Eritrea |
AREA | 124,330 sq km (48,566 sq miles). |
POPULATION | 3,434,500 (1995). |
POPULATION DENSITY | 27.6 per sq km. |
CAPITAL | Asmara |
CAPITAL POPULATION | 400,000 (1994). |
GEOGRAPHY | Eritrea stretches along the Red Sea for almost 1000km (625 miles). To the south and west it borders Ethiopia, to the southeast Djibouti and to the northwest Sudan. The low-lying coastal area is very humid. The mountainous interior is largely cultivated. |
GOVERNMENT | Independent State since 1993. Head of State and Government: President Isaias Afewerki, since 1993. |
LANGUAGE | Arabic and Tigrinya are the main business languages. Various dialects such as Afar, Bilien, Hedareb, Kunama, Nara, Saho and Tigre are also spoken. English, which is rapidly becoming the language of business and education, and Italian are also spoken. |
RELIGION | 50% Ethiopian Orthodox and 50% Muslim. |
ELECTRICITY | 110/220 volts AC; there are occasional power surges. |
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