![]() | Central African Republic |
AREA | 622,984 sq km (240,535 sq miles). |
POPULATION | 3,342,051 (1997). |
POPULATION DENSITY | 5.3 per sq km. |
CAPITAL | Bangui. |
CAPITAL POPULATION | 706,000 (1990). |
GEOGRAPHY | The Central African Republic is bordered to the north by Chad, to the east by Sudan, to the south by the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo and to the west by Cameroon. It is a large, landlocked territory of mostly uninhabited forest, bush and game reserves. The Chari River cuts through the centre from east to west; towards the Cameroon border the landscape rises to 2000m (6560ft) west of Bocaranga in the northwest corner, while the southwest has dense tropical rainforest. Most of the country is rolling or flat plateau covered with dry deciduous forest, except where it has been reduced to grass savannah or destroyed by bush fire. The northeast becomes desert scrubland and mountainous in parts. |
GOVERNMENT | Republic. Head of State: President Ange-Félix Patassé, since 1993. Head of Government: Prime Minister Anicet Georges Dologuele, since 1999. |
LANGUAGE | The national language is Sango, but French is the official administrative language and is essential for business. |
RELIGION | Mostly animist. One-third of the population is Christian. There is a small Islamic minority. |
ELECTRICITY | 220/380 volts AC, 50Hz. |
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