teaching |
diddicoy | itinerant tinker or scrap-dealer |
didelphine | of, like or pertaining to opossums |
didelphous | marsupial or pouched mammal |
didine | of, like or pertaining to dodos |
didymous | twin; twinned; growing in pairs |
diectasis | extending line of verse by adding extra syllable |
diegesis | the narration of facts |
diesis | double dagger sign |
diestrus | period of sexual inactivity |
diffarreation | Roman form of divorce |
differentia | property which distinguishes one from another |
diffident | overly shy or modest |
diffinity | lack of similarity or affinity |
diffluent | readily flowing away |
diffract | to break up into segments or portions |
diffractometer | instrument for determining structure of crystal through light diffraction |
diffrangible | capable of being diffracted or separated |
diffugient | dispersing; diffusing |
dight | disposed, adorned, clothed |
digitate | having or resembling fingers |
digitiform | shaped like a finger |
digitigrade | walking on the toes alone |
digitorium | silent piano for practicing |
digladiate | to fight with swords; to fence |
digonal | figure such that a half-turn gives the same figure |
digoneutic | double brooded |
digraph | two letters expressing a single sound |
dijudicate | to judge; to decide |
dilacerate | to rend or tear asunder |
dilaniate | to tear to pieces |
dilatometer | instrument for measuring expansion |
dilatory | slow; given to delay or procrastination |
dilettante | dabbler or lover of fine arts |
dilogical | ambiguous; having two meanings |
dilogy | intentional ambiguousness |
diluent | diluting |
diluvial | of, like or pertaining to floods; especially mythical ones |
dimerous | consisting of two parts |
dimidiate | divided into halves |
dimissory | sending away or giving leave to depart; dismissing |
dimity | sheer and stout white cotton |
dinanderie | bronze-coloured metal alloy used for decorative vessels |
dinarchy | government by two people; diarchy |
dinic | of, like or pertaining to vertigo or dizziness |
dinomania | mania for dancing |
dioecious | having male and female sexual organs in different individuals |
diogenic | cynical |
dionym | name containing two parts or terms |
dioptometer | instrument for measuring focus or refraction of the eyes |
dioptre | unit of measurement of power of lens or eye |
dioptric | transparent |
dioptrics | study of light refraction |
diorism | distinction; definition |
diorthosis | a critical revision of a text; any correction or adjustment |
diotic | affecting both ears |
diphyletic | descended from two distinct ancestral groups |
diphyodont | having second set of teeth that replaces the first |
diphysitism | belief in the dual nature of Christ |
dipleidoscope | instrument for measuring moment when an object passes a meridian |
diplocephalus | two-headed monster |
diplogenesis | doubling of ordinarily single organ or part |
diplograph | instrument for writing two lines of text at once |
diplomatics | science of deciphering ancient writings and texts |
diplomatology | study of diplomats |
diplopia | double vision |
dipnoous | having both lungs and gills |
dippydro | person who often changes mind |
diprionidian | serrated on both sides |
dipsetic | causing to be thirsty |
dipsomania | abnormal craving for alcohol |
dipsosis | pathological great thirst |
diptote | noun taking two grammatical cases only |
diptych | pair of pictures on hinged panels; register of bishops and saints |
diremption | separation into two; disjunction |
dirigent | guiding |
dirigible | able to be directed |
dirigism | state control in economic and social spheres |
diriment | condition of legal nullification |
disafforest | to clear of forest; to disforest |
disagio | fee charged for exchanging foreign or depreciated currency |
disbosom | to make known; to reveal |
discalced | without shoes; barefoot; a religious order wearing no shoes |
discarnate | disembodied; separated from the body |
discept | to dispute; to debate |
discerptible | able to be separated |
disciform | round or oval in shape |
discigerous | bearing a disc or discus |
discinct | ungirded |
discission | open incision or cut |
discobolus | discus thrower |
discomania | obsession for disco music |
discombobulate | to disconcert; to upset |
discommodious | inconvenient |
discophile | one who loves and studies sound recordings |
discophoran | of, like or pertaining to jellyfishes |
discountenance | to abash; to discourage |
disculpate | to free from blame |
disembogue | to discharge or eject into the sea |
disembrangle | to free from dispute |
diseuse | female orator or reciter of verse |
disgarnish | to despoil |
disgeneric | being of a different genus |
disgregation | separation; scattering |
disillude | to free from illusion |
disimmure | to liberate; to release from walls |
disinure | to render unfamiliar |
disjection | scattering or dispersion |
disomus | monster with two bodies |
disorbed | deprived of authority or sovereignty |
dispendious | extravagant; expensive |
dispiteous | pitiless; malicious |
dispone | to set in order; dispose |
disponge | to sprinkle or discharge as if from a sponge |
disport | to play about, frolic or gambol |
dispread | to spread in different ways |
dispurvey | to deprive of provisions |
disquisition | carefully argued examination of a topic |
disseize | to seize or deprive of property wrongfully |
dissentient | one who dissents; dissenter |
dissepiment | partition or separation of tissue |
dissilient | springing apart; bursting open with force |
dissimulate | to pretend; to feign; to fake |
dissolute | of loose morals; debauched |
distaff | of, like or pertaining to the female branch of a family or women's work |
distichous | in or having two rows |
distraint | seizure of goods |
distrait | distracted; inattentive |
distributary | branch of river that flows away from the main stream |
distributive | indicating separate members of a group, one at a time |
dit | poem; words of a song |
ditheism | belief in two equal gods, one good and one evil |
ditheletism | doctrine that Christ had two wills |
dithyrambic | passionate; ecstatic; frenzied |
ditokous | producing two at a birth or in a clutch |
ditrichotomous | divided into either two or three parts |
dittography | unintentional repetition of letters in print |
dittology | double reading or interpretation |
diurnation | hibernating or sleeping during daylight |
diutiurnal | lasting long |
divagate | to digress; wander about |
divaricate | to divide into two branches |
divellent | drawing apart; pulling apart in pieces |
diversiloquent | speaking in different ways; speaking on different subjects |
diverticulum | blind passage or tunnel |
divisim | separately |
divulsion | act of pulling or rendering apart or away |
dixit | individual's uncorroborated statement |
dizen | to dress up; to dress gaudily |
dobbin | workhorse |
dobhash | interpreter |
docimasy | scrutiny; assaying; application of tests |
docimology | the art of assaying |
doctiloquent | speaking learnedly |
doddered | decayed with loss of branches |
dodecafid | divisible into twelve parts or regions |
dodecarchy | government by twelve people |
dodger | shield against rain or spray on a ship's bridge |
dodoism | stupid remark |
dogcart | light two-wheeled carriage with seats back-to-back |
dogwatch | a short, evening period of watch duty on a ship |
doit | a trifle or minor thing |
dol | unit for measuring intensity of pain |
dolabrate | of, like or pertaining to axes or hatchets |
dolabriform | resembling a hatchet or cleaver |
dolee | one who receives a government benefit, especially unemployment benefits |
dolent | mourning; doleful |
dolichocephalic | long-headed |
dolichopodous | having long feet |
dolioform | shaped like a barrel |
dolmen | prehistoric structure or tomb of unhewn stones |
doloriferous | bearing grief or pain |
dolorific | causing great sadness or sorrow |
dolose | having evil or malicious intent |
domal | of, like or pertaining to a house or dome |
domett | plain cotton-wool blend |
dompteuse | female animal trainer |
donary | thing given for a sacred purpose |
donative | benefice presented to church without reference to bishop |
donné | basic assumption or axiom; basic principle of an artwork |
donnism | self-importance |
donnybrook | an uproarious brawl |
dontopedalogy | putting one's foot in one's mouth |
doomster | judge; pessimist |
dop | copper cup for holding a diamond while cutting it |
doppio | double meter Renaissance dance step |
doramania | obsession with owning furs |
dormer | gabled window |
dormition | falling asleep; death |
dornick | stout linen |
doromania | obsession with giving gifts |
dorsiventral | having differentiated opposite faces or surfaces |
doryphorus | sculpture of a spear-bearer |
dos-a-dos | carriage where passengers seated back to back |
dosimeter | instrument for measuring dose of radiation |
dosimetry | measurement of doses of drugs |
dosiology | the study of doses |
dossal | ornamental cloth hung behind and above an altar |
dossil | plug; spigot; wad of lint for wiping a wound |
dotation | endowment or donation |
douanier | customs official |
doublette | copy of own artwork made by an artist |
doucet | savory tart baked in sweet dough |
douceur | gentleness or sweetness; a subtly offered bribe |
doulocracy | government by slaves |
dowlas | coarse linen |
downhaul | rope for holding down or hauling down a sail or spar |
doxastic | of, like or pertaining to opinion |
doxographer | compiler of opinions of philosophers |
doxology | hymn or verse of praise to God |
drabbet | coarse linen |
drabble | to besmear; bedraggle |
draconiform | shaped like a dragon |
draconites | jewel supposedly found inside a dragon's head |
draffish | worthless |
drageoir | box for holding sweetmeats |
dragoman | interpreter |
dragonism | unremitting watchfulness |
dragonnade | persecution by military means |
dragoon | to compel by military bullying; to compel by force |
drail | iron bow of a plough; heavy fishhook |
dramaturgy | art of producing and staging dramatic works |
drap-de-Berry | old woollen cloth |
drapetomania | intense desire to run away from home |
dreadnought | heavy woollen cloth |
dreamery | a place favourable to dreams |
dree | to endure or withstand |
dreikanter | three-faced pebble worn by wind |
drepaniform | shaped like a sickle |
drepanoid | like a sickle |
drill | durable twilled cotton |
dripstone | stone projection used to dispose of rainwater |
dririmancy | divination by observing dripping blood |
droguet | ribbed woollen dress fabric |
drogulus | entity whose existence is unverifiable due to lack of physical effects |
drollery | drollness; comic show; jest |
dromestoners | persons who remove stones from temporary airfields |
dromic | of, like or pertaining to a racecourse |
dromomania | compulsive longing for travel |
dromometer | instrument for measuring speed |
dromond | large single-sailed ship powered by rowers |
dromophobia | fear of crossing streets |
droskhy | low four-wheeled open carriage |
drosometer | instrument for measuring dew |
drugget | coarse durable wool fabric |
drumlin | long hill formed by glacial retreat |
drung | narrow road or path to a pasture |
drupaceous | of, like or pertaining to drupes or stone-fruits |
druxy | having decayed spots concealed by healthy wood |
drygulch | to murder by pushing off a cliff |
drysalter | seller of dry goods and chemicals |
duarchy | government by two people; diarchy |
dubiety | doubtfulness |
dubitate | to doubt; to hesitate |
dubitative | mood signifying doubt or incertitude |
ducape | plain-woven stout silk fabric |
ducdame | meaningless refrain |
duck | durable closely woven cotton fabric |
ductia | vigorous stamping dance |
dudgeon | resentment; offended resignation |
duende | power to attract through personal charm |
duenna | governess; chaperone |
duffel | fabric of thick, low-quality woolen cloth |
dulcian | a small early bassoon |
dulcifluous | flowing sweetly |
dulciloquy | a soft manner of speaking |
dulia | inferior veneration of saints and angels in comparison with God |
dulocracy | government by slaves; doulocracy |
dulosis | slavery practiced by animals; especially ants |
dumose | bushy |
dump | obsolete English dance in 4/4 time |
duncical | stupid; dim-witted |
dungaree | heavy coarse durable twilled cotton, usually coloured |
duniwassal | a Scottish gentleman |
dunnage | wood laid in hold to keep cargo dry and safe |
duodenary | of, like or pertaining to the number twelve |
duomachy | duel or fight between two people |
dupion | coarse silk |
duramen | heartwood |
durative | continuing; not completed; undergoing transformation |
dure | to last; to endure |
durity | hardness |
durometer | instrument for measuring hardness of substances |
duroy | coarse woollen |
duteous | devoted to duty; obedient |
duumvirate | governing council or body of two individuals |
duvetyn | smooth lustrous velvety fabric |
dwale | stupefying drink |
dwile | floorcloth or mop |
dyarchy | government by two people; diarchy |
dynamogenesis | production of increased nerve activity |
dynamograph | instrument for recording mechanical forces |
dynamometer | instrument for measuring mechanical force |
dyne | unit of force to accelerate 1 gram to 1 cm per second per second |
dyogram | ship's chart indicating compass deflection due to ship's iron |
dysaesthesia | loss of sensation |
dysania | having a hard time waking up in the morning |
dysbulia | loss of willpower |
dyschroa | discoloration of the skin |
dyschromatopic | colour-blind |
dysgenesis | sterility in hybrid creatures |
dysgenics | the study of racial degeneration |
dyslogia | inability to express ideas due to mental incompetence |
dyslogistic | conveying censure; opprobrious |
dysmorphophobia | fear of physical deformities |
dysphagia | pathological difficulty in swallowing |
dysphemism | replacement of an inoffensive by an offensive word |
dysphonia | physical abnormality causing speech impediment |
dysphoria | uneasiness; restlessness; general depression |
dystectic | not easily fused |
dysteleology | study of purposeless organs |
dysteleology | doctrine of purposelessness |
dystocia | difficult childbirth |
dystopia | place where all is as bad as possible |
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