![]() | Czech Republic |
AREA | 78,866 sq km (30,450 sq miles). |
POPULATION | 10,299,125 (1997). |
POPULATION DENSITY | 130.6 per sq km. |
CAPITAL | Prague |
CAPITAL POPULATION | 1,200,455 (1998). |
GEOGRAPHY | The Czech Republic is situated in central Europe, sharing frontiers with Germany, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Austria. Only about one-quarter of the size of the British Isles, the republic is hilly and picturesque, with historic castles, romantic valleys and lakes, as well as excellent facilities to 'take the waters' at one of the famous spas or to ski and hike in the mountains. Among the most beautiful areas are the river valleys of the Vltava (Moldau) and Labe (Elbe), the hilly landscape and rocky mountains. Bohemia, to the west, is one of two main regions. Besides Prague, the Czech capital, tourists are drawn to the spa towns of Karlovy Vary and Mariánské Lázne, and to the very beautiful region of South Bohemia. The Elbe flows through eastern Bohemia from the KrkonoÅ¡e/Giant mountains, one of the most popular skiing regions. The eastern part, the rich agricultural area of Moravia offers a variety of wooded highlands, vineyards, folk art and castles. There are many historic towns such as Olomouc, KromerÃz and Telc. Brno is Moravia's administrative and cultural centre. |
GOVERNMENT | Republic since 1993. Head of State: Václav Havel since 1993. Head of Government: Milos Zeman since 1998. |
LANGUAGE | The official language is Czech. German and English are also spoken. |
RELIGION | Approximately 43% Roman Catholic and 15% Protestant, including churches such as the Reformed, Lutheran, Methodist, Unity of Czech Brothers and Baptist. There is a community of approximately 15,000 Jews, mainly in Prague. |
STANDARD TIME | GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 during the European/continental summertime). |
ELECTRICITY | Generally 220 volts AC, 50Hz. Most major hotels have standard international 2-pin razor plugs. Lamp fittings are normally of the screw type. |
COMMUNICATIONS | Telephone: Full IDD is available. Country code: 420. Outgoing international code: 00. There are public telephone booths, including special kiosks for international calls. Surcharges can be quite high on long-distance calls from hotels. Most of the public telephone boxes take phonecards, which can be purchased at all Telecom points of sale and at newsagent and tobacconist shops. Fax: Services are available. Telegram: Facilities are available at all main towns and hotels. Post: There is a 24-hour service at the main post office in Prague at Jindrisská Street, Prague 1. Poste Restante services are available throughout the country. Post office hours: 0800-1800 Monday to Friday. Press: The Prague Post (weekly) is published in English. |
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