![]() | Cameroon |
AREA | 475,442 sq km (183,569 sq miles). |
POPULATION | 14,000,000 (1998). |
POPULATION DENSITY | 29.4 per sq km. |
CAPITAL | Yaoundé (constitutional). |
CAPITAL POPULATION | : 800,000 (1992). Douala (economic). Population: 1,200,000 (1992). |
GEOGRAPHY | Situated on the west coast of Africa, Cameroon is bounded to the west by the Gulf of Guinea, to the northwest by Nigeria, to the northeast by Chad (with Lake Chad at its northern tip), to the east by the Central African Republic and to the south by Congo, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. The far north of the country is a semi-desert broadening into the vast Maroua Plain, with game reserves and mineral deposits. This is bordered to the west by the lush Mandara Mountains. The Benue River rises here and flows westwards into the Niger. The country to the northwest is very beautiful; volcanic peaks covered by bamboo forest rise to over 2000m (6500ft), with waterfalls and villages scattered over the lower slopes. Further to the south and west are savannah uplands, while dense forest covers the east and south. The coastal strip is tropical and cultivated. Cameroon derives its name from the 15th-century Portuguese sailor Fernando Po's description of the River Wouri: Rio dos Cameroes ('river of shrimps'). |
GOVERNMENT | Republic. Gained independence in 1961. Head of State: President Paul Biya since 1982. Head of Government: Prime Minister Peter Mafany Musonge since 1996. |
LANGUAGE | The official languages are French and English. They are given equal importance in the Constitution but French is the more commonly spoken. There are many local African languages. |
RELIGION | 53% Christian, 25% traditional animist beliefs, 22% Muslim. |
ELECTRICITY | 220 volts AC, 50Hz. Plugs are round 2-pin; bayonet light-fittings are used. |
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