![]() | Jamaica |
AREA | 10,991 sq km (4244 sq miles). |
POPULATION | 2,530,000 (1995). |
POPULATION DENSITY | 230.2 er sq km. |
CAPITAL | Kingston |
CAPITAL POPULATION | 643,801 (1991). |
GEOGRAPHY | Jamaica is the third-largest island in the West Indies, a narrow outcrop of a submerged mountain range. The island is crossed by a range of mountains reaching 2256m (7402ft) at the Blue Mountain Peak in the east and descending towards the west with a series of spurs and forested gullies running north and south. Most of the best beaches are on the north and west coasts. The island's luxuriant tropical and subtropical vegetation is probably unsurpassed anywhere in the Caribbean. |
GOVERNMENT | Constitutional monarchy. Gained independence from the UK in 1962. Head of State: HM Queen Elizabeth II, represented locally by Governor General Sir Howard Hanlon since 1991. Head of Government: Prime Minister P J Patterson since 1992. |
LANGUAGE | The official language is English. Local patois is also spoken. |
RELIGION | Protestant majority (Church of God, Anglican, Baptist and Methodist) with Roman Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Bahai communities. Rastafarianism, a religion based on belief in the divinity of the late Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie (Ras Tafari), is also widely practised. |
ELECTRICITY | 110 volts AC, 50Hz, single phase. American 2-pin plugs are standard, but many hotels offer, in addition, 220 volts AC, 50Hz, single phase, from 3-pin sockets. |
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