Tuesday, May 3, 2011



Whales are the gigantic ocean mammals that are enormous with powerful tails. The interesting thing about these large sea mammals is that they are virtually harmless and are highly social animals with complex languages and intelligence, just the opposite as giant animals or whales are shown in movies. They are called gentle giants because of their nature. Blue whales are the biggest of all. They feed on krill, a tiny shrimp that lives in tremendously large schools in almost every ocean of the world. A big blue whale can eat over a thousand krill at one time just by swallowing them with a tongue that weights as much as an elephant. From this we can imagine that just everything about a whale is simply big. Apart from these the whales also like to eat Small fish and plankton. 8,000 lbs/3600kg of fresh seafood a day is what a whale’s diet is. The most amazing thing about blue whales is their sound which is louder. Scientists have measured the low-frequency (deep rumbling) sounds they make when they communicate with each other by using a decibel meter. Some of their vocalizations have been recorded as loud as 188 decibels and can be heard as far as 530 mi/848km away. So, when you will go on a voyage, just keep your eyes open to get a look of this innocent mammal.


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