![]() | Israel |
AREA | 22,145 sq km (8550 sq miles). |
POPULATION | 5,836,000 (1997). |
POPULATION DENSITY | 263.5 per sq km. |
CAPITAL | Jerusalem. |
CAPITAL POPULATION | 613,600 (1996, including East Jerusalem). |
GEOGRAPHY | Israel is on the eastern Mediterranean, bordered by Lebanon and Syria to the north, Jordan to the east, and Egypt to the south. The country stretches southwards through the Negev Desert to Eilat, a resort town on the Red Sea. The fertile Plain of Sharon runs along the coast, while inland, parallel to the coast, is a range of hills and uplands with fertile valleys to the west and arid desert to the east. The Great Rift Valley begins beyond the sources of the River Jordan and extends south through the Dead Sea (the lowest point in the world), into the Red Sea, continuing on into Eastern Africa. |
GOVERNMENT | Republic. The state of Israel was founded in 1948. Head of State: Ezer Weizman since 1993. Head of Government: Prime Minister Ehud Barak since 1999. |
LANGUAGE | Hebrew is the official language. Arabic is spoken by around 15% of the population. English is spoken in most places and other languages, including Russian, Romanian, French, Spanish, German, Yiddish, Polish and Hungarian are widely used. |
RELIGION | Hebrew is the official language. Arabic is spoken by around 15% of the population. English is spoken in most places and other languages, including Russian, Romanian, French, Spanish, German, Yiddish, Polish and Hungarian are widely used. |
STANDARD TIME | GMT + 2 (GMT + 3 from March to September). |
ELECTRICITY | 220 volts AC, 50Hz. 3-pin plugs are standard; if needed, adaptors can be purchased in Israel. |
COMMUNICATIONS | Telephone: Full IDD service. Country code: 972. Outgoing international code: 00. Local telephone directories are in Hebrew, but there is a special English-language version for tourists. Fax: This service is widely available. Telegram: Facilities are available to guests in most deluxe hotels in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, and in main post offices. Post: Airmail to Europe takes up to a week. There are Poste Restante facilities in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Post office hours may vary but are generally: 0800-1230 and 1530-1830 Sunday to Thursday, 0800-1330 Wednesday and 0800-1200 Friday. All post offices are closed on Shabbat (Saturday) and holy days, although central telegraph offices are open throughout the year. Press: The main dailies are Ha'aretz, Yedioth Aharonoth and Ma'ariv. Newspapers are printed in a variety of languages, including English. Political and religious affiliations are common. The English-language daily is the Jerusalem Post, and the Jerusalem Post International Edition is published weekly and goes out to 95 countries. |
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