Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Literacy, Artistic and Journalistic Terms


Literacy, Artistic and Journalistic Terms

Agnosticism : The theory that nothing is known of the existence of God or anything beyond material phenomenon.

Alma mater : Gracious mother, a term used by old students for the university or institution where they have received education.

Alliteration : 
The repetition of the same initial letter in every succeeding word, as "apt alliteration's artful aid."

Anagram : Forming anew word, phrase or sentence by changing the order of letters.

Anticlimax : A sudden descent in thought and expression.

Anthem :
 A national song.

Biography: The history or the life of a particular person.

Bibliography : The science of description of books, a list of authorities on any subject.

Blue books: British Parliamentary Reports so named on account of blue covers.

Blank Verse : Poetry without rhyme.

Burlesque : A literary or dramatic work intended to excite laughter by extravagant contrast or caricature.

Calligraphy : Beautiful penmanship or art of writing.

Cartoon : A pictorial sketch dealing with a political or a current topic; it generally excites laughter.

Catechism : Religious instruction in the form of questions and answers.

Canto: A part of a poem of considerable length.

Dirge : A funeral hymn; a song expressive of grief.

Embossing : Art of producing raised figures or designs in relief on surface.

Epic : A narrative poem of some heroic deed or event.

Epigram : A short saying full of wit. "In the midst of life we arc in death."

Epilogue : A poem or speech at the end of a play.

Humanism: A system of thinking in which man, his interests and progress are made central and dominant.

Hymn: Song in praise of God.

Hieroglyphics: These are the earliest pictures of symbolic expressions, and are supposed to have been introduced by the ancient Egyptians.

Idyl : A short poem describing simple, rural, pastoral scenes.

Interlude : A short musical entertainment given between acts of a play, etc.

Invective : Use of violent and abusive words against an individual or society.

Jargon: 1. A mixture of two or more languages. 2. The technical or specialised language characteristic of a particular profession or group.

Lampoon: A piece of satire against a person.

Lay : A short lyric or narrative poem meant to be sung.                                            

Lithography : Drawing or writing on limestone (lithographic stone) so that impression in ink can be taken on a paper.

Linotype : Machine for producing stereotyped lines or words as substitute for type-setting, now much used in printing newspapers.

Lyric: Originally it meant a poem that could be sung, but now it is used in a general sense.

Maiden Speech : First speech made by a person in an assembly.

Melody: Musical arrangement of words.

Melodrama : Sensational dramatic piece with violent appeals to emotion.

Neology : Bringing into use of new words into a language.

Nom de plume (pen name) : An assumed name under which a person writes to hide his identity.

Obituary : Notification of death especially in a newspaper, a brief biography of a deceased person.

Ode : In modern usage, a lyric poem, often in the form of an address.

Opera : A musical drama. Opera is sung whereas in a ballet there is no singing.

Orthoepy : The part of grammar dealing with correct pronunciation.

Orthography : Art of correct spelling.

Panegyric : Something written or spoken in praise of a distinguished person or event.

Parody : Imitation of a poem or a writing.

Philology : Science of languages.

Plagiarist : One who steals from the writings of others and claims it as his own.

Plagiarist : Act of stealing from the writings of others.

Pornography : Treatment of obscene subject in literature. Lolita by Nobokov and Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence are examples of pornographic literature in earlier time but now a lot is being accepted.

Prosody : Science of versification.

Poet Laureate : Poet of the Royal household, one who writes poetry on state occasions.

Rhetoric : 
The art of persuasive impressive speaking or writing.

Romance :
 A branch of literature in which element of wonder or imagination predominates.

Realism : A term used with reference to a form of literature which represents actual life.

Rhapsody : Wild composition, conceived in a confused and excited state of mind.

Rotary : A high speed printing machine. Also a world-wide society for International service to humanity.

Royalty : The percentage to which a writer, painter or musician is entitled on the sale of a book, painting or a musical composition.

Sculpture: Art of forming representation of objects by cutting stone, carving wood, casting metals or similar processes.


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