Word | Definition |
gabardine | closely woven cotton or wool twill |
gabbart | barge |
gabble | to chatter or talk inarticulately |
gabbro | granular igneous rock |
gabelle | a salt tax |
gabion | wicker or wire basket of earth or rock |
gablock | spur attached to the heel of a fighting cock |
gad | to wander about idly or in pursuit of pleasure |
gadarene | headlong; precipitate |
gadoid | of, resembling or pertaining to the cod |
gadroon | embossed decoration or fluting on silverware |
gadzookery | the use of archaisms in literature |
gadzooks | mild oath |
gaff | spar on which head of fore-and-aft sail is extended |
gaff-topsail | triangular topsail with its foot extended upon the gaff |
gage | token of defiance or challenge; thing deposited as pledge of performance |
gal | unit of acceleration of one centimeter per second per second |
galactic | of, like or pertaining to or obtained from milk |
galactoid | like or resembling milk; milky |
galactometer | instrument for measuring specific gravity of milk |
galactophagist | milk drinker |
galactophorous | bearing or carrying milk |
galanty | shadow play |
galatea | striped cotton |
galeanthropy | belief that one is a cat |
galeated | shaped like a helmet |
galeiform | shaped like a helmet |
galère | group of undesirable people; unpleasant situation |
galericulate | topped by a hat-like covering |
galilee | porch in front of church |
galimatias | nonsense; confused mixture of unrelated things |
gallet | to fill in mortar joints with small pebbles |
galliard | sprightly Renaissance and Baroque dance |
galliard | brisk; gallant; lively |
gallimaufry | a mixture of different things; hodge-podge |
gallinaceous | of or resembling pheasants and other domestic birds |
gallionic | uncaring; indifferent |
galliot | small galley |
gallipot | small medicine jar |
gallize | to bring wine to standard proportions |
gallomania | craze or obsession with France and the French |
galloon | lace trim or binding material |
Gallophile | one who loves France or the French |
gallophobia | fear of France or the French |
galop | lively double-time dance |
galvanometer | instrument for measuring electrical current |
galvanoscope | instrument for detecting presence and direction of electric current |
gambado | bound or spring of a horse; fantastic movement |
gambeson | ancient leather or quilted coat worn as armour |
gambrel | crooked stick used by butchers for hanging carcasses |
gambrel | horse's hock |
gambrel | roof having a pentagonal gable |
gambroon | twilled worsted and cloth |
gametogenesis | formation of gametes |
gamic | sexual; sexually produced |
gamidolatry | worship of marriage |
gamin | street urchin; precocious imp |
gaminesque | playful; impish; boyish |
gamma | unit of magnetic flux density equal to one nanotesla |
gammadion | figure comprised of capital gammas; swastika |
gammicism | inability or hardship in pronouncing letters 'g' and 'k' |
gammon | to feign an action; perpetrate a hoax on |
gamogenesis | sexual reproduction |
gamomania | obsession with issuing odd marriage proposals |
gamophagia | destruction of one gamete by another |
gamophobia | fear of marriage |
gangue | worthless rock in which valuable metals occur |
gangway | either of the sides of the upper deck of a ship |
ganister | flint-like rock used to surface roads |
ganoid | having shiny smooth scales |
ganosis | reduction in shininess of marble |
gantline | rope used in single-block hoist |
gantry | shelving for barrels; shelf where drinks are displayed |
gaposis | gap in a row of buttons or snaps |
gar | mild oath |
garboard | plank on a ship's bottom next to the keel |
garbology | study of garbage |
garçonniere | bachelor apartment |
gardyloo | warning cry |
gargarize | to gargle |
garner | granary; store of anything |
garnetiferous | bearing garnets |
garret | room just under the roof of a house; attic |
gasconade | to brag or boast |
gasconism | boastfulness |
gasiform | of the form or shape of gas |
gasometer | instrument for holding and measuring gases |
gastriloquist | ventriloquist |
gastroenterology | study of stomach; intestines |
gastrolatry | gluttony; excessive love of food |
gastrolith | stone ingested by an animal to aid in digestion |
gastrology | good eating; cookery |
gastromancy | divination by sounds from the belly |
gastronomy | study of fine dining |
gastropod | mollusks including snails; slugs; whelks |
gastroscope | instrument for examining interior of the stomach |
gastrosopher | a person skilled in matters of eating |
gat | opening or strait between two sandbanks |
gatefold | oversized page in a book |
gaucherie | awkward or socially unacceptable remark |
gaud | trick or practical joke |
gauffer | to make pleats or ripples in material |
gauleiter | overbearing wielder of petty authority |
gault | heavy clay used for bricks |
gaumless | stupid; witless; vacant |
gaur | wild ox |
gauss | unit of magnetic flux density equal to 1/10000 tesla |
gavage | force-feeding of poultry |
gavelkind | land inheritance by all sons in equal portion |
gavotte | moderate tempo French peasant dance |
gawdelpus | helpless person |
gazar | silk organza fabric |
geal | of, like or pertaining or pertaining to the earth |
gegenschein | glow of zodiacal light seen opposite the sun |
geist | spirit; intellectual inclination |
geitonogamy | pollination of a flower by another flower on the same plant |
gelasin | dimple in the cheek that appears when one smiles |
gelastic | of, like or pertaining to or provoking laughter |
gelation | solidification by cooling |
gelid | extremely cold |
gelogenic | tending to produce laughter |
geloscopy | fortune-telling by means of laughter |
gemel | twinned; occurring in pairs |
gemelliparous | having given birth to twins |
gement | groaning, lamenting |
geminate | to double; to arrange in pairs |
geminiform | paired; double |
gemma | bud from which a new plant can grow |
gemmate | to deck with gems |
gemmation | budding |
gemmeous | of, like or pertaining to gems; like a gem |
gemmiferous | bearing gems |
gemmology | study of gems and jewels |
genappe | smooth worsted yarn |
genarch | head of a family or clan |
generalate | the office of a general |
genesic | of, like or pertaining to procreation or the genitals |
genesiology | study of reproduction and heredity |
genethliacon | birthday ode |
genethlialogy | the art of casting horoscopes |
genetrix | mother; female ancestor |
geniculate | bent like a knee; jointed |
geniophobia | fear of chins |
genitive | indicating possession, origin or relation |
genoa | large jib that overlaps the mainsail |
genophobia | fear of sex |
genouillère | jointed knee-piece of armour |
gentilitian | belonging to a race or clan |
gentrification | movement of middle class to working class area |
geocarpy | the production or ripening of fruit underground |
geocentrism | belief that Earth is the centre of the universe |
geochemistry | study of chemistry of the earth's crust |
geochronology | study of measuring geological time |
geocyclic | of, like or pertaining to the rotation and revolution of the Earth |
geodesy | earth measurement on a large scale |
geofact | rock chipped naturally that looks like an artifact |
geogenous | growing on the ground |
geogeny | science of the formation of the earth's crust |
geognosy | knowledge of the general structure of the earth |
geogony | study of formation of the earth |
geogony | theory of the formation of the earth |
geoid | figure of the earth |
geolatry | earth-worship |
geology | study of earth's crust |
geomancy | divination by casting earth onto a surface |
geomorphogeny | study of the origins of land forms |
geophagy | practice of feeding on soil; dirt-eating |
geophilous | living in or near the ground |
geophone | device for detecting sound waves underground |
geophyte | plant that grows in the earth |
geoponic | agricultural |
geoponics | study of agriculture |
georgette | thin silk |
georgic | of, like or pertaining to agricultural or rustic affairs; rural; agrarian |
geoscopy | examination or analysis of soil |
geoselenic | of, like or pertaining to both the Earth and the moon |
geostrophic | of, like or pertaining to deflection due to effects of Earth's rotation |
geotaxis | response of an organism to gravity |
geotechnics | study of increasing habitability of the earth |
geothermometer | instrument for measuring subterranean temperatures |
gerascophobia | fear of growing old |
geratology | study of decadence and decay |
gerdoying | imitation sound of a crash |
gerendum | something that is to be done |
gerent | one that rules or manages |
german | of one's parents' siblings |
Germanophilia | love or fondness for Germany or the Germans |
germicide | substance that kills germs |
gerocomy | study of old age |
geromorphism | appearing to be older than one's actual age |
gerontocracy | government by the aged |
gerontogenous | of, like or pertaining to the Old World |
gerontology | study of the elderly; aging |
gerontophilia | sexual attraction towards the elderly |
gerrymander | to divide electoral districts for one's own political gain |
gesso | plaster of Paris used in painting |
gestatorial | of, like or pertaining to carrying |
gestic | of, like or pertaining to gestures |
geta | wooden-soled Japanese shoe |
gewgaw | toy; trifling object; bauble |
ghawazi | Egyptian dancing girls |
giaour | one who does not follow the Islamic faith; unbeliever |
gib | wedge-shaped piece of metal that holds another in place |
gibbet | gallows |
gibbous | hump-backed; humped; swollen |
gibus | hat worn to the opera |
gid | brain disease suffered by sheep |
gig | light two-wheeled one-horse carriage |
giganticide | killing of a giant |
gigantology | study of giants |
gigantology | giant-lore |
gigantomachy | war of giants against the gods |
gigot | leg of mutton |
gigue | lively Baroque dance in triple time |
gilbert | unit of magnetomotive force |
gilderoy | proud person |
gilliver | wallflower |
gimbals | arrangement of rings allowing free motion of supported object |
gimcrack | trick; trivial mechanism |
gimmal | ring that can be divided into two or three rings |
gingham | striped cotton cloth |
ginglymus | joint that permits movement in one plane only |
ginnel | narrow alley between high buildings |
ginnery | place where cotton is ginned |
girandole | branched chandelier or similar structure |
girasol | fire-opal that glows like fire in certain light |
glabrous | hairless; smooth |
glaciology | study of ice ages and glaciation |
glacis | a gentle slope in fortification |
gladiate | shaped like a sword |
glair | egg white used as medium for binding paint |
glaireous | slimy; viscous |
glandiferous | bearing acorns or nuts |
glandiform | gland-shaped; acorn-shaped |
glanduliferous | bearing glands |
glareous | gravelly; growing on gravel |
glaucous | sea-green; greyish-blue |
glebe | church land granted to clergyman |
glebe | sod; the soil |
glebous | earthy; full of clods |
gleed | hot coal; burning ember |
gleek | a trick or joke |
gleet | mucus discharge from the urethra |
glenoid | slightly cupped; socket-shaped |
gliriform | resembling a rodent |
glirine | rodent-like; of, like or pertaining to rodents |
glissade | moving on snow without skis |
gloaming | period between sunset and full night; dusk |
globuliferous | bearing globules |
glochidiate | bristled; barbed |
glomerate | packed or bunched together |
glossa | the tongue |
glossographer | writer of short explanatory notes or glosses |
glossoid | like a tongue |
glossology | study of language; study of the tongue |
glossophagine | eating using the tongue |
glottogonic | of, like or pertaining to the origins of language |
glozing | flattery; deceit |
gluconeogenesis | production of glucose from non-carbohydrates |
glumiferous | bearing glumes |
glutinous | gluey; sticky |
glutition | swallowing |
glycogenesis | production of glycogen |
glyptic | of, like or pertaining to carving or gem-engraving |
glyptography | the art of engraving on gems |
glyptology | study of gem engravings |
gnathal | of, like or pertaining to the jaws |
gnathion | tip of the chin |
gnathonic | flattering |
gnomic | signifying general truth; pertaining to aphorisms or proverbs |
gnomology | collection of aphorisms, proverbs and short poems |
gnomon | upright rod of a sundial |
gnomonics | the art of measuring time using sundials |
gnosiology | study of knowledge; philosophy of knowledge |
gnosis | knowledge; especially spiritual |
gnosticism | belief that freedom derives solely from knowledge |
gnotobiology | study of life in germ-free conditions |
goatish | lustful; foolish |
godet | triangular piece of cloth inserted in a skirt |
goetic | of, like or pertaining to black magic |
goitrous | affected by or pertaining to goitre |
goldenrod | dark golden yellow |
goliard | wandering student |
goliardy | riotous or lustful behaviour |
goluptious | delightful; luscious |
gomphiasis | looseness of the teeth |
gomphosis | growth of teeth into the bone cavity |
gonalgia | knee pain |
gonfalon | ensign with streamers hung from a horizontal bar |
gonfalonier | standard-bearer |
goniometer | instrument for measuring angles between faces |
gonoph | pickpocket; thief |
gorget | piece of armour for the throat |
gorgoneion | representation of the gorgon's head |
gorgonize | to turn into stone; to paralyze with one's gaze |
gormandism | gluttony |
gormless | dull or unintelligent |
gorsedd | assembly for granting awards to Welsh bards |
gorsoon | boy-servant |
gossypine | cottony |
gouache | opaque watercolour paint |
gowk | a cuckoo; a fool |
grabble | search with the hand; grope |
graben | a rift valley |
gracility | slenderness |
gradatim | step by step |
gradgrind | one who regulates things by means of statistics |
gradin | a rising tier of seats in a theatre |
gradiometer | instrument for measuring gradient of a physical quantity |
gradual | part of mass between epistle and gospel |
gradualism | belief that things proceed by degrees |
Graecomania | obsession with Greece and the Greeks |
grafology | divination by studying writing |
grain | unit of weight equal to 1/7000 of a pound |
graip | pitchfork; dungfork |
grallatory | of, like or pertaining to wading birds |
gramary | magic; enchantment |
gramercy | expression of gratitude or surprise |
gramineous | of, like or pertaining to grass; grassy |
graminivorous | feeding on grass or cereals |
graminology | study of grasses |
grammalogue | word represented by a single sign; logogram |
grammaticaster | a piddling grammarian |
grammatolatry | worship of letters and words |
grammatology | study of systems of writing |
grandeval | of great age; ancient |
grandiloquent | bombastic |
grandinous | full of hail; consisting of hail |
grandisonant | pompous-sounding |
grangerize | to cut plates out of many books to illustrate one |
granivorous | feeding on seeds |
granuliferous | bearing granules |
grapheme | a letter of the alphabet |
graphemics | study of systems of representing speech in writing |
grapholagnia | obsession with obscene pictures |
graphology | study of handwriting |
graphomania | obsession with writing |
graphophobia | fear of writing |
graphospasm | writer's cramp |
grapnel | small anchor used for dragging or grappling |
graptomancy | divination by studying handwriting |
grassing | bleaching by exposure on grass |
graticulation | division of design into squares when scaling |
gratis | without charge; for free |
grattoir | scraper made of flint |
gratulatory | congratulatory |
grauncher | clumsy and incompetent mechanic |
graupel | frozen rain or snowflakes |
gravamen | grievance; grounds of legal complaint |
graveolent | rank-smelling; fetid |
gravid | pregnant |
gravimeter | instrument for measuring variations in gravitational fields |
gravimetrical | of, like or pertaining to measuring by weight |
gray | unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation equal to 100 rads |
greave | armour for the shin |
greaves | tallow waste |
gregal | of, like or pertaining to a flock |
gregatim | in flocks |
greige | of a grey-beige colour |
gremial | intimate; pertaining to the lap or bosom |
grenadine | thin silk |
gressorial | adapted for walking |
gricer | train-spotter or railway enthusiast |
gridelin | violet-grey |
griffade | sudden seizure with the claws |
grillage | framework of timber |
grilse | salmon first returning to the river from the sea |
grimgribber | learned gibberish; legal jargon |
grimoire | magician's book for summoning spirits |
grinagog | one who is constantly grinning |
gripulous | grasping; greedy |
grisaille | style of painting in grey tints |
griseous | pearl-grey or blue-grey; grizzled |
grith | sanctuary; asylum |
grithbreach | breach of the peace |
grobianism | slovenly boorishness |
groggery | low public-house |
grognard | old or veteran soldier |
grogram | coarse loosely woven silk fabric |
gromatic | of, like or pertaining to surveys or surveying |
gromatics | science of surveying |
grosgrain | heavy close-woven corded silk |
grough | deep gully in peat moor area |
groundage | a charge on a ship in port |
groundling | person of inferior taste; commoner |
groundprox | altitude warning system in aircraft |
groundsel | lowest timber of a structure |
groupuscule | small clique or faction |
grout | to root or grub with the snout |
growlery | a retreat for times of ill humour |
groyne | wooden breakwater |
grufted | dirty; begrimed |
gruine | of, like or pertaining to cranes or similar birds |
grum | morose; surly |
grumous | clotted; lumpy |
guaniferous | bearing dung |
guardant | of a heraldic animal turned to side with head facing the viewer |
guarish | to heal |
gudgeon | metal pin or bearing connecting rudder to a boat |
gudgeon | a person easily cheated |
guerdon | reward; recompense |
guéridon | small ornate table or stand |
guérite | chair with raised back forming a hood |
guichet | ticket window or similar small opening |
guidon | pennant with rounded outer edge |
guignol | something intended to horrify people |
guilloche | to decorate with intersecting curved lines |
guimpe | wide cloth covering neck and shoulders worn by nuns |
guipure | lace having no ground or mesh |
gules | heraldic name for the colour red |
gulix | kind of fine linen |
gullery | place where gulls breed |
gulosity | gluttony; greed |
gulpin | credulous person; simpleton |
gummiferous | bearing gum |
gummosity | gumminess |
gumnivorous | feeding on tree saps |
gunarchy | government by women; gynarchy |
gunnage | number of guns carried on a warship |
gunwale | upper edge of the side of a ship |
gurgitate | to bubble; to boil |
gurgitation | surging |
gurlet | pickaxe with one pointed and one bladed end |
guttate | spotted; having drops or droplike markings |
guttatim | drop by drop |
guttation | release of drops of moisture |
guttiferous | exuding drops |
guttiform | shaped like a drop |
gutturotetany | spasm in the throat causing stutter |
guyot | flat-topped underwater mountain |
gybe | to swing a sail from one side to another |
gyle | fermenting vat for beer |
gymnasiarch | the head of a gymnasium |
gymnasiarchy | government over a school or academy |
gymnasiast | a pupil in a gymnasium |
gymnobiblism | belief that the Bible can be presented to unlearned without commentary |
gymnophobia | fear of nudity |
gymnosophy | deep contemplation performed while naked |
gynaecide | killing of women |
gynaecocracy | government by women; gynarchy |
gynaecology | study of women's physiology |
gynaecomania | abnormal sexual obsession with women |
gynandroid | hermaphroditic; being of or resembling both sexes |
gynarchy | government by women |
gynics | knowledge of women |
gyniolatry | deep respect or devotion for women |
gynocentric | focused on or concerned with women |
gynocracy | government by women; gynarchy |
gynotikolobomassophile | one who nibbles on women's earlobes |
gypsiferous | bearing gypsum |
gyrograph | instrument for counting a wheel's revolutions |
gyroidal | spiral; rotatory |
gyromancy | divination by falling from dizziness |
gyron | triangular heraldic charge |
gyrose | having a folded surface; marked with wavy lines |
gyrostatics | the study of rotating bodies |
gyrus | convoluted ridge between two grooves |
gyve | to fetter; to shackle |
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