![]() | Croatia |
AREA | 56,610 sq km (21,857 sq miles). |
POPULATION | 4,777,000 (1994). |
POPULATION DENSITY | 84.4 per sq km. |
CAPITAL | Zagreb |
CAPITAL POPULATION | 706,770 (1991) |
GEOGRAPHY | Croatia stretches along the Adriatic coast (narrowing north-south; the major ports being Rijeka, Pula, Zadar, Sibenik, Split and Dubrovnik) and a larger inland area (running west-east from Zagreb to the Danubian border with Serbia, part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). The country borders Slovenia and Hungary to the north, Serbia and Montenegro to the east (both parts of the Former Republic of Yugoslavia), and Bosnia-Herzegovina (southeast from Zagreb; northeast from the Adriatic coastline). |
GOVERNMENT | Republic. Independence from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia proclaimed in 1991. Head of State: President Stipe Mesic since 2000. Head of Government: Prime Minister Ivic Racan since 2000. |
LANGUAGE | Croat, written in the Latin alphabet. |
RELIGION | Roman Catholic Croats (76.5% of the total population) and Eastern Orthodox Serbs (11%), as well as small communities of Protestants, Jews and Muslims. |
STANDARD TIME | GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from last Saturday in March to Saturday before last Sunday in October). |
ELECTRICITY | 220 volts AC, 50Hz. |
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